Feeling every ridge of my cock being tickled by her fluttering walls had me clutching her pump ass as I slid in and out of her. My cock disappeared into her body as I became one with her, grunting when my hips couldn’t keep up with the rhythm. My body frantically shoved as much cock as I could to fill her.
I fucking love her body; I fucking love her, and she is damn well mine.
“Mine!” I yelled as launched my seed into her body. I came so damn hard that I swear I saw the Fates all smiling at me. This was how it was supposed to be, how Uriel’s life should have always been.
We both crumpled to the pillows, hearing the shouts of Dionysus yelling for more alcohol.
“Bunny,” I whispered, pulling her tangled hair away from her face. She panted, rolling over to look at me. “I love you.”
She smiled again, her finger tracing her mark. “And I love you,” she murmured.
Kissing her forehead, I tried to get up to find her dress so we could go to the party.We could not be late, or Hera was going to barge in the tent.
“We still have three more minutes.” She smiled coyly.
Chapter 64
IpoutedasLuciled me out of the tent. He cleaned me up like I was some little child and made me put on the white dress that hugged my body like a second skin. In the back, a big white bow sat on the curve of my lower back which roused an illicit groan from Luci.
“Stop pouting, or I’ll give you something to pout about.” He slapped my bum and grabbed my hand, now leading me out to the sands of the Isle of Dragons.
The light sources hung over the horizon, and the pretty mason jar lights hung around the gigantic structure that held a bamboo dance floor. Everyone’s feet were bare. The slapping of their feet and the twirling of all the pretty dresses led me into an enchantment that was straight out of a fairy tale.
“Uriel!” Silas waved to me. He was sitting on the pier that led right to the dance floor on the sand. His tentacles dipped into the ocean as he sat with his body leaning on his muscular arm. I waved frantically, happy to see one of my new friends.
Pulling Luci’s hand, he stopped to see where I wanted to go. “Can I go say hello?” I tugged Luci’s hand again, but his mom called him too.
Luci squinted his eyes in a glare cast toward Silas. An arm went over Silas’ chest in some sort of silent agreement. Luci let me go.
“Stay with him,” Luci muttered in my ear, “or I’ll punish you out in the open.” I snickered. His lips touched my forehead, and he let me go running down the pier.
“You’re here!” I ran to hug him. His tentacles popped along my skin as I sat next to him. I slid my feet into the warm water, watching the fish swirl around us both. “Did Poseidon bring you?”
Silas’ fangs poked out through his smile. “He did.”
“And when do you get to hunt for your mate?” I clapped my hands excitedly, watching the twinkle in his eye. His skin was dry from his torso up, but his tentacles continued to pull water from the ocean to wet them. He didn’t have the stinky-fishy smell that I would think he would have.
“Soon,” he muttered, looking at the last light source. “Master wants to try and give me legs.”
I gasped, putting my hands to my chest. “Can he make that happen?”
Silas chuckled, pushing the curl out of my face. “Of course, he can. He is the Master of his creations. However, I think I will only be able to have my legs for so long before I revert to my original form. I won’t be able to stray far from the ocean.”
I tilted my head, studying the sorrow in his eyes. “That means your mate will have to travel to the ocean to see or find you.” He hummed in agreement. “If she is your soulmate, then she will find you,” I chirped back. “Fates have a hand in everything, and if you want something bad enough,” I paused, pursing my lips, “the Fates will change the tides for you to have it.”
Out of all people, I should know this. I wanted nothing more than to live when I saw my mate bolted to the floor. I wanted to save him, save my family, and save every innocent who didn’t deserve the fate Kronos planned. I wanted to live, and I fought for it.
“I hope you are right,” he muttered. I nudged him playfully.
He was as solemn as Poseidon could be.
Repetitive clicking shuffled down the dock until I saw Galen, the enormous half spider trill beside me.
“Is Silas being grumpy?” Galen clicked his chelicerae together near his face, lowering his body to see the both of us. His legs were so long they went behind my back.
“He just wants a mate too, now that he knows he can have one.” I rubbed his back.