“You should tell him what’s going on.”

The last thing she wanted to do was talk about her parents with him. She didn’t want him to look at her differently, the way others did when they realized she wasthat girl. “He’s got enough to deal with right now. And like you said, nothing has changed.”

“Creepy is still creepy. You don’t know if this situation is going to escalate or not.”

“If you’re nervous about taking the kids to the park, keep them here and play in the backyard.”

“They love the park. Though it’s not easy to keep three toddlers corralled. Adding in keeping track of someone else makes it harder.”

“I know. I’m sorry. But Hunt has so far been no help.”

“He’s a police officer. If he won’t help, go over his head.” Abby pushed because she cared. And because she was responsible for Eliza and didn’t want to get blamed if something happened on her watch.

“Hunt has a point,” she reluctantly admitted. “He can’t do something about someone who hasn’t actually done anything.” Still, showing up, watching them, it creeped her out.

Abby pressed her lips into a flat line. “I don’t like it.”

“You and me both.”

Chase stood on the sidewalk staring back at her, Eliza already strapped in her seat.

“Thank you for watching her today. See you in the morning.”

“I hope you have a really good night.” Abby winked, then closed the door on a giggle.

The butterflies were back in her belly as she approached the big man leaning against the side of the truck.

“Everything okay?”


Chase folded his arms over his broad chest. “Why are you lying to me?”

“I’m not,” she shot back. “Everything is fine.” She hated lying, but seriously, Chase had enough going on, and this was her problem. “Let’s celebrate your homecoming with Eliza.”

Chase gave her a sad grin. “You’re always looking out for me, helping me be a part of Eliza’s life. You pushed me into rehab.” He held up a hand to stop her from defending her actions and ultimatum that if he didn’t get help, he couldn’t see his daughter. “Believe me, I know I needed the shove. What I’m trying to say is that if you need my help, I’m here for you no matter what else is going on in my life. Helping you might actually help me feel like I’m not useless and you’re not carrying ninety percent of the load all the time with Eliza.”

She sighed, unable to stop her heart from softening toward him even more. “I don’t feel that way. I love being a mom. It’s not a burden.”

“I see that. But doing it mostly on your own has got to be hard.”

She couldn’t deny it. Occasionally she really needed a break and some time to herself. And she loved seeing Chase with Eliza.

“I’m here to stay, Shelby. I want to share the load. Iwant more time with her. And what I’d really like is for us to spend time together as a family.”

Right. They were Eliza’s parents. Nothing more. And she’d like Eliza to see them together, able to be the family she deserved even if they weren’t a couple. “Then let’s get our girl home and have dinner together.”

Eliza needed her dad. And Chase needed his little girl. She hoped this time he’d conquered his demons and stepped up, because she hated denying him access to Eliza. She hated the disappointed look on her daughter’s face when she asked for her daddy and he wasn’t around.

She grew up without her parents. Thank God. They were terrifying in different ways, in horrible ways. She was better off without them. But that didn’t stop her little girl heart from wishing and hoping she’d had loving parents just like the other kids.

Chase looked wiped out from the long day, but his eyes brightened with joy at the invitation. “I’m really looking forward to having dinner with you.”

He didn’t mean with her, she reminded herself. He meant with them, her and Eliza.

“You look like you could use a home-cooked meal.”

“Definitely. And being with you and Eliza is a hell of a lot better than being alone, even in my new place.”