Page 61 of The Dark War

Chapter Thirty-three


“YourMajesty,”Melinard,oneof the head butlers, knocked on the door to my study frantically. “The soldiers you sent to Duke Mortus’ home have returned. There are no signs of humans, and in fact, the duke is right outside in the foyer quite, well, upset.” Melinard shook. He was a tender-hearted man. His mate and children resided in the palace to escape the outside persecution. It was a dangerous world out there, and I felt like most of those who lived here were the only ones left besides the town shelter that were good.

Jasper stepped out from the shadows. His skin was more sensitive to the light sources, not as much as a newborn vampire, but enough for him to want to keep away from the light until he was well acclimated. Xander healed him quickly, but keeping Xander healthy and strong was Jasper’s goal.

Jasper’s eyes now glowed red from his recent feeding, his fangs now hollowed, allowing him to feed from me. I didn’t think it could be possible to see him as dangerous, but Melinard thought differently. “Your Highness,” Melinard stuttered. Bowing, he wouldn’t look Jasper in the eye. It was true that Jasper looked wild. His wolf, his blood lust, was at an all-time high. We would have to make sure no humans came close, if we could even find them.

“I’ll deal with him.” My claws scraped across the desk. I still wasn’t sure how to control the wolf side that I had received. It could be weeks before she surfaced, or if she surfaced at all. With my hybrid powers, I wasn’t sure if she would appear with such strong genes I already had.

“I’m coming with you.” Jasper growled, stepping in front of me. The static danced between my claws as we entered the foyer. The duke’s eyes showed the brightest red I had ever seen. He had drunk human blood, which further soured my mood.

“She is my beloved, and you let Princess Clara decide her fate? Then believe the lies she spouted that I had a harem of blood bags hiding in my basement?! I’m gone three days to check on the outskirts of your worthless country, and this is how you repay me?!” Spittle flew from his mouth, landing on the freshly waxed floors. Jasper stood beside me, holding my wrist, ready to pull me back.

“Oh, I see how it is,” Mortus drawled. “It’s because the former gamma is puppy friends with the princesses’ mate. She’d want to make him happy.” Mortus’ hiss echoed in the foyer, and the few guards we had now gathered at the entrance and servants stopped their jobs to look on.

“I’m pulling my funding if this is how little you think of me.” He spat. Taking a large breath, I felt Jasper’s bravery fuel my own, causing me to step forward. The growl inside my chest pushed forward. Mortus just smirked.

“She isn’t your mate. It was confirmed just a day ago.” I growled, showing my fangs.

“Just because you are marked now doesn’t mean you can overpower me, you abomination.” Hissing at him, my fingers tingled with heat pushing toward Mortus. His quick and agile movements were so fast that none of us saw him move as he sat on top of the banister at the top of the stairs.

“Fuck, he is a traitor.” Jasper growled. “He moves like the rogues.” Mortus chuckled, swinging his legs.

“The only traitorous thing in this palace is you as its queen.” He snarled. “The day of reckoning has been upon you a long while, and a new era is forming for those who are tired of lurking in the dark.” Mortus’ eyes glowed brightly, and his deep chuckle had me hovering above the ground, leaving Jasper on the floor. My hair flew wildly around my head, and Mortus’ eyes widened only to become stone-cold.

“An abomination, you say?” I giggled. “You can’t be serious.” Mortus frowned, looking me up and down. The crackling of fire, the slow burn of fire, trickled down the ashes of my dead skin. “Not when this supposed abomination witch has graduated to a sorceress.”

Mortus jumped from the railing, reaching for my body to latch on to. As much as I had practiced in the dark of my study, I was no match for his swiftness. He ripped out his claw, raking across my chest until I used my body as a giant volt of electricity. Shocking Mortus, he let go as we fell to the ground.

Jasper swooped in, his eyes narrowing as he caught me, pulling me away from the middle of the foyer. We turned only to see that Mortus was long gone. “Shit! Don’t ever do that!” Jasper cupped my face. The power I had used against Mortus drained me severely. Something I was not accustomed to since I only practiced in small doses.

“You’re pale,” Melinard spoke softly, giving Jasper a wet cloth. “Your Majesty, Parliament is to convene in an hour. Guests are arriving. Should I send them away?”

“No!” I choked on the dribbles of water that ran down my lips. “I must speak to them about Mortus.” Melinard nodded, his eyes glancing around the room.

“Let it be known that no family of Duke Mortus is allowed in the palace,” Melinard said ominously to the rest of the room. “Get back to preparing the meeting room.”

Jasper picked me up, carrying me up the stairs. My head winced as I saw the rail where Mortus sat.

Gently laying me on the bed, Jasper cursed, running to our en suite bathroom and grabbing another towel. “I can’t believe you did that, Taliyah.” His hurried words had me wincing. “We are a team, damn it, and then you go all floating and shit. When were you going to tell me about that?”

Looking away from Jasper, my hands fisted the bedding. “B-because I just did it this morning.” Jasper stood back, his mouth gaping. “You did what? Is it like, ‘Oh poof, I’m a sorceress now’?” He slapped his hands to his side.

Shaking my head, I sat up straight. My dress had a big tear down the front, the scratch from Mortus healing far quicker than any witch or vampire, Jasper’s bite had taken care of that. My wolf was also coming far closer to the surface than anticipated.

“When I was doing my meditation.” Jasper sighed, running his hand through his hair. Sitting beside me, he moved me promptly to his lap, kissing my neck. “Then what happened?” He calmed. His scent surrounded me. I didn’t realize he had a fragrance before. It smelled of sandal wood and a fresh breeze.

“Hecate came to me, saying it was important that I receive this gift, although early in my training.” She sniffed. “She said I wouldn’t be able to use it for long, but to use it to help protect the Cerulean Moon Kingdom.” Jasper stiffened, his hair rustling on his neck.

“What the hell does that even mean?” I shook my head, covering my mouth. I wasn’t sure what Hecate meant, but the only thing that popped up in my mind was death. Death could stop me from using my powers.

“The fuck? You are not going to die, Taliyah!” Jasper wrapped his arms around me, shielding me from the world but what he couldn’t protect me from was my thoughts.

“I will fucking shield you from your thoughts too, Taliyah.” He spat. “My little witch can’t think badly of herself, do you understand?” The growling in his chest had me pushing my thighs together. Angry Jasper was really hot.

Bad Taliyah.