Chase eyed her. “What else is going on?”

“Nothing,” she said too quickly to make it believable. “We need to get this little one home for dinner.”

Abby seemed a little confused. “So you’re going home? Together?”

“Chase is moving intohisnew place tonight.”

“I still can’t believe you got that one over on them.” Abby beamed, then turned to Chase. “Do you love it?”

“I’m completely blown away. As always, Shelby surprises me in the best ways.”

Abby gave her a knowing smirk. “If only she’d stop holding herself back from everyone.”

Shelby side-eyed Abby. “I’m...”

“A loner,” Abby filled in the blank Shelby left. It was hard for Shelby to describe how difficult it was for her to connect with others, because she always feared the same cold rejection she got from her grandparents. “Closed off.”

Shelby scoffed, but knew it was true.

Abby gave her a soft smile. “And amazing to those very few of us you let in.”

That made Shelby blush again.

Chase stared at her for a long moment. “I’m damn happy to be one of those lucky few. But why are you so... guarded?”

Because being rejectedsucked, butbeing rejected by you after all we shared would hurt more than all the hurts I’ve suffered growing up.

“Fly, Daddy.”

Saved by the toddler!

Chase shifted Eliza in his arms so she lay across both of his, then walked down the path, flying her up and down in the air, leaving Shelby alone with Abby for a moment.

“Seriously, Shelby, he’s... oh my God gorgeous. And look at him with her.”

Chase tossed Eliza in the air and caught her to his chest.

Eliza laughed and tapped her hands on his shoulders. “Again.”

Shelby’s heart melted, and another part of her went hot and needy.

Chase did as Eliza ordered and tossed her in the air again.

Shelby held her breath, even though she knew Chase would never let her fall. Still... “Chase. Your back. Are you sure you’re okay to do that?” The last thing she wanted was for him to get hurt, start taking meds, and not be able to stop himself again.

Chase held Eliza close. “I’m fine.”

She believed in second chances and that Chase knew best when it came to his physical limitation due to his past injuries. She nodded at him, then turned to Abby. “Everything okay today? Did you go to the park?”

“Same as yesterday.” Abby held her gaze, worry in hers.

Relief, sharp and heady, went through her. Thirty-seven days ago, everything in her life changed. Again. But not in a good way. In a way that had her looking over her shoulder and worried about her little girl. “Okay. Let me know if anything changes.”

“What’s going on?” Chase looked from her to Abby.

“Nothing,” she said, only making his eyes narrow more with not just curiosity, but frustration now. “Would you mind strapping her in her car seat?” They’d stopped by her place a few blocks away and grabbed the extra safety seat on the way to pick up Eliza.

Chase eyed her for another moment, then carried Eliza to his truck.