Page 82 of The Dark War

“Move,” she ordered. Another smack to her thigh had her moan.

“Don’t get bossy,” he ordered. “Who’s in charge?” Melina wiggled her ass, and another slap on her ass had her yip in surprise as the jiggle tickled her clit.

“You are, Daddy.” She halted her movements.

“Excellent. Now I want you to do something.” Osirus kept himself steady before he began the new rhythm of movements that would drive his mate insane. “I want you to sing for me.” Melina threw a glance back at Osirus. She wasn’t allowed to sing, to try and control her mate. It was ethically wrong, and she didn’t like the idea of controlling him.

“Easy,” he cooed, rubbing her back and ass. “I want to forget our problems, enjoy you.” Melina’s eyes dipped in understanding. Osirus had been nothing but attending to those who now stayed on the palace grounds. The worries, the burden, it was too much. Even getting lost in this scene, he thought of what else he could do to help end this war.

Melina cleared her throat, humming a tune that had Osirus entranced by the third note. It was soft, calming, and one that had him drive his wide eyes of alertness down to the gentle haze of foggy tunnel vision.

His hips moved and gyrated as he watched his cock disappear and reappear from her pussy. In and out, his cock coated with her slick wetness. The movements caused Melina’s nipples to tighten underneath the sheets. Her gentle humming continued as she got lost in his constant pounding.

The bed shook, and the pictures around the room fell to the ground, but Melina and Osirus were now in their own haze of pleasure. Osirus rocked, his hair falling around him as he put his chest to Melina’s back. Her face took a glimpse at Osirus’s hooded eyes falling on hers.

His hands wrapped around each globe of her breast, and he pulled her nipples tight. Pushing her further into the sheets, her legs still bent from being tied, her knees fell lower until only her ass sat up in attention so Osirus could push her deeper into the mattress.

Melina’s spine was being compressed at the thrusting movements. Her body could no longer hold back the orgasm as Osirus plummeted into her g-spot. “Osirus!” she screamed as she fell over the edge. Osirus was too dazed to care if his mate came without asking. He was lost in his own world thanks to his mate.

The bed shook again, and the sheer canopy that surrounded them fell as Osirus let out a shout of pleasure, feeling Melina’s pussy contracting on his cock. Spurts of seed coated her, his feeling to impregnate her more robust than ever.

He wanted that, a family with her.

Not until this war was over, not until the danger was gone.

And just as Melina stopped her humming, he was again back into defensive mode. He untied her under the sheer fabric from the canopy of the bed, letting it lay on their bodies as they came down from their high. Osirus rubbed her wrists and her ankles as she lay there panting.

“That was wild.” She turned around and snuggled into his body. The wind from the cracked window blew the sheet, causing Osirus to lift his head in confusion. Melina followed suit, her post-orgasm faze fading fast and the coldness seeping in.

“We… didn’t do that, did we?” Osirus pulled her close, daring not to let go of the post-scene. Osirus looked out over the land. The high tower which held their private chambers looked over the land to find a crack in the Bergarian soil miles from there. His naked body strode to the window as the distant yells fell into their ears.

It was far off, but Osirus could see the magnificence of how large the canyon was. His lips pursed together in distaste, Melina still holding onto him, not looking outside. “What happened?” Her body shook, going into a sub-drop from the high pleasure endorphins that capsulated her body.

Osirus ground his fangs, watching fae and dragons below fixing overturned statues. An aftershock from the quake held fire inside the split of the canyon. Osirus put his hand through Melina’s hair.

There was nothing they could do at night. It was too dangerous for fae to fight without sunlight, and the vampires were too fast for them to catch them. Dragons would have to oversee the night while his soldiers scouted during the day.

Alaneo fluttered up to the now broken window of his chambers, his chest heavy with the breath, watching Osirus. “Send the dragon to scout?” Alaneo worded it like a question, but it was a statement. Osirus only nodded.

Alaneo looked down at a now sleeping Melina. He smirked at his king before flying off to the dragon’s resting spot.

Tomorrow would bring the beginning of the end.

Chapter Forty-four


Theoncejoyousgatheringfell into damped silence. There was no more singing, the quake that shook the soil now bringing nothing but desolate stillness. The wind blew, shaking the tablecloths that were once so meticulously placed on the head table to bring a smile back to their luna’s face.

No one dared to move. They all now stared at my mate and me with uncertainty and dread. There was no more joy to be had. The more miniature packs and prides now joined ours. This was to be our last night together as a pack. We were one against the enemy.

“We will leave at first light—” screams from the witch sisters that had resided in the Cerulean Moon Kingdom’s palace for years had them falling to the ground. They clawed at their plain brown and black dresses, huddling together while Taliyah ran to them. They clutched their hearts, their bright eyes dimming into a flat blackness.

No one dared to proceed, unsure if the witches had been taken over by a demon or dark magic that could reach out and clutch them too. Taliyah’s hand reached out, putting it on one of their shoulders, her eyes closed, muttering to herself.

Her hands trembled, breaking away from their shuddering sobs. “Their sister,” Taliyah diverted to Clara and me. “She has gone to meet the stars.” Folen growled out, taking the walking stick that he held with him at all times and crushing the ground.

“What do you mean? She is in the strongest area of the elven territories! They are protected! They are—” Taliyah shook her head, her head bowed.