Uriel’s head popped up from examining her lacy dress. Her pretty porcelain skin was now tanned with a hint of a sunburn on her cheeks and chest. Athena held out a strawberry liquid. It too had an umbrella just like the one at the big party after their bonding ceremony months earlier.
Uriel’s golden eyes widened. “Yes!” she squealed, but Lucifer promptly grabbed it from Athena’s hands before she could retrieve it.
“Uh no.” He took it away, putting it on a servant’s tray as it passed by.
Uriel whined, stomping her foot, “Why! I haven’t had one in a long time.” Her lip stuck out, provoking Lucifer to land a firm swat on Uriel’s back side.
“Watch it,” he warned, raising a brow.
Athena watched the two, finding their dynamic utterly amusing. “Here, this is one without alcohol.” Athena willed another strawberry-flavored one, and Uriel took it gladly.
“You’re lucky I can detect lies now,” Lucifer commented, drinking from his glass.
Athena chuckled as Ares and Mariah stepped to the top of the stairs, holding a baby in a silk yellow blanket. Two cherubs floated around their bodies, blowing horns for everyone’s attention.
“This is ridiculously excessive,” Hades groaned, stepping up beside his son. “Fucking cherubs,” he muttered.
“Are you sure those are cherubs?” Uriel mused. “Thosethingshave horns on their heads.”
It was true. The cherubs were specifically created for the baby announcement. Hades had a terrible time assembling them. He made them the lightest shade of red he could, trying to appease his friend but he couldn’t fully curtail his stylistic flare. The result was chubby, little, red-tinged babies with horns and black wings.
“Those aren’t cherubs. You should have asked Zeus to assist you.” Athena looked on in disgust.
Ares looked down into the crowd, narrowing his eyes at Hades. He wanted everything perfect, but as he watched those things flutter around his head, all he could think was,‘I asked for damn cherubs and this was what I got? Hades somehow came up with this twisted demonic version of a cherub. He had a seriously sick, dark sense of humor.’He scoffed silently, shaking his head
Hades snickered as he noticed Ares’ glare at the same time Athena commented, “Those things look like demon hell babies.” He covered his mouth to suppress his laugh as Ember nudged him, shaking her head.
Lilith ran by both her parents, babbling and eating a turkey leg with one hand. The cute, pink dress with little frills that Ember dressed her in did not reflect her personality. Despite her beautiful, strawberry-blonde hair which was so reminiscent of her mother, Hades’ strong genes were evident in the permanent scowl on her face.
Ares cleared his throat, and the devil-demon babies floated away and dispersed into thin air. Hades wasn’t keeping those around—that was some creepy shit, even for him.
“We would like to announce…” Ares paused for effect, giving the perfect view of the massive black t-shirt that said, ‘Best dad of all the realms.’ Some laughed, but Ares continued to stare at his mate with pride as he took the baby from her arms and finished, “our daughter, Agape.”
The claps from the crowd thundered through the room, startling the newborn baby girl into a fit of cries. Ares clutched her to his chest, and she instantly soothed into his touch.
Uriel was bursting with excitement, ready to see the little baby as the new family descended the stairs. “Can I go see?” Uriel gasped, holding her hands over her mouth.
Her child-like personality had still not left her, and Lucifer hoped it never world. He hoped their children would be just as adorable—but that wouldn’t be happening anytime soon. He had too many things he wanted to do with his little bunny,alone.
“Go but come right back.”
Uriel nodded frantically, rushing over to the little baby who glowed so brightly in Uriel’s vision that it almost hurt her eyes. “So pretty,” she cooed, trailing a finger down the baby’s cheek. Warm light trailed Uriel’s finger as Agape’s little head turned to see the Goddess of Innocence staring at her. The baby smiled, yawned, and quickly went back to sleep, none the wiser.
“What did you do?” Mariah asked as she looked over her baby, clutching her to her chest.
“I blessed her with grace,” Uriel hummed. “I’m not sure what form it will come in, though, since she’s just a little baby.”
Uriel’s powers continued to grow. She could suck lies out of little, naughty children and then give them the guilt until they prayed for forgiveness, which she would instantly grant. When she blessed someone with grace, it could come in a warm feeling of being loved and cared for. However, for the few people of the artistic nature she had blessed with grace, their movements became more fluid and their paint strokes more emotional. Uriel still had a lot to learn, but she knew she should use her newfound skill to help little Agape in her life.
Meanwhile, Loki was busy working the crowd. He had uncovered a new level of charisma since he became the raven. The she-wolves from Mariah’s pack all showed up for the event, and they were enthralled with him. With his dark hair and deep green eyes, he looked nothing short of the Prince of Darkness he was as his charisma drew hungry teenage girls to his feet.
“He’s going to get in trouble one day,” Lucifer muttered to his father.
Uriel looked at both Hades and her mate, watching how they both looked at Loki with disappointment.‘Flowers, they looked so much alike with their jaws tight and their eyes narrowed.’
“What I’ve learned about being a parent”—Hera stood by her daughter, wrapping her arm around her—“is that you can only guide your children so much. It is up to them and the Fates what they do with that guidance” The sweet smell of honeysuckle tickled Uriel’s nose and she, immediately, hugged Hera and rubbed her mother’s growing tummy.