Page 63 of The Dark War

“But I do have an idea how to run this country now.” Three dark shadows were cast on the wall behind him, moving in ways Virion was not. Horns of various sizes sat on their heads. Virion tutted, standing in front of me. “We all do.”

Chapter Thirty-four


Timeslowed.Virion’sthumband finger that rubbed together gathered bright blue and black lighted flames. The flames ignited higher, jumping to the table and setting it ablaze. The few vampires left of my Parliament stood back, unable to take the heat. Jasper pulled Melinard out of the line of fire as the tendrils of fire reached out to touch the walls.

The white ball of energy I pulled together with my hands was quickly put out by Virion’s flames. Grunting, I pushed another into his body. Backing up only slightly, I shoved a stream of light toward him again, the crackling of electricity slowing him down but not enough to make him stop.

Standing tall, he took in my white light until his own black and blue flame came together as we pushed each other with our own forces. The light versus the dark. As the energy surged from our bodies, they grasped hold of each other, intertwining, pushing, and pulling against each other.

“I’ll give you a choice, and you must be quick.” Viron gritted his teeth, his disgusting smile ripping his skin further up to his ears. He pulled deeper into his body to force out the ever-growing energy. The shadows on the wall now had flaming blue eyes staring down at me, pushing away from the wall and sitting on either side of Viron’s head. “Join me now. With your light and my darkness, I can promise you that Vermillion will be returned to its former glory. All you need to do is pledge your allegiance to me.” Viron’s forked, snaked tongue licked his lips.

Sweat formed on my brow, my body weakening by the second. Jasper growled, shifting as he jumped through the table of flames only to be pushed away by one of the shadow figures. He hit a decorative portrait on the wall, causing him to black out with a whimper.

I growled, feeling the desperation from my mate. I couldn’t do this. This was beyond anything I had ever anticipated.

“Tick tock, little witch,” his voice strained. “I only offer this once. Your people will be safe, a nation to flourish, and your people will finally accept you and your mate.”

Jasper groaned in the corner, his wolf’s head bobbing back and forth as he tried to rise. Feeling a surge of power from my body, a graceful figure of my wolf appeared in my mind. Long flowing white hair, red eyes, and gentle paws scraped across the deep colored grass. “Time to make a choice,” she whispered to me. “Choose the dark or choose the light.” Her soft words blanketed my heart in warmth, her strength pushing power I never knew I could have.

“And what of the other nations in Bergarian?” I yelled over the tremendous roar of electricity surging in the room. The only light left was the dancing of dark and light powers.

“Who the fuck cares? You save your nation. The rest is for me.” Viron’s smile cracked, his lips breaking until fangs lit up his face straight to his ears. Three sets of horns sprouted from his head, dark claws lengthening as the blue light streamed faster. He was an abomination, something so dark I had never seen anything like it.

“I fight for the greater good,” I whispered, knowing damn well he heard me. Virion chuckled, his demon smile webbing his skin back to that of normal lips.

“Little do you know, there will be no good after I defeat both the realms.” Jasper awoke as I screamed in anger. Taking one of my hands, I willed another orb, throwing it toward him to try and get him off his feet. Viron chuckled, knocking it away. Jasper pounced in front of me, pushing me roughly onto his back. Virion’s blue stream of electricity fell to the floor, igniting the rugs and the table.

With my stream of light now faded, Jasper bolted to the window as I grasped his hide. He jumped from the third-story conference room. Glass shattered around us, and the small sounds of glass clashing together had me looking in the reflection of those broken pieces. The palace would be no more after this night.

Clinging to Jasper, his muscles rippled when the first set of paws landed on the ground. Jasper gracefully landed on the darkened soil with the rest of the vampires that lived with us all in the palace.

We stared up in disappointment. All the work done to rebuild a kingdom had been lit up in flames with the hottest fire we ever experienced. Bricks crumbled, and metal melted as we stepped further away. The blaze was now so hot that the entirety of the massive palace was engulfed in the dark flames.

As much as I wanted to break down and feel sorry for myself, I couldn’t. The soldiers stood by. No one even dared to bring buckets of water. It was all futile. Now those that were left of Vermillion, the ones that were so innocent, were left in my care.

The giant chandelier that hung in the foyer longer than seven generations of my family crashed to the floor. The glass shattered, the wood splintered, and stones collapsed upon themselves. I closed my eyes, taking a large breath, feeling Jasper wrap his arms around me.

Jasper didn’t need to say anything. He comforted me as we watched the hope of Vermillion burn.

The innocent families that stayed at the shelter in the center of town now gathered to watch the spectacle. Their red eyes filled with unshed tears as I gripped my tattered dress.

Deep down, I knew this was coming. I ignored the signs as much as I had hoped we could turn Vermillion around. I took the lowest blow trusting someone I thought was there to help the crown, only to have it be the greatest mistake of my life. What would the people around me say now? Would they have me beheaded for what I had done?

I would take the high road and sacrifice our country to do the right thing. Betraying other nations and watching them burn while we rebuilt would have haunted me to no end.

Jasper laced his fingers with my burned ones. They were sore and blistered, but his touch only cooled them as they healed.

“Your Majesty, are you all right?” Melinard stepped up with his mate. They both looked at me in pity as I kept my composure.

“You ask me if I am all right.” I paused, looking back at the blaze. “But I should be asking you that. All of you.” My gaze went to the crowd. “I must be honest with all of you. Vermillion could have been saved if I had sided with the darkness, with the rogues, to a man that I believe holds so much evil that both realms will be compromised.” I bit my lip. A baby cried in the back of the crowd.

“But I did not. We would never be safe from him, and who knows what would happen in the future if he came knocking.” Utter silence swept the late afternoon. The trees that had begun to sprout leaves as of recent tickled the bark of branches.

“We will rebuild!” I shouted. “We will become a nation again, but not until we help our neighbors and friends.” Jasper pulled me closer. I put my hand on top of his chest, seeking its warmth. “For those left, we will continue on. We will survive. Gather your things. We leave immediately.” The crowd stood still, swaying to the breeze that pushed the flames higher.

“Where will we go?” One of the servants asked. Her lashes blinked the crimson tears that touched her cheeks.