Nora cleared her throat, setting the large mound of waffles and pancakes on the table. “I think we got it, Mariah.” Nora smiled at her. Nora looked the same age as the rest of us, but she had a very cheerful, calm attitude that reminded me of how a loving grandmother would be for humans. She pointed to me to sit down at the table and served me some yogurt and granola.

“How did you know?” I smiled at her.

“It’s my job to know.” She winked. “Plus, your mom made a giant list of all the foods you will and will not eat and handed it off to Ember.” Nora rolled her eyes while I giggled.

That sure sounds like Mom.

Taking the granola, I sprinkled it on top, making a giant heart shape in the middle. Wiggling my booty to get comfortable, I lifted my spoon to dig in.

“Mother!” An enormous roar echoed from the hallway leading to the family quarters, and fire blew outside the dining room entrance. I saw Loki running past, screaming for his mom.

“Where the fu—” Luci walked in wearing black joggers and a tight, black muscle tee.

That must be his favorite color.

His breath halted, looking over at the table.

My favorite color is pink, obviously.

“Hi, Luci! Hi, Loki! Look, I made you both breakfast!” I jumped out of my chair, waving them over. Loki ran to me, swiftly hiding behind me.

“He’s still hot. Blow him to calm him down!” Loki peeked from behind me, using my dress as a shield.

Ares slammed his fist on the table, laughing and making the cutlery rattle.

I skipped over to Luci to blow on his face. "Better?" His eyebrows furrowed but he followed quickly behind me to his seat.

Hades and Ember entered shortly after, staring at the now charred rug on the floor as they walked across it. The rug crunched and crumbled to ash beneath their feet.

“What happened to my rug?” Ember whined. Her eyes glanced at Luci, and her shoulders sagged. “I’ll get a new one, sweetheart, just go eat.”

Luci walked back over, trying to pull out a chair for me. His eyes glanced at me and the seat.

“No,youhave to sit, so I can show you!” I whispered. His stern face lightened, a curl of his lip revealing part of his teeth. Once Loki sat down, everyone stared at me waiting for the big reveal.

I picked at my fingers again, only for those little tingles to appear as Luci grabbed my hand.

“What’s wrong? Are you upset?” His eyes bore into mine, triggering those crazy butterflies from last night.

“Umm, it’s just that everyone is staring.” My face turned red hot, and one of my hands covered my face.

One scowl from Luci spurred everyone to avert their eyes and dig into their meals.

“Better?” His thumb grazed my knuckles. I smiled at him.

He was actually talking to me.

Freeing my hand, I pulled the silver coverings from their plates, displaying their favorite foods. Loki laughed at the funny face I drew with his whipped cream, while Luci’s smirk widened.

That’s the most I’ve seen of his teeth!

I jumped up and down clapping softly. I started to my seat only to feel my hand caught by Luci’s.

How did I know it was Luci? Because it was all tingly!

He pulled me closer. I thought he wanted more waffles, but he patted the seat beside him. Nora had already picked up my plate, setting it down carefully at the spot Luci indicated.

“I’ve got ya, dear.” Nora winked at me again before returning to her seat at the table.