“There’s some bad blood in that family,” the old guy added.

Shelby didn’t believe that, but for a long time she did believe there was something wrong with her, because she’d been made to feel that way.

But Chase made her feel special and loved and worthy.

Eliza made her feel important and needed.

Kyle Hodges was nothing to her.

And she was nothing like him.

Chase looked fit to kill. But instead of going off half-cocked, he sighed and shook his head.

The guy who’d shaken his hand said, “Don’t pay them any mind.”

She’d ignored people talking about Kyle around her for her whole life.

“Shelby is the best person I know.” Chase’s deep, rich voice carried across the entire diner. “She’s an outstanding mom and a great woman. She’s smart, kind, and generous. There isn’t a bad thing in any cell in her body.” Chase stared down at her. “There’s no one better than you, sweetheart.” And right there in the middle of the diner, Chase kissed her in front of everyone.

A few gasps went up.

Someone let out a catcall whistle.

Eliza clapped her little hands together.

Shelby simply got lost in the sweet, tender kiss Chase laid on her and the love in his eyes when he pulled back and smiled.

She’d seen that look before but never admitted to herself that what she saw was real. But here and now, she couldn’t ignore it.

He loved her.

Her heart felt too big for her chest.

The guy still standing beside Chase smacked him on the back. “That’ll only get them talking more.” He chuckled and moved away with his friend to go back to their booth.

Chase held a chair out for her, and she sat down, feeling the heat in her cheeks.

Max smiled at her. “That’s one way to shut them up.”

Chase took his seat and sighed when Hunt walked in, took the seat across from him, and set an envelope on the table between them.

Before either of them said anything, the waitress came by to take their order. “You want your usual, Hunt?” Mia, the waitress, asked him.

“I think I’ve lost my appetite,” Chase chimed in, petting Remmy’s head.

Hunt glared across the table, but answered Mia. “Yes, please.”

Mia moved on to take Mr. Wilde and Max’s order before coming back for the rest of theirs.

Hunt leaned in and spoke to Chase across the table. “This is not what you think, so give me a chance to explain.”

“Shelby did not lie to me.”

“I know. It was never really about Eliza. I’ve known she’s yours since you took responsibility for her the second you found out she was coming.”

“What?” Shelby didn’t understand why Hunt would continue to pursue getting the DNA test if he knew Eliza belonged to Chase. “Then what has all this been about?”

Hunt finally shifted his gaze to her. “You.”