Once I reached the door, Luci held it shut with his hand above my head. “You can’t run,” he whispered.
I turned, my face meeting his. My heart raced, feeling the heat of his breath. My whole body tingled in his proximity. Hair standing on the back of my neck, I gulped silently, looking up at him.
“You’ll get hurt.”
My whole body shivered.
His jaw was so sharp that I swear, I could cut my poor, little finger on it. He was more handsome than Prince Philip from Sleeping Beauty and more rugged than Aladdin.
My wings shuddered; my whole body was going to collapse at these new feelings I had for this stoic god.
Why was he so pretty?
I wanted to touch him!
What are these feelings?I squeaked internally, opening the door, stepping inside, and shutting it quickly.
Stammering, slapping, and roughhousing sounded from the other side of the door. Loki was yelling at Luci, but all I heard were growls of irritation and hushed whispers.
Backing away from the door, my bum hit the counter. I turned to finally meet the place I would call home every morning and evening to style my ridiculously long hair. I stared at the magnificence: a crystal chandelier, long, beautiful, white marble counters, pink and purple soaps of every kind, and a steam shower with huge showerheads. My mouth gaped, then I squealed in excitement at the giant hot tub in the middle of the room.
Squinting my eyes, I ran to the other side of the wall, checking the toilet. Expecting it to be gold, I shrugged my shoulders, disappointed in how plain it was, and began stripping right then.
Hot tub, here I come!
It was already filled to the top with silently popping bubbles as I slid my dirty legs inside.
Playing with the puppies had gotten me way too dirty. I wonder if they could come inside? I’d love to cuddle one while I sleep! Maybe I could ask.
“Are you alright in there?” Loki banged on the door. “Aren’t you coming back out to tell me good night?”
I snorted, blowing a gigantic pile of bubbles away from my face. “I’m in the tub. I’ll come to tell you good night when I’m done!” Giggling, I stuck my head under the water, coming up with a massive bubble hairdo.
I should have left home a lot sooner! If only I had known the Underworld was so much fun.
Once bathed, I hopped out and quickly towel-dried my hair before putting it into a messy bun. Keeping the towel wrapped tightly around my body, I peeked out, checking to make sure that both the boys were gone. Seeing that the room was now empty with the door shut, I shuffled over to the dresser. All my clothes had been magically put away in the same order I usually put my clothes.
Mom must have had strict instructions for the messenger who brought all this stuff. I feel sorry for those guys. Mom can be a bit of a difficult person.
Slipping on a pair of silky shorts and a matching top, I grabbed my favorite knee-high socks. They were awesome! They had these cute, little, pink pom-poms on each side and a little cat's face near the toes.
Cracking the door open, I found the hallway was dark except for one lone candle that hung between Loki and Luci’s bedrooms.
I hate the dark. It was just a void of emptiness unless something decided to hide in it, scare you, and eat your soul!
I was halfway to Loki’s door when he swung it open and grabbed my hand. I squeaked, as the ‘monster’ pulled me inside Loki's room.
“You take forever,” he huffed. He stood in his pajamas, filled with superheroes from human comics. “Come tuck me in.”
Shrugging my shoulders, thankful I didn't get eaten, I watched him climb into the massive bed and pulled the covers over him. “Good night, Loki!” I waved to him, but he grabbed my hand again.
“You’re s’posed to kiss me goodnight! A good nanny, who cared about the kid they were looking after, would do that.”
I bit my finger.I only wanted to kiss the person who I would love one day.
“Not on the cheek.”
Loki groaned, “What about my forehead? Does that work with your silly logic?”