“Just me.” I gulped. “My wolf is trying to heal Kane. He’s beginning to see the scenes unfold as well. I think that is because he is my mate.” I smiled softly back to Girard.
“Right, the bond,” Girard mused. “Do you think the magic used on you was the dark magic laced with dragon’s blood I keep hearing about being used?” I bit my lower lip, drawing blood.
“I’m not sure. I can heal mortal wounds, but I haven’t been able to reverse magical ones—”
“That’s in other supernaturals, though,” Girard interrupted. “Have you ever tried to heal yourself of the dark magic with the healing abilities bestowed upon you?” Leaning back in my chair, I shuffled my feet in the sand. Giana was trying to fix my memories, but not necessarily the magic that was put on me.
“You think I could be healing myself then?” I asked. Kane grunted in agreement.
“I believe it to be true. No one else has awakened from this memory you say is missing. Osirus told me you swear there was a battle that no one remembers. The blood that lay on the palace floors is enough proof there was obviously something. As to why you were made to forget that battle is troubling.” He tapped his finger harshly on the table.
“Those two people at the top of the landing. The vampire and the cloaked figure. I can never see their faces. I just remember the evil smile as he killed—” I sniffed, Kane, pulling me to him. “Before that vampire took Skye’s life.”
Chapter Twenty-three
Asthesunset,that was when the party really began. The giant leaves that had hovered over the reception area during the day to keep most of the sunlight away lifted, opening it up for supernaturals that weren’t invited initially. Melina and Osirus had taken off on the massive dragon they called Horus for their month-long honeymoon at the Winter Fae palace.
Evelyn stared longingly as the enormous golden dragon flew off into the distance. “She isn’t afraid of anything, is she?” Kane mused as he helped put the last of our belongings into the carriage. Evelyn had been awake for most of the day, too excited about the events around us. Her little eyes were wide with wonder as she watched whisps fly around us.
After reading books upon books about the fae and the meaning behind the whisps, it only brought me comfort. Whisps were nothing but great omens of the future and could lead you to your destiny. Unfortunately, one got too close to Evelyn, and her quick reflexes had her pull one to her chest to hold it tight. The shrill from the tiny blue light caught my attention and made her let go. In protest, Evelyn grunted, only for the whisp to come back and twirl her hair into one giant curl and leave abruptly.
“Don’t want to get those mad, Evie,” I cooed at her. “Then they won’t lead you to your mate.” Evelyn grunted. Her attention went back to the golden dragon fleeting into the retreating light sources.
“Like I said, not afraid of anything, is she?” Kane closed the carriage door, the caravan behind us now loaded and ready to depart home. As much as we should wait until morning, my parents would be arriving back at the pack house, and I wanted to make sure their quarters were ready.
“She has more of you in her than me,” I chided, putting her in her traveling bassinet. As much as she wanted to look out the window, once I swaddled her in her blanket that she was now almost too big for, she sighed contentedly, fluttering her lashes.
“She’s a much better baby than me.” Kane’s deep lulling voice soothed Evelyn. “I think it is because of your calming effects.” He winked at me. His large hand settled over her stomach as she fell asleep.
“Oh, so when she isn’t around me, she’s a little fighter then?” Kane leaned back to the seat, pulling me into his lap. Nuzzling into his chest, my droopy eyes touched my cheeks.
“I’m saying just that.” Kane’s finger brushed my hair away. “Raine says she’s been a feisty little thing, nothing that she and Dean can’t handle.” I hummed, wrapping my arm around Kane’s neck.
“I think they are just making that up. Evelyn is too sweet for that.” Watching Evelyn sleep, the carriages began our long journey home. Warriors that had not found mates traveled back with us, their wolves growling at the sight of anything that moved in the forest.
King Girard had expressed his concern repeatedly about the dark magic, and now we believe that dragon’s blood is being used. This dark magic was used to block out mind-links and heeded the healing abilities, and it didn’t sound like Sorceress Prinna had full access to the dragon’s blood just yet. She had just learned to wield the dark magic, and its properties made the typical magical spells obscenely stronger. She was hunting for the dragon’s blood like she knew that it was the strongest blood to use. It only brought more questions about who was actually using the dragon’s blood and where it was coming from.
“You’re thinking too loud.” Kane’s back was lying on the cushion of the bench. Laying on top of him, I watched Evelyn sleep and thought of things I couldn’t change right now. It had me awake the entire trip home.
The blue moon showed so bright outside, which was perfect for the warriors to see even further into the deep woods, giving me some sense of comfort. Kane’s hand resting on my butt squeezed, letting me know I needed to answer.
“Sorry,” I murmured. “Just thinking.”
“You’ve been doing a lot of that. You need to stop.” How could I stop thinking? What kind of statement was that? Not when the entire Bergarian world was under threat, hiding under our noses. Who knows how much of that magic had been used to make people forget? How long had this been going on?
“Clara.” Kane growled, his chest tickling my breasts. Squeezing my legs tighter around his body, he squeezed my butt harder. “You need to rest, or do I need to make you tired?” Biting on my lip, I tried not to laugh.
“You can’t, not with Evelyn in here,” I protested.
“Oh, I can.” He massaged my butt. Shaking my head, I traced his shirt with my finger.
“She’s growing up so fast,” I muttered. “She doesn’t even want to nurse anymore.” Kane’s rough demeanor had him let out a breath, wrapping his arms around my body.
“Baby, pups grow fast. It’s just how it is. I know you feel like you are missing out on a lot. But, the way wolves live, they have to in such a dangerous world.” My shaky breath had him hugging me tightly.
“We will have more pups to get your baby fix.” Breathing out a quiet laugh, Evelyn’s face popped out of the basket. “Oops,” Kane muttered.