“Your sister is so cute,” I cooed at Loki.
“Yeah, but I’m cuter,” he huffed, crossing his arms.
“No, you’re handsome.”
Loki smiled as wide as his horns. “You think so?”
I nodded.
“Stop that,” Mom hissed at me. “Hades, Ember, lovely seeing you, but we must go.” Mom pulled me again until I ripped my arm away. Mom whipped around so fast that her toga blew up to her knees.
“Mom, you said I could come,” I whispered. Dad came up behind her, rubbing his hands up and down her arms.
“My love, let’s calm down.” Dad’s wings engulfed Mom like a big cocoon.
He does that a lot with her. It helps knock her out when she gets really ‘pissy,’ as Dad says. He says there is a reason she is so uptight, but I am not old enough to know why.
Lucifer pulled me back to his side, his left wing brushing my arm where my mom had grabbed me too tightly. The tingles made the sharp pain fall away.
“I can’t relax! We have to leave,” she whispered loudly to Dad. “You know why! Why am I the only one looking out for her well-being?”
Dad caressed her cheeks. Between his feathers, you could see the concern playing across the corners of his eyes. “We cannot keep her sheltered forever.” He wiped away a tear from Mom’s cheek with his thumb.
“The hell I can’t!” Mom burst through his wings, a new fire blazing in her eyes.
I had never seen Mother so dead set on anything.
“D-did you find my stash?” Everyone’s head perked up. I repeated my statement and still, everyone stared at me. “My stash of candy; did you find it? Is that why you are mad?”
Loki snorted, garnering an assortment of evil looks.
I saw nothing funny about it. My magical stash was awesome. If Mom knew I had it and ate candy whenever I wanted, she would definitely take it away.
“No, Uriel. You left the house without permission, and the first place you went was the Underworld!”
“But you said I could go!” I defended. “You kept saying, ‘yes, yes, yes!’ over and over while you guys were waiting for the stork!” I stomped my foot, putting my hands on my hips.
Mom’s face reddened instantly as she slapped her hand over her mouth.
Lucifer made a noise behind me. I turned to look at him, and a little curl of the lip graced his otherwise grumpy face.
“Is she serious right now?” Loki spoke to Ember. “Like, she really doesn’t know?” Ember hushed Loki.
My frustration made my wings shake.
“Sweet pea,” Mom began.
I knew what ‘sweet pea,’ meant. She was going to offer me cake. Part of me was excited until Athena’s pantsuit came into view.
I waved frantically. “Athena!” I squealed, running up to her.
I was glad she didn’t run away from Hades and his implied death threats about the grass. Athena was going to be my new teacher, and I was worried I would never see her again!
“Hello there, Uriel.” She patted my head affectionately. “I see your parents have graced us with their presence.” Athena didn’t smile. Her hand stopped petting my head, and she brought me back to the group of gods and angels standing around us.
“Sweet pea,” Mom spoke again, her body slightly bending to speak to me face-to-face. “We need to go home. I’ll make you your favorite treat, alright?” Mom’s smile widened.
The thought of getting some chocolate lava cake had my wings shuddering.