Shelby chuckled. “I bet you’ve left a man or two smiling in your wake.”

“A few,” Cyn confirmed. “But less than some people in this town think. And let’s face it, you were totally tense when you walked in. Now you’re nice and relaxed and probably thinking about your hot date tonight.”

“It’s my birthday,” she blurted out. “Chase promised me a great night, just like the one we had together three years ago.”

“Anniversary and a birthday. Big night. You two are getting serious.” Cyn rinsed her hair and laid a towel over her head.

“He told me he loves me. We talked about getting married someday soon.”

Cyn stopped rubbing her hair dry and stared down at her, eyes wide but filled with happiness for her. “Wow. I guess it’s been a long time coming.”

Shelby had never thought so, but had harbored hope that maybe she and Chase would be together again. And then it happened and felt a little unreal until she took Cyn’s advice and started living her life, which freed her up to see Chase cared for her. He wanted to be with her. And now... it looked like they were really going to make a life together.

“I didn’t think so at first, but now I can’t see my life without him. I mean, I knew we’d always be connected by Eliza, but this... Despite how hard it’s been to get to this point with Chase having to deal with his physical and mental health—”

“And you having to get over your fear of being rejected before you even gave him a chance,” Cyn pointed out.

“Yes. And that. Still, we’re good together. There’s the connection, of course, but there’s also this honesty between us. We don’t hold anything back. We see each other for who we are.”

“It’s important that the person you’re with can see the things we think we hide so well and others don’t look close enough to see in the first place. Someone who takes the time, pays attention, that’s someone who cares.” Cyn’s gaze turned sad.

Shelby took a chance and reached out and touched Cyn’s wrist. “How is your sister?”

“Not good.” Cyn shut down for a second, then plastered on a bright smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “Let’s get you over to my station so I can fancy you up for your date.”

Cyn helped her up. They walked over to another chair, where Shelby settled in, and Cyn pulled the drape out from behind her.

“Okay. Length?”

Shelby met Cyn’s eyes in the mirror. “Whatever you think works best. I’m open to whatever you think flatters me. The only thing I ask is that you make it something I can easily do myself.”

Cyn ran her fingers through the long strands and played with her hair for a minute, watching in the mirror to see how a part this way or that looked before she settled on whatever she saw in her mind’s eye. “Your hair has some wave to it, but the length is weighing it down. I think if we go for a shorter cut, say shoulder-length, that wave will really make your hair fuller andframe your face better.” Cyn rolled the ends of Shelby’s hair under so she could get a look at the length Cyn suggested.

Shelby’s stomach fluttered with anticipation and anxiety, but she went for it anyway. “Sounds good.”

“Okay. Once I cut it off, I can’t put it back.”

Lopping off a good foot of hair that included an inch of split ends looked like a lot, but Shelby was ready for a change. She was tired of the same old ponytail and flat hair when she wore it down.

Cyn got to work, sectioning off her hair and pinning it on top of Shelby’s head so she had less to work with at a time. Shelby watched in the mirror as Cyn made the first drastic cut and a long chunk of hair fell to the ground.

“So, where are you two going tonight?”

Shelby appreciated the distraction. “Um, out to dinner at The Rustler’s Steakhouse.”

“Fancy. Perfect for a celebration.”

“I’m just happy we’ll get to be alone for a little while. Max is watching Eliza for us. I love her, but...”

Cyn kept cutting. “Mama needs some I’m-also-a-woman time.”

“Don’t get me wrong, Chase and I find time alone together after she goes to sleep, but it’s not the same as going out, sharing a meal, talking, and... I don’t know, not having to think about anything but the two of us.”

“Then take some advice and don’t talk about Eliza tonight. Focus on the two of you. Enjoy each other’s company. Maybe stop by Cooper’s afterward. The bar will have a live band. You two can dance.”

“I’ve never actually danced with anyone.”

“It’s fun and easy. Just hold on to your partner andmove with him.” Cyn gave her a sexy grin and eyebrow raise in the mirror. “You know what I mean.”