“Unc.” Eliza held her hands out for Max.

Hunt held his hands up. “What about me? I’m Unc, too.”

Eliza hugged Max’s neck.

Max chuckled. “What can I say? The girl loves me.”

Hunt frowned. “You and me, little one, are going to spend some time together.”

Chase appreciated so much that his brothers had stepped up to be the uncles Eliza deserved and needed.

He settled into the bed, his body and mind tired even though he’d just woken up. He wanted to spend time with Eliza, but it hurt to breathe.

Shelby put her hand on his shoulder. “The nurse should be here soon with your pain meds.”

He stared up at her, and she read his mind.

“Not narcotics, just something to ease the pain and take down the swelling.”

He let out a sigh of relief. He didn’t want to fall downthat rabbit hole again. “You said something about physical therapy.”

“Once you’ve healed enough that we can start moving those damaged muscles and building them back up again.”

“So you’ll be giving me back rubs and putting your hands on me soon?”

“Gross.” Max rolled his eyes. “I’m taking the little one home.” With that, Max headed out with Eliza waving back at them from over his shoulder.

His dad came to the side of the bed and put his hand on Chase’s head. “You scared me again, son. Time to take things easy.”

He felt the same way and gave his dad a nod just before his dad kissed him on the head, then walked out. Chase thought he might have seen a sheen of tears in his dad’s eyes.

Not so in Hunt’s. “I know you’ve been through a lot, but remember Shelby was in that house staring at her dead grandparents while her father acted like they were still alive. Talk about skeletons in the closet.” Hunt held Shelby’s gaze, his eyes filled with sympathy and worry. “That’s got to mess with your head.”

“I’m okay,” she said.

Hunt looked at Chase. “How many times have you said that and actually meant it?” Hunt gave his leg a pat. “Take care of her, the way she takes care of you.”

Chase didn’t need to be told, but he appreciated that his brother was looking out for Shelby. Chase would be there for Shelby just like she had always been there for him.

Hunt gave Chase’s leg another pat, then walked out, leaving Chase alone with Shelby.

He studied her blank expression and the quietness about her, unsure what she was thinking. “I’m sorry I didn’t stop him from taking you.”

“You stopped him from killing me.”

“Still. If I could have spared you that kind of trauma... Eliza, too.”

She brushed her hand over his head. “You saved us even though you’d been stabbed two times. We knew he was coming. We were prepared. And even though I thought you’d gone to the hospital, inside, I still knew you were with me.”

“I don’t want to be anywhere without you.”

She leaned in. “Same.” Then she kissed him, and he lost himself in her. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, sweetheart.” And he couldn’t wait to get out of here and go home with her. He had plans. Things he wanted to say and do to show her they could both leave the past behind and move on together.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

“So you’re all settled in with your Wilde man?” Cyn sat across from Shelby in the diner with a knowing smile.