“You are scaring me,” I whispered. Ember only laughed.
“I’m so sorry! I’m just… it is completely normal. I’m so happy you told me.”
My shoulders slumped, feeling relieved and somewhat confused. “It is?”
“Of course, it is!” Her enormous smile fell, watching my reaction.
“Even, like… I feel like I might have tinkled in my panties.” I gritted my teeth, waiting for a scolding.
I still remembered wetting the bed clear up until I was seven years old because of my terrible nightmares. They scared the tinkles right out. Luckily, I stop drinking water three hours before bed now.
“That’s normal too,” Ember cooed, pulling me closer to her. “And you didn’t pee yourself. It’s your body getting excited.”
“E-excited about what?” My eyes grew wide, not understanding.
Ember shook her head, pulling Lilith closer. “I think it’s time we talked about women’s bodies and what they can do.” A smile crept up her lips. “I’ll invite Athena.”
Chapter 16
Pullingmyhairout,I stormed into my room and slammed the door.
Uriel just left; she just fucking left. I thought I had everything planned out perfectly. She looked like she would be into fantasy books. She loved to read. What woman doesn’t love a good romance or even a fantasy novel?
As we reached the top of the stairs, she was hesitant, until her eyes widened not at the books but me. I was relieved, thinking, ‘hey, I did well for a first date,’ and ‘Definitely a Beauty and the Beast moment,’only for her to rip her hand away, looking at me in fear.
Patting myself down several times, confirming my body wasn’t on fire, my wings burst from my back; I was completely fine.
The sparks that lingered on our hands the entire way up the staircase gave me a raging boner, but I did a great job hiding that!
She stared at me like I was a beast; like she could see the destroyer I was.
I pummeled the wall of my bedroom with my fist. The dark wall crumbled as I used my other hand to beat the weak plaster.
I am failing already, and I haven’t even started. She flew like a dove to the bottom of the staircase, running away from me as if her wings were on fire.
I could only watch in disappointment, concern, and yearning as she slipped away, closing her bedroom door. My emotions of disappointment in myself quickly turned to anger. My hands blackened and the cracks of my knuckles turned bright red. Soon my entire arms were ablaze, ready to destroy my entire room. I had to leave. I had to go beat the ever-living shit out of something because the one thing that kept me calm was afraid of me.
“Lucifer, come to my office,”my father’s voice rang through my mind.
“Not now,”I growled, opening the bay windows to the outside. Pulling my shirt from my body, my wings protruded from my back, feeling the heat of the day’s red sun. Fire lit the tips of my wings, ready for me to take flight to find my only remaining place of solace.
My mate wouldn’t have me. I will have to spend the rest of my days in Tartarus.
“It’s about Uriel. Get the fuck down from the balcony and get in here. Now.”
Hearing her name calmed me enough to fold my wings away, the fire burning in my hands now just black embers, smoking with the residual anger inside me. Stomping from the windows, I turned to leave my room and thunder down the hallways.
Servants scattered in the opposite direction upon seeing my state. They hunkered in the corners, but my eyes never trailed to them. My eyes stayed on my father’s office, the doors open, ready for my entrance.
“Thanks for listening before flying off.” Father’s face was buried in his laptop, twirling his pen around his finger like his son wasn’t about to lay ruin to a city.
“What of Uriel? Is she alright?” My deep voice reverberated through the walls. Father took no notice and wrote on a piece of paper to his right.
“Yeah, you did a good job with her this morning. The bond is working faster than I expected.” The heat in my hands chilled, returning to my normal tanned skin.
“Pardon?” I questioned, walking barefoot into the room. “It sounded like you said, ‘good job,’ when in fact, she ran away from me in terror.” I threw my hands up, exhausted.