She slipped out of the car and met Chase on the sidewalk.

“What is it?” He looked concerned, reading the raw emotions swelling inside her. “Did you change your mind about me seeing her?”

“No. Of course not.”

“Then what?” He gave her a second. “Just say it, Shelby, because I can’t take this tension right now.”

She couldn’t meet his eyes and stared at the concrete. She wanted him to believe her, but would understand if he didn’t. “Do you want the DNA test?”

His black work boots came into view, his shoes nearly touching hers he was so close now. “Shelby, you’ve seen me naked and done untold wonders to my body. Surely you can look at me.”

That made her head pop up. She stared at him, wide-eyed and dumbstruck. Then he smiled, and she got it. He was trying to remind her they’d been intimate, and she needed to relax. Still, memories of that night, what they’d done together and to each other, made her head tilt down again as embarrassment heated her whole face.

He caught her chin with the tip of one big, rough finger and tipped her head back up. “I will always tell youthe truth. After all we’ve shared and the fact that we have a kid together, don’t ever think you can’t look me in the eye and say whatever the hell is on your mind and I won’t listen.” He took her hand and walked with her toward the door. “And no. I don’t need a test to tell me she’s mine.” He knocked on the door. “I could never forget that night. How you sat quietly next to me, ordered three different drinks, like you hadn’t ever had one before and couldn’t decide what you liked.”

“I’d never had a drink before, so I tried a few.” She’d been celebrating. Alone. And he’d been the gift she never expected but dared to make hers—at least for one night.

He chuckled and shook his head. “I wondered about that, but then it just made you seem more interesting. And bold, to mix so many different kinds of alcohol, and maybe a bit reckless. After your third drink, you finally spoke to me.”

“You were so quiet. And sad. It didn’t fit your outgoing, take-on-the-world reputation.”

“Well, the fourth drink you ordered loosened your tongue even more, and after we talked for a while, you said it would be a good idea if we left together. After that, I was shocked to be the first.”

She liked and appreciated Chase even more for not teasing her or questioning why she’d waited so long to be with someone. It was her choice, and she’d picked him. Still, she blushed from her toes all the way up to the top of her head.

Her embarrassment didn’t deter him from going on. “Given that, I don’t imagine you got a taste of something good and rushed out for more after you’d waited that long to try it. You’re still blushing just as mucharound me as you did then, and all we did was bring up that night.”

“Nothing could compare to that,” she said under her breath, remembering the many ways and times they did it that night. The last time, after they’d gone through the three condoms he had on him, they came together and didn’t just have sex. It was a slow, mesmerizing connection that branded his imprint on her body, heart, and soul. She’d never forget it.

And Eliza was the proof that it wasn’t just a fantasy, but it really happened.

This time Chase cupped her face and made her look at him. “Christ, Shelby. You can’t say something like that and not expect me to not only remember but want to show you how good it can be all over again.”

The door opened, and Abby stood there staring at Chase. “What are you doing again?”

“Nothing,” Shelby blurted, stepping out of Chase’s warm hands, and catching Eliza under the arms as the toddler launched herself into Shelby’s chest. She stood with her little girl in her arms and hugged her close.

“Is this him?” Abby asked, still staring at Chase. She couldn’t take her eyes off him.

No woman, young or old, could ignore Chase’s gorgeous face and tall, strong body.

“Chase Wilde, Abby Clarke.”

“Daddy!” Eliza held her arms out to him.

He plucked her from Shelby’s arms, breathed her in, closed his eyes, and sighed. “Hey, baby girl. Did you have a good day?”

“You ’ate.”

“I’m sorry, I’mlate. Mama and I got held up talking to your uncles and granddad.”

Abby raised one eyebrow. “Everything okay?”

“Fine.” Shelby wanted to forget the whole thing happened.

“Good. You’ve got enough on your plate right now.”

Shelby touched her hand to Abby’s arm and gave her a pointed look to stop her from saying anything more.