Page 111 of Lucifer's Redemption

“If you are broken, then a mate will fix you, will it not?”

After I explained to Silas how simple it was and what a mate was to another person, he hit it the nail on the head:my mate was to fix me, but what if she couldn’t? Then where would that leave me? More broken than where I was to begin with?

“Supposedly,” I looked out over the ocean.

“And what about me and your other creations? Do we have mates too?” I frowned, not wanting to tell him the truth.

If I told him he would want to leave, as well as everyone else. I wasn’t ready to let go, to be alone again and forced to start new friendships with others. Silas was my constant. He was more than just a creation; he was my friend.

“You have a soul, Silas. You have a mate.” Silas’ fangs widened, his tentacles waving wildly on the floor until he stopped.

“But there are none like me?” He pointed to himself. “How can I have a mate?”

My mind reeled with watching those in Bergarian—how humans were the perfect blank-slates for the supernaturals. Really, all species were compatible with a humanoid appearance, but these were not shifters—the lower half of their bodies did not look the same.

“You will. Selene or Ember, who is currently pairing souls, will finds a way.”

“But my anatomy…” he pointed to himself. Before he parted his tentacles any further to show me his privates, I waved my hands.

“All males have theirstuff,” I air-quoted, “and so do females. You have been made to fit inside any female. Hecate was responsible for the female anatomy when they were created.”

All my creations started as male. I refused to experiment with females. I was not comfortable with the female anatomy, especially when I helped create humans. All females have thus been created from sharing DNA with their mates after being bitten and infused with the special DNA.

“Wouldn’t I be too large for a human female?” Silas tried to part his tentacles again until I grabbed his arms to stop.

“There will come a time to worry about that, but not now,” my face turned red. “You, as well as every creature I have created, will get the chance to find a mate,” I sighed. “If you wish to leave me...” Frowning, I turned away, trying not to cry in front of my friend.

“I just wish to seek my other half. I felt like something was missing. Do you feel it too?” Silas wondered.

Rubbing my chest, feeling the emptiness, I knew the feeling. I just didn’t want to disappoint a mate with my struggles. I wanted her to live a free from worries about me.

Maybe that was the real reason I hid?

“I do feel empty,” I whispered, “but until this evil that threatens us all is found, I will hold you and all my creations here. Then you may go in search of your mates.” Silas grinned wildly, his tentacles surrounding my body.

“Thank you, Master! I cannot wait to tell the others! I cannot wait to hold a female!” I chuckled, patting his shoulder.

“Just don’t forget about me,” I sniffed.

“Master, never,” Silas held me again. “You have given me the greatest gift: life. Now I can share it with someone too.” His head leaned on my shoulder. Patting him on the back, I hummed.

“Yeah, maybe one day, I’ll get that too.”

Chapter 47


Lucipushedmeinthe door after I asked Silas if he had a mate.I mean, Silas could have a male mate if he wanted to. Why not?I know shifters leave marks on each other’s shoulders, but I didn’t see one on his.Maybe they have a different way? It was a perfectly logical question.

Luci turned the lights on in the dim room. The palace was so far below the sea that it made it hard for the light sources to penetrate. Bioluminescent plants lit the area of the gardens and there were torches in the rooms.

“Uriel, asking him that was unwise,” Luci loosened the collar of his dress shirt, untying the knot of his silk necktie. His fingers threaded it through, causing me to watch intently as he wrapped it around his fingers.

Why was that so hypnotic to watch?

Luci’s dark eyes stared up at me, seeing that I was watching how he folded the tie around his fingers. “I don’t know if those monsters can have mates.” I gasped, breaking myself from the trance of his tie wiggling between his fingers.

“But they are alive? They think, speak, and move, surely, they have a soul?” Luci walked towards me, still threading the tie between his fingers.