Clara and Kane,
We hope all is well with you both. Clara, your mother has calmed down considerably and realized her mistake in trying to make you become something you are not. Especially since you did not grow up in this realm. You will make a fine queen, and Bergarian is all that much greater for you to see things through different eyes.
Seeing you stand up to your mother had done something to me. It may have been your powers leaking through, but I feel like I have found my voice again, and I thank you for that. You healed me, my little princess. I believe that I felt like I lost you, and for so long, I believed it was my fault for not protecting you.
Parents often feel like they should be the ultimate protectors of their children. We cannot watch and protect them at each second of the day because fate has its own way of wiggling into their lives.
I let your mother help me for too long and let her take charge. Now I’m back, all thanks to you. Always know that being a parent is difficult. You will make decisions one day regarding your own children that you will feel is the right thing until they surprise you and decide to take their fate into their own hands. Just as you.
Your mother is due any day now with your new sibling. Once the portal is opened, we plan to be there to help pick up the pieces.
We love you, little princess. Know that.
Love, Dad
If I was holding a piece of paper in my hand, I would have crushed it with my fist. They were still on the other side protected, awaiting a child while my mate had to suffer. I couldn’t help but partially blame them.
“Thank you, Charlotte. This was the greatest gift,” I muttered. “I would like Clara to read it when she wakes.”
“Of course.” She smiled. “Would you like me to watch over her so you can attend the meeting?”
I nodded, gently moving Clara’s head back to the pillow. She slept so soundly that she didn’t stir as I pulled up the covers. “Please come get me as soon as she wakes.” I grunted as Wesley followed me out the door.
The room already held loud chatter of head warriors and trainers. Folen, Jasper, and Taliyah all sat waiting at the long conference table. I took the head, rubbing my hand down my tired face. I had not slept, I was mentally and physically exhausted, but we couldn’t stop now.
“What’s first?” I slapped my hand on the table. The iron sword wobbled in its place in the middle. It didn’t look anything magnificent. No jewels or decorative gold and silver. It was just an iron sword with an anvil in the middle where the handles sat.
“Falcons are no longer good communication between territories and kingdoms,” August spoke. “We even tried emailing, using some sort of tech, but it bounces back.”
“Emailing inside Bergarian won’t work. We’ve known this,” a warrior spoke. “That’s why we sent the falcons.” August rolled his eyes, turning and glaring at the warrior.
“I was just reiterating, so we are on the same page.” August crossed his arms. “When Taliyah let the falcons out of the ward, the falcons turn back and try to get back in.”
“They must notice something in the air, in nature, that something is wrong,” Taliyah murmured to me. Even though she was queen, she was still soft-spoken.
“Then how do we communicate to King Osirus?” I barked. “We need some sort of communication to plan.”
“What about the roots?” Marcus said behind me. “Have Folen speak through the trees to see if we can get a message out there to someone.” Folen rubbed his beard.
“I can try.” He looked to me for permission.
“Do that, then.”
“What do we do until then?” Jasper stood behind Taliyah, his hands on her shoulders. She looked tired, hell we all did, but Taliyah looked like a different tired. Her eyes were soft, her cheeks flushed.
Taliyah’s wolf was rising, I could smell the undertones of Jasper’s wolf around her, but another smell caught me off guard as I studied her. It was a smell I should have noticed with my mate, but was too busy to take the time.
“Right now, we sit tight.” I lay back in my seat, trying not to draw attention. “Hecate said we were all chess pieces, and with no communication, no rogues trying to get in, we wait until we hear about Folen’s phone tree.” Folen rolled his eyes.
“Hey.” One of the warriors that stood in the back pushed through the crowd. “How is Luna?” His voice softened. The room fell dark, my beasts’ hair rippling down my arms. Torin hated talking about Clara’s health. It reminded us all over again how she wasn’t safe with us.
We didn’t protect her.
Grinding my teeth, we tried to concentrate on her words. “What happened is unfortunate, but we still have each other, a future. We can’t stop now. It’s what that evil wants us to do.”
“She’s doing better.” I growled. “A few more days’ rest, her body will be good as new.” I scraped my claws into the wood, the warriors backing away. Wesley put a heavy hand on my shoulder, clearing his throat.