“Why not?”

“Because I hate you.”

“Don’t say that. We’ll get to know each other. You’ll see. I’m a good guy. Let’s finally talk.”

She held her ground and didn’t back down. “I have nothing to say to you.”

One side of his mouth dipped into a half frown. “You could tell me about my granddaughter.”

A knot of pure rage formed in her belly. “She is none of your concern. Neither am I.”

“Don’t be like that. I’m your father.”

That soured her stomach. “You’re a monster. You kidnapped, raped, and killed my mother.”

He shook his head. “We had something special. I would never have killed her.”

“You sent her over the edge.”

His hand went to his chest. “I loved her. I love you.” He reached out to her, but she took a step back, not wanting him near her, let alone in her house. “Please, Shelby. I never meant to hurt her. I would never hurt you.”

“You do every time you show up and remind me that I grew up without her. I don’t even know her. All I know is the only story people tell about her, that youkidnapped her because you were obsessed with her. I didn’t even know until recently that she’d been seeing someone.”

His sharp gaze narrowed with anger. “He didn’t love her the way I loved her.”

She rolled her eyes as the fury built inside her. “You forced yourself on her. You terrorized her. That is not love.”

“I loved her! I will always love her! Just as I love you.”

“You don’t even know me. And you will never know me, because I don’t want anything to do with you. Now get out of my house!”

“I’m your father. I have a right to see you and my granddaughter.”

“You havea right!” Her hands fisted at her sides. “You think DNA gives you a right, but it doesn’t. I choose who gets to be in my life, and I will never choose you.”

“We’re family.”

She scoffed. “You destroyed my family. You made it impossible for them to see me as anything other than the unwanted outcome of your brutality. You made me a living reminder of your mistakes, misdeeds, and cruelty, and you think you have a right, you selfish asshole.”

“What about Chase’s mistakes and misdeeds? You forgave him. You let him into your life. Why does he get to be a dad, but I don’t?”

Her fury exploded. “Don’t compare yourself to Chase. He’s a good man. He hastwoPurple Hearts and served this country even when he was asked to stand up and defend freedom with his life. He loves his little girl. He’d do anything for her, even if that means staying away from her so that he can heal, so that he’s better for her. What the hell have you ever done in your life thatrequired that kind of sacrifice? Nothing,” she answered for him. “You took what you wanted, damn the consequences. You didn’t care if my mother suffered. You wanted her to because she didn’t want you. You took her from me. It was because ofyouthat she took her life and tried to take mine. You took her from her parents and made it impossible for them to ever really accept me or love me, because who can love the person who reminds them of the worst things that ever happened in their lives?”

“I love you,” Chase said, carrying a huge bouquet of flowers and a wrapped gift as he walked in the door with Remmy at his side. He came around Kyle, moving closer to her, his body tense, gaze sharp and filled with anger that Kyle was in her house. But his words were soft and heartfelt when he said, “I would do anything to make you happy.”

She pinned Kyle in her gaze. “Wouldyoudo the same? Because the only way you can make me happy is to disappear from my life and never come near me or my daughter again.”

Chase, keeping Kyle in his sight, set the flowers and gift on the side table next to the sofa. “Leave. Now.”

Kyle stared at her. “You forgive him everything, you believe he’s healed and changed, but you can’t even imagine that I have too. All I’m asking for is a chance to prove it to you.”

“You’ve already proven you haven’t changed. You’ve been lurking around us, watching, and approaching me when I’ve made it clear I want nothing to do with you.”

“I gave you time to get used to having me around and the fact that I will be part of your life.”

“That sounds like a threat.”

“It’s not. I just want you to listen,” he implored with an edge to his voice that set off a warning inside her.