“Breathe out.”

He did, allowing her to dig deeper into the sore muscle.

“That’s it, Chase. Go with it.” She eased off the deep tissue massage and gentled her touch, easing the pain and allowing him to breathe easy again.

“If this is payback... I know I deserve it...”

Her hands went still. “Do you think I want to hurt you? Because I don’t. It kills me to see you like this.”

“No,” he hurried to assure her. “I didn’t mean you.”

“Then what?”

“I’ve done some things... things happened over there I want to forget. My mind won’t let me. Even my body won’t let me. And maybe it’s what I deserve for—”

“No. You did what you had to do to survive and come home to your little girl. Every night, you promised heryou’d come back. And you did. And whatever it took for you to do that . . . It was worth it, Chase.”

“I wanted to make it back for her, but Ineededto get back to you, because I wanted a whole other life than the one I got stuck in.”

“Then try to find a way to let the past go and be here with me.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” Not to the bottom of a pill bottle again. And definitely not dead, though he’d come close to that twice since he got home. This time, he’d endure the pain for a long and happy life with Shelby and Eliza.

Though he had a long road to recovery ahead of him.

He’d keep working at it. He’d ask Shelby for help when he needed it, knowing she wouldn’t judge him but help him.

“I’m glad to hear it.” She pulled his shirt down his back again and pressed her hand over the middle of his spine. “Do you think you can get up now with my help? I think a hot shower would do you some good, then ice.”

“This is not what I had in mind for tonight,” he grumbled, planting his hands on the floor, then slowly pushing up so he could sit back on his heels.

His back muscles protested, but he definitely felt better. Looser.

“Go slow.”

“I’m good. Thanks to you.” He spotted Eliza sitting on her new bed, watching something on a tablet. He turned to Shelby. “Does this mean you’re taking her home now?”

She eyed him, then gave him a shy smile. “I thought we’d have a sleepover tonight.”

He perked up. “Really?”

“Well, you’re in no shape to be left alone. What if your back seizes up again?”

“So, not the kind of sleepover I was hoping for, but... I’m glad you’re staying.”

“Shower. Hot water on those muscles, then we’ll ice them while you get some sleep.”

“Sleep is not what I want.” Besides, he never really slept. But he managed to get to his feet.

Shelby picked up the pillows and followed him down to his room.

“Wanna help me get undressed?”

She carefully arranged the pillows on the bed and avoided looking at him, though he caught the pretty blush washing over her cheeks. “Do you need me to help you get undressed?”

“I can probably manage, but it would be a hell of a lot more fun if you helped.”

“And you’d undo all my hard work.”