
“Be careful what you say next,” Chase warned, not caring one bit that his brother sat across from him in his sheriff’s uniform and armed with a gun. “If you upset or hurt her again, I’ll deck you.”

Hunt held her gaze. “At first, yes, I wanted the test to prove the baby was Chase’s, but I also had another reason for asking for it. I wanted it for you.”

She cocked one eyebrow. “I knewfor sureChase was the father.”

Hunt shook his head. “Like I said, this is about you, not Eliza.”

At her shrug, Hunt tried to explain. “When I found out about you and Chase, I pulled the case file because I kind of knew the story, but I wanted the facts, especially after I found out Kyle was due to be released. I mean, you were going to be part of the family. I wanted to know what kind of threat he posed to you, Eliza, and potentially Chase.”

She fell back in her seat, taken aback that even though she and Chase weren’t married, he considered her family. “I thought you hated me.”

“When Chase came home and you’d call for my help with him, the stress, anger, and helplessness I felt watching Chase fall apart kind of spilled over onto you. I wanted you to fix him. I know that’s not how it works or fair to you, but...” Hunt frowned. “I’m sorry.”

She understood all too well how that helplessness made him feel back then.

“Anyway. Chase is better now. You guys are together. I have a niece.” He pressed his index finger on the envelope. “My hope was to thank you for pushing Chase into rehab by giving you something that would maybe change your perspective on who you come from and ease your mind.”

“What do you mean?”

“Did you know there was another person questioned in your mom’s kidnapping?”

Her heart thrashed in her chest. “What? No. I never heard anything about that. Who?”

“According to the case file, the guy had been seeingyour mom for several weeks, making him the likely suspect in your mother’s kidnapping.”


Hunt continued, “So not only was he a potential suspect in her case, but also—”

“Potentially my father?” She couldn’t believe it.

Hunt nodded. “I hoped she was already pregnant with you before Kyle took her, because that would change everything for you.”

She didn’t want to hope, but it rose up inside her like the biggest wish she’d ever imagined.

Chase took her hand and linked his fingers with hers. “And what did you find out?”

Hunt met Chase’s gaze, then turned to Shelby. “I’m sorry I got your hopes up, but I had Eliza’s DNA compared to Kyle Hodges’s from when he was arrested. I wish I had better news, but it was a familial match. Kyle Hodges is your father.”

Shelby took a calming breath, hating that the disappointment felt so huge and crushing. “It doesn’t matter. He has no place in my life.” Nothing had really changed, except now she knew Hunt wasn’t calling her a liar about Chase being Eliza’s dad.

“Still, I wanted to give you good news. I hoped this would give you and me a solid reason to make Kyle back off.” Hunt glanced over at Eliza happily sitting in her Uncle Max’s lap. “She’s got all the family she needs right here at this table.” Hunt looked at her. “And so do you.”

She really appreciated that he’d basically just welcomed her to the family.

Hunt turned his gaze to Chase. “We’re both angry. We’re both having trouble trusting each other. I hope you see now that this was never about trying to hurt you.”

Chase put his forearms on the table and leaned forward. “I get that you’re upset about Mom. I wish things had been different, but I wouldn’t change what I did for her. I appreciate what you tried to do for Shelby, but I’m not exactly thrilled at the way you went about it.”

“In addition to finding out who Shelby’s real father was, I did want to protect your parental rights. I knew for sure she was yours the second I held Eliza in my arms.” Hunt grinned.

Shelby sat forward. “When did you hold her?”

Hunt shrugged. “The day she was born. In the nursery.”

She gaped at him, shocked. “They let you in?”