Shelby had invited Cyn to their first of what she hoped to be many lunches to come while Chase was with Eliza at home.

Home. They’d made it their place after Chase got out of the hospital. His first night home, he’d asked to talk. It made her nervous that maybe he’d had enough and needed some time alone. She’d worried for nothing, because of course he wanted them to be together forever, so he’d asked her to pack up what she wanted from her grandparents’ old place and officially move in with him. At Dr. Porter’s advice, that focusing on the future and not the past was best to help them both put some space between Kyle stabbing Chase and abducting her, they took a couple days to pack up her place. In that time, she also began the process of settling Kyle’s family’s estate, because as it turned out, she was heir to everything his parents had built. They’d left it all to her. The granddaughter they didn’t know, but thought deserved everything they left behind.

She didn’t have an emotional attachment to any of it. In fact, she’d like to forget they ever existed.

But another part of her grieved for the grandparents she never had and blamed, whether deserved or not, for Kyle’s cruelty and crimes.

“Chase and I are officially living together. I’m thinking about renting out my place here in town.”

“Really? I love your place. It’s close to my work and is in a quiet spot, not too close to downtown, but totally walkable. The place I rent now has the oldest, ugliest furnishings, the hot water is only ever lukewarm, and you’d think I’m the noisiest neighbor in the building, but the couple next door are always either fucking or fighting, and they do both at high volume.”

Shelby laughed. “If you’re interested, I’m happy to show you the place. I haven’t had a lot of time to get it ready for showing, but if you don’t mind that it’s not completely clean and organized after we boxed up my personal stuff, then...”

“I’m in. When can I see it?”

Shelby loved Cyn’s enthusiasm, and renting to someone she knew was a lot better than a stranger. Which was probably why she’d been dragging her feet about getting it ready. “I can show it to you after we finish lunch if you’d like.”

Cyn was still working her way through a French dip sandwich and fries. “You’re sure? I don’t want to put you on the spot or anything.”

“You’re my friend. I’d rather rent to you than anyone else.” Shelby really meant that. She took a bite of her chicken club burger with ranch and enjoyed Cyn’s obvious delight.

“Did your Wilde man like your haircut?”

“Chase loved it. More importantly, I love it. I didn’trealize a haircut could really change the way you feel, but every time I look in the mirror, I see a happy and confident me.”

“The haircut is only partially responsible for that. You’ve changed since you and Chase took a chance on love and each other. You opened yourself up for him. All of us on the outside of that can see it, too.”

“After everything that’s happened, I feel like we are finally in a really good place.”

“What are your Wilde man and little one up to today?”

“I’m not really sure. When I told Chase I had plans this weekend with you, he looked happy to hear that I’d be out of the house for a little while today. I think those two are either doing something they know I won’t approve of, or they’ve got some sort of surprise.”

“He looks at you like you’re his whole world. I bet it’s something good.”

“Is anyone looking at you that way?” Shelby hoped she didn’t overstep. She wasn’t that great at girl talk yet.

Cyn’s gaze turned pensive. “You know me. I always have a lot of fun. But lately...” Cyn looked a little sad.

“You’re hoping for more.”

“Watching my sister’s dumpster fire relationship and you find love... I’ve had bad and I’ve had fun-going-nowhere, but I’ve never found love.”

“It’ll come calling when you least expect it.”

Cyn’s phone rang. She glanced from it to Shelby. “You think it’shim.”

Shelby chuckled along with Cyn, but thought about her and Chase. “It’ll probably be the guy you least expect it to be.”

Cyn held up her phone. “Hemust still be out there. This is my sister.” Cyn swiped the screen to accept the call. “Hey, sis.”

Shelby finished off her sandwich and glanced around the restaurant, trying to give Cyn some space to take her call.

“Angela,” Cyn called out. “Can you hear me?” Cyn’s concern piqued Shelby’s curiosity.

“Is everything all right?”

Cyn held the phone in front of her, then put it back to her ear. “Angela!” She stood, grabbed her purse, and met Shelby’s interested gaze. “I’m sorry. Sounds like she and her boyfriend are going at it again. I need to get over there.”