What am I doing?
My white laced panties were wet.
Did I tinkle? Oh, I peed! How embarrassing!
Throwing the covers off to jump in the shower, I heard a steady knock at the door. I froze in the middle of my room, unsure what to do.
Should I answer?
It could be Luci, and he will see how upset I am. I didn’t want him to get mad. Biting my fingernails, I took several steps to the bathroom until a friendly voice stopped me.
“Uriel, it’s me, Ember.” Her voice was soothing.
Huffing at almost making it to the shower, I crept to the door, still not willing to let her in. I cracked it slightly, and her eyes peered straight into mine.
“Is everything alright? Luci said you ran off because you weren’t feeling well.” I nodded, trying to shut the door. Ember’s little foot was already there, however. “Uriel, gods don’t get sick.”
Biting my cheek, I felt the tears well in my eyes. Whimpering, I finally let her in, certain I would get scolded into telling her what I did.
Walking in with the baby in hand, Ember had me shut the door and sit on an elaborate white couch in the middle of the room. “What’s wrong? Why did you run? Did Luci say something to upset you?”
Shaking my head, I looked away from her, crossing and uncrossing my legs while messing with the hem of my dress.
“You can talk to me, Uriel, I know you’ve lived a pretty sheltered life. I lived similarly when I was younger.” A tear ran down my cheek, only for Ember to catch it. “You better not let Luci smell your sweet tears, or he will barge in this door.”
As if on cue, loud banging resonated from the door as soon as the words left her mouth.
“See I told you.” She laughed.
“Is she okay?” Luci yelled through the door, making me flinch.
“He’s mad at me.” I let a few more tears fall until Ember stomped to the door.
“You listen here, young man”—she opened the door only wide enough to speak to her son—“she is fine. We are going to talk girl stuff now, and I’ll call you when she comes out.”
Luci’s head popped over his mother, looking at me. His eyes bore into me again as I wiggled deeper into my seat.
He’s pretty when he’s angry.
Mom looks like one of those demons outside when she’s angry.
Luci looked at his mother and turned his body away from the door to go into his room. Ember gently shut the door and walked back to her seat on the couch. Her eyes were warm and ever so motherly.
“Now, Uriel,”—her free hand patted my hands—“I have a fairly good idea of what’s going on, but I think it would be better if you explained it to me so that I can fully understand what you are going through.”
How could she possibly know what I was going through? My princess parts are acting as if I had another heart inside them, and rubbing my thighs together only helped a little. On top of that, I swear I peed myself.
I whimpered, and she looped her arm around me, the other holding baby Lilith who nuzzled into her mother’s chest.
“Uriel, you need not suffer alone. It’s just us girls, alright?”
Nodding slowly, her warm arm slid from my back, and I sat up straight. “I- well… my body was doing things.”
I’m going to die of shame. Send me to Earth and bury me six feet under the soil, so my body can come back as a beautiful tree. Then chop it down and make paper, so some toddler can draw a picture of a dog crapping on the tree I used to be and throw me into recycling.
“What kinds of things?” Ember pried, her smile too big for my comfort.
Wiggling in my seat, I scooted farther from her. “It tingled, like a lot when I touched Luci’s hand. Not like the first time when it tickled. Now it goes down my body and makes me feel weird.” Ember nodded her head, her grin widening.