Father groaned, dragging himself to the large, glass window overlooking the perfectly manicured lawn. “Please don’t make me.”

He couldn’t stop now. If he said anymore, I would explode in happiness.Uriel liked me and I needed to know more!

“She… she thought she… ‘tinkled.’”

I stopped mid-track as I was approaching my father.

What the hell? Think here…I backed away, trying to discern what that meant.

Father grunted, furiously turning around. “Did you not watch porn like a normal teenager? Hell, even now?” I shook my head.

I spent most of my time in Tartarus. He knew that.

“Did someone say porn?” Ares walked in, a beer in hand. His mate was absent.

Thank the Fates.

Ares chugged the rest of the beer and sauntered into the room, slamming himself on the couch. “Does the young Prince need help in finding somedocumentaries? I have a good stash, so you could learn how to pleasure your mate at all levels of intimacy.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“There are levels?” I questioned, eyeing my father. His head banged on the glass as I looked from my uncle to my father.

“Duh, there are levels. I’m guessing your pecker hasn’t graced the inside of anything. Good for you, but that means you are going to be clumsy as fuck when it comes to mating. She needs it to be good. She’s gonna want you to know all the right places.” Ares willed another can of beer, chugging it down. “And also, she’s so damn submissive, you could play her like a damn fiddle and have her cum all over your—”

“That’s enough!” I growled.

He didn’t need to speak of her that way, not in front of me or anyone else.

Ares held his hands up in the air, offering a truce. “What started this porn-watching chat then? Hades, I thought you said they were far from doing any of that.” Father shook his head, stepping away from the window.

“From the looks of it, Uriel is progressing faster than anticipated. She’s smart, intellectually anyway. Hera sent her diplomas; she’s a damn genius. It’s just her social skills aren’t great after being babied for so long. Uriel will figure things out quickly. She knows her parents sheltered her, and she’s willing to learn. With that… the bond took over, and her body is in hyper-drive. She didn’t get to experience her teenage years, so her body’s sexual appetite may grow rapidly as she spends more time with her mate.” Father and Ares looked at me.

Ares was grinning like an idiot at my predicament. “That means my favorite nephew needs some lessons, eh?” Ares clapped his hands and rubbed them together. “Lucky for you, I’ve recorded all the best stuff. Athena should even hire me to teach a sex education course up in the Celestial Kingdom because it is that good. You can ask Vulcan, he and his wife are still banging it out on their weekend vacation that should have ended three years ago.”

Too much information.

I groaned, but I didn’t need Ares teaching me shit. “Just hand over the videos. I’ll teach myself. I can’t tolerate you providing commentary when I’m trying to concentrate.”

“You mean, you don’t want me in there when you rub one out?”

I willed a fireball to my hand, and Ares screamed like a girl and ran out of the room.

Chapter 17


Afteralong,coldshower, I felt so much better. My hair was a tangly mess, so I spent a good portion of my morning brushing and detangling it with my favorite pink brush. Being in no rush to walk outside and face Luci, I played with the stuffed animals my mom so graciously had the messengers bring.

They were my only comfort while I hugged them tightly, pulling at their ears to make the little fuzzy hair go in the right direction.

If my body acted that way towards Luci, does his body do the same thing? It must not be, because he didn’t look petrified like I was. Maybe he already knew all about what a body does, and he just ignored it.

My body reacting to him means that it likes him, so does that mean that I like him too?

Rolling on my stomach, I waved my legs behind me, swinging them back and forth in the air.

I wish I had some gum. I think better when smacking on gum.

“The tingles mean you like someone,” I whispered to myself, fixing the bowtie on my stuffed unicorn. Stopping suddenly, I pushed Mr. Rainbow Farts away from me.