He took that to mean she wanted him to check in with Dr. Porter. Because he wanted his life back to normal, he intended to do just that. “I can do what I need to do while she takes a nap.” He’d email Dr. Porter and set up the appointment. If Dr. Porter couldn’t video conference with him today, they had their meeting tomorrow. That would have to be soon enough.

“Okay,” Shelby easily agreed. “Then I’m going to grab my stuff and head out. I’ll stop by my place to shower and change, then head in to work. You can reach me on my cell if anything comes up. I’m off at five. Let me know by then if you want to drop her off with me, or I can come pick her up.”

“Meet us here for dinner.” He wanted her to come back tonight so he could make things up to her. He wanted her to see that he could take care of Eliza today, make dinner, and they could spend the evening together like a normal couple.

“Sounds good. If the day gets away from you and you want me to pick up food on my way here, just let me know.” She was always trying to make things easier for him.

“I’ll text you.”

“Great.” She bent in front of Eliza. “I’ll bring you some clean clothes. Do you want anything else?”

Eliza shook her head, then scrunched her lips and blurted out, “Bosco and Splat. The story reader. And sparkles.”

Chase sighed. “I plan to get her some toys and stuff she can keep here.”

Shelby tapped her finger to Eliza’s nose. “I’ll bring a few things that maybe you’ve forgotten about at the bottom of your toy chest. Until then, I know you and Daddy can find something fun to do today.”

Someone knocked on the front door.

Shelby raised a brow, because who would stop by this early in the morning?

Chase went to the door, wondering if his father was going to make a habit of showing up just after dawn. He opened the door, shocked to find Max standing there in wrinkled clothes with bloodshot eyes. “Hey. What’s up?”

“Any chance you can drop by the ranch today? I could use your help with something.”

Eliza squeezed between his leg and the door and stared up at Max. “Who you?”

Max dropped into a squat and stared Eliza in the eye. “I’m your uncle, Max.”

Eliza beamed at the news and looked between Max and Chase, then back again.

Max read the confusion on her face and pointed up at Chase. “We look alike, huh. He’s my big brother.”

“We play today.”

Max sighed. “I wish I could play, but I’ve got work, and I need your dad’s help.”

“I come.”

Chase glanced back at Shelby to see what she had to say about it.

“Keep her safe.” Shelby turned and headed toward the bedroom.

Chase wondered if she thought he couldn’t, or if she just meant that a ranch could be a dangerous place for such a little one. The last thing he needed right now was to return Eliza to Shelby later tonight in less than perfect condition.

Nothing, not even being with his little girl, seemed easy anymore.

He hated the way he second-guessed everything, too.

He turned to Max. “Eliza is staying with me today. Can whatever you need wait?” He needed to make Eliza his priority today. Every day.

“Dad said you’re coming back full-time. We’re getting ready to send some of the cattle to auction. It’s a good time for you to look over the herd. I’d like your read on things and which animals you think should stay or go to auction. Dad likes to do things old school. I think the herd needs more diversity. He doesn’t listen to me. Maybe your feedback will get him to change hisways. I’m following your plan after all.” Max’s frustration rang loud and clear.

And Chase understood it all too well. No matter how hard Max tried to do things right or how much he succeeded, their old man never thought it good enough. Max needed backup. Someone to be on his side.

Chase needed the comradery he’d lost when he left the military and hadn’t had with his brothers in a long time.

Chase sighed and glanced down at Eliza. “Want to go see some cows?”