“I’m getting there. I thought this was behind me.” He’d worked so hard to confront his issues and overcome them.

She didn’t know what to say to that because this wasn’t the kind of thing you just got over. It wasn’t a virus or a cut that needed to heal. It was a volcano. Sometimes dormant. Sometimes, a rumble. Worst case, an all-out eruption.

At least today, it didn’t seem like a catastrophe.

No one got hurt.

She hoped Chase could focus on that.

“You’ve had a lot to deal with, take in, and adjust to since getting out of rehab. Flashbacks are unpredictable. You’re more susceptible to triggers when you’re under a lot of stress.”

“I messed up this morning. I’m sorry.” The emotion in that apology made her heart sink.

She didn’t want him to think she still blamed him for what happened.

“We already worked that out.” She jumped in her car and tried to get him to focus on other things. “How is your back?”

“Sore, but better thanks to you.”

“Yeah? Well, I’ll give you another back rub tonight.”

“Something to look forward to.” He sounded hopeful and a lot less tense.

“You have a lot of good things to look forward to.”

“You’re on your way here.” He always made it clear how much he wanted her. Not just in the physical sense, but as a real part of his life. And up until now, she’d been holding back for no other reason than she was afraid it wasn’t real, that he only wanted them to be a family because of Eliza.

But that wasn’t true.

This didn’t have anything to do with their daughter.

“Did you get an appointment with Dr. Porter for today? You were going to talk to him about getting a new medication to go with what you’re already taking.”

“Tomorrow. And I will get the meds. I promise. They’ll help.”

“Okay.” That was a relief. “Until then, we’ll work together to help you through this.”

“I need you here.” The desperate plea made her wish she could be by his side with a snap of her fingers. He was hurting and he needed her.

“I’m on my way.”

“I’m sorry to take you away from work.”

“I was done for the day,” she assured him. “I’m driving as fast as I can and will be there soon.”

“Slow down. Be safe.” The urgent request touched her.

“I just want to be with you.” Her heart ached to get to him. She needed to see that he was okay.

“Do you really mean that?”

They’d been pushing and pulling at each other but never really coming together.

“Yes, Chase. You’ll see when I get there.” Because she planned to take Cyn’s advice and really live her life with Chase.

Chapter Sixteen

Chase needed to get a grip on his anxiety. He shouldn’t rely on Shelby to make everything seem better. But when he thought about her, the noise in his head quieted down.