She wondered if that had been what her mother was thinking when she committed that desperate act.

Chase stepped in front of her now, Remmy at his side, and took another step to make Kyle move back toward the door. “You’ve had your say. You made your request. It’s been denied. Now get out and don’t come back. You won’t like what happens if you do.”

“That sounds like a threat. Something I could use in court against you.”

“Try it. I have more in my favor than you do. Shelby and Eliza aremyfamily. I will protect them at all costs.” Chase took another step into Kyle’s personal space.

He didn’t back up this time. “I’ve dealt with men like you in prison.”

“I don’t think so. You see, they have nothing to lose. I have people worth fighting for, who I love more than my own life, so you can bet if you come after them, I’m coming for you. Now get out, or I’ll call the cops and make my brother toss your ass in a cell for trespassing.”

Kyle glanced around Chase at Shelby. “This isn’t over.” He pulled an envelope out of his back pocket and dropped it on the table by the door where she kept her purse and keys. “I thought you might like some pictures of your mom and me. Happy birthday, Shelby.”

“Just another day you’ve ruined.”

Kyle finally walked out the door.

Chase slammed it at his back and turned to her. “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry I wasn’t here sooner. Are you okay?”

She pressed her hand to her tied-in-knots stomach. “No. Yes. I’m furious.”

“Did he hurt you?”

“No. He surprised me. I thought it was you at the door, and before I knew it, he was standing in my house!” Her anger got away from her and she shouted the last, making Chase’s eyes go wide. “Sorry. I just can’t believe he keeps coming at me like that. I say no and he keeps coming back. It’s infuriating.”

Remmy actually pressed against her side to comfort her this time.

Chase took her shaking hand. “Breathe. Eliza is safe. You held your own against him. He knows exactly how you feel and that we are never going to let him near our daughter. It’s time to get that restraining order.”

“And what if he tries to take us to court?”

“Let him try. No judge is going to give him visitation. He’s a stranger to you and Eliza. He raped your mother. He served additional time in prison for violence he committed while in there. He can’t have a reasonable expectation that he’ll get what he wants.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of, that he knows he can’t get it, so he’ll take it. He’ll take her.” That was her worst fear.

“That is not going to happen.”

A chill raced up and down her spine. She wished she could believe it, but something told her Kyle was not going to back off.

One would think rapists lost their parental rights if a child was conceived as a result of the rape. Sadly, not so. Not in every state. But she was too old for Kyle to seek custody of her. He wanted visitation with his grandchild. She had no idea if there were any laws that pertained to that on the books in Wyoming, let alone anywhere in the country.

She’d need a lawyer.

Chase cupped her face. “You’re letting your thoughts spin out of control. I know the feeling. I’m angry, too. If something happened to you...”

She hooked her hands on his wrists. “I’m fine.”

He gave her a pointed look.

“Yes, he scares me. But I was so angry, I didn’t have time to be scared. The thought of him being around Eliza... No. It is never going to happen.”

“Exactly. We won’t let it. And we won’t let him ruin tonight either.”

“Chase, I don’t know... I...”

“You are going to remember you told him off and kicked him out, and you won’t let him ruin your birthday and our anniversary. We’re celebrating tonight. Tomorrow we’ll take on Kyle and his ridiculous demands.”

There really was nothing she could do about him tonight. She didn’t want to cancel their plans. She deserved to celebrate and be happy.