
My mind replayed the times when Dad would repeat it to Mom.


Like right before they would kiss, hug one another, or stare into each other’s eyes.

It was deeper than friendship or companionship. There was a spark between them I couldn’t figure out.Mate, a mate is more than a friend. It’s someone you love, but it is also something else… it's a… it’s a…. a special connection.


The bowl I was stirring for the fresh batch of waffles toppled to the counter, causing some of the batter to splatter on my cheeks.


Nora laughed, grabbing the towel from her apron. “You were off in dreamland over there, are you alright?” Laughing, I licked the batter off my finger.

“Yes, sorry. Can I ask you a question, Nora?”

Nora removed the rag, checking to see if I had any more batter on my face. “Of course. What is it, child?”

And for the second time in 24 hours, I asked again, “What is a mate?”

Chapter 13


Noradroppedtherag,clutching her hand to her chest. The beads of sweat pouring from her head were wiped away with her free palm. “Oh, dear.” She retrieved the rag from the floor and frantically wiped the counter.

“Um,” she hummed to herself, engaged with arranging the food on the serving cart. “I think that conversation would be best with Ember,” her voice trailed from the conversation.

I picked at my fingernails again, watching the pale pink polish flick to the floor.

Stop that.

That isn’t sanitary in the kitchen.

I sighed heavily.Everyone was dead set on not telling me.

Turning away from Nora, I picked up the two special plates I made for my two favorite boys and put a silver covering over the top of each.

“Okay, okay, wait.” Nora patted me on the shoulder.

Was itthatbig of a secret what a mate was? Everyone else knew and threw out the word in everyday conversation. My parents used it, but I just thought it was a pet name.

“Mates are something special in the supernatural communities. Do you understand how marriages work in the human world?” I nodded, sniffing up the snot that trickled from my nose.

I knew a lot about human customs; I knew more about humans than I did about the people around me. I spent hours watching them in Mom's little pool in the living room, especially watching children in classrooms. A lot of the things I learned came from those schools. It was fun, it was different, and it made me feel like I was part of the classroom. The only thing was, that I couldn't interact with them, and Mom would pull me away as soon as the lessons were over.

“Mates are similar, except… well, they meanmorethan a simple marriage. Mates are essentially soulmates; they are another part of your soul that compliments you, completes you, and, most of all, loves you for who you are.”

“Oh.” I rubbed my nose. “T-thank you for telling me, Nora.” Nora nodded, satisfied with her answer until another question popped up in my head. “But how do you know? How do you know if you have found your soulmate?”

Nora’s body stiffened. “That’s a discussion for another time, dear; you don’t need to worry about that right now.” Nora pushed the cart out into the dining room, it was already set with beautiful placemats, dishes, and glass goblets. Several people sauntered into the room, including Ares and his mate, Mariah.

“Look at you cooking,” Ares cooed at me. “I bet Lucifer is going to throw a fit.”

Mariah swatted him on the shoulder. “It’s adorable. I think it’s great you want to help Nora, too. I tried a couple of times, but Ares is a bit of a beast when he doesn’t get his morning—”