But in the back of her mind lingered the one thing in her life that could ruin it all for her. Kyle Hodges. The bastard wouldn’t leave her alone. Right now, he’d only asked to speak to her. He’d only watched Eliza playing at the park. But how long until he got tired of her dodging him? How long until watching Eliza from afar wasn’t enough? How long until his desires became more important than common sense and urgent enough for him to do something drastic and dangerous, just like he’d done to her mother?

“Shelby. Shelby. Where did you go?” Chase raised his voice and stared her down. “What’s wrong?”

“Sorry.” She brushed her fingers through her hair. She’d left it down this morning because Chase seemed to like it that way. She’d also packed her work clothes in a tote and wore jeans and a cute top. She’d worn them not to impress Chase, but because she wanted to look good. And the second she put them on this morning and saw herself in the mirror, she felt good as well. It made her wonder why she didn’t wear the nice things just for herself more often.

She focused on Chase, who now looked really concerned. “Do you like my outfit?”

“You look great. You always do.”

She scrunched her mouth into a derisive pout. “Seriously. You think I look great in my work stuff?”

“I see a lot more than your oversized clothes.” He stared into her eyes and brushed his thumb across her cheek. “I see you, Shelby.”

That had to be the nicest, most romantic thing anyone had ever said to her. “Thank you. I appreciate that a lot.” She glanced down at her outfit. “I feel like this is more me.” She looked at him. “The me I am with you.” She really did feel like she could be open and relaxed and just herself with him, which made her want to be that way all the time.

What good was it having nice clothes and never wearing them?

She’d bought so many things she hoped to wear for a date or special occasion that never happened. Stupid. She should have been wearing them all along. She should have at the very least replaced her baggy scrubs after she lost the baby weight, but it never really mattered enough to spend the money.

She’d ask her work for new shirts today and order new pants, so that she felt just as good at work as she did in her casual clothes.

She was going to wear what made her feel pretty from now on.

Chase smiled at her. “I like the you who is with me, and I like the outfit. You’re beautiful in purple. It makes your green eyes stand out all the more.”

“They’re the same shade as my mother’s.”

“And Eliza’s, though hers have a hint of blue in them, too.”

“That’s from you.”

“That’s from my mom. Hers were darker than Dad’s,” Chase pointed out, a dash of nostalgia in his eyes. He missed his mom.

She wished she knew her own. The real her. The girl she was before Kyle Hodges broke her. But he’d taken her mother’s life and made Shelby’s life miserable.

“Pancakes,” Eliza yelled as she stepped into the kitchen.

“Time to go,” Chase declared, scooping Eliza up into his arms. “Ready?”

“Yes.” Eliza nodded, smiling at her dad and warming Shelby’s heart.

She liked that Chase was finally a part of their routine and traditions.

Shelby grabbed her tote and purse and Eliza’s backpack. They’d have breakfast, and then she’d go to work. Chase would drop Eliza at daycare and head to the ranch.

Shelby followed the two out of the house and locked up. Chase buckled Eliza into her seat in his truck, and she climbed behind the wheel of her SUV.

The drive into town gave her time to really think about a future with Chase and what that would look like. They’d still do Pancake Tuesday because Eliza loved it and traditions were important. It wouldn’t just be her and Eliza on holidays. Chase would be with them. They’d get to make more traditions. And since his family was trying to mend their relationship with Chase, maybe there’d be a few more people at the table.

She thought of Cyn and how she’d asked Shelby to go out for drinks. Why not make a point to connect with her? They had the beginning of a good friendship.

She’d make an appointment with Cyn to get her hair done and ask Cyn out to lunch. That would be fun.

It wasn’t easy for her to put herself out there. Years of feeling unwanted, being teased in school, and being talked about behind her back made her cautious and shy. She really hadn’t learned how to make friends.

That’s why she’d start with Cyn, who was outgoing enough to approach Shelby and not get discouraged when Shelby remained standoffish.

If she could be open and honest with Chase, she could do it with others who were good and kind like him.