Eliza had charmed Max just as Shelby had charmed Chase.

“More than anything, they are the life I want.”

His dad stepped forward and clamped his hand on Chase’s shoulder. “Then you need to take care of yourself so you can take care of them.”

“I’m working on it.”

“I know you are. Today, well, that was something you can’t help. Max was here to get you through it, along with Shelby. Whatever you need, son, we’re here for you.”

Chase appreciated so much that his father had finallycome around and accepted Shelby. Chase wasn’t the same man who’d been booted off this land and out of the family. He was something different. Broken. But worthy of their love. He hoped.

Shelby’s car came to a skidding stop in the driveway. She leaped out of the car and ran toward them.

“She’s all I need.” He took a couple steps to assure Shelby that Eliza was okay because she looked worried, but before he got any words out, she launched herself into his chest, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him. Everything in his mind evaporated. All his worries, gone. Anxiety, vanished. He held her close and fell into the kiss, then took over to show her just how much he wanted her and appreciated that she’dfinallystopped holding back and came for what she wanted. Him.

He wanted her to know all the way to her soul that she would never be alone again. She had him.

He forgot about their audience and everything else until Eliza’s little arm wrapped around his leg. “Mama. Up.”

Shelby broke the kiss and pressed her forehead to his. “Are you okay?”

“Right here, right now, I’m fantastic.” He meant every word.

She smiled, and it was real and bright and just for him. “Good.”

“Up.” Eliza tugged on his jeans.

Chase set Shelby back on her feet and reluctantly released her to pick up their little girl. “Tell Mama what you did today.”

“Rode horse.”

Shelby looked impressed. “You did?”

“With Daddy. And Unc Max.”

Shelby poked Eliza’s belly. “Sounds like you had a great day.”

“Daddy hid from us. Unc Max found him.”

Shelby looked to him to explain. “Max kept Eliza at a safe distance while I... hid.”

“Thank you, Max. For taking care of Eliza and Chase and calling me.”

Max shrugged. “He couldn’t really hear me. I hoped you could get through to him since you two have been together through a lot of the tough stuff. I figured you’d know what to do or at least get him to listen to you. You were exactly what he needed.”

Chase hooked his arm around her shoulders. “Youareeverything I need.”

“Good. Because I’m keeping you.”

Shocked by her words, he stared down at her and couldn’t find anything to say back to her that would adequately describe how she made him feel.

Eliza hugged his neck again. “Mine.”

Chase hugged Eliza back, his heart melting at his little girl’s sweet heart. Then he caught Shelby’s eye, letting her know with a look how much Eliza meant to him. How grateful he was to have them both in his life.

Shelby shocked him again by leaning up and kissing him softly. “Mine.”

He stared down into her gorgeous eyes so filled with love for him that it took him a second to really take it in. Overwhelmed with emotion, he touched his forehead to hers. “I’ve been yours since the moment we met. All I’ve wanted is for you to be mine.”