“So, I can suck out evil with my hands, and then Luci can suck the evil out of me with his mouth?” Uriel verified cheerfully.
“That’s what she said.” Loki sauntered up, still spitting feathers from his mouth. Mother pulled him into a hug.
“My big boy!” Loki now stood a head taller than Mother, his horns now permanently on top of his head. “You have a raven!”
Athena stood by in the corner, even with her disheveled look, torn clothes, and bare feet she pulled a notebook from her suit jacket and began writing things down. Shaking my head, I pulled Uriel into my arms.
The entire palace was in shambles, the roof had fallen in, black tar coated on the floor, and hunks of stone lay out in the open. With the evil of Kronos now vanquished, it would take time to repair what was left.
Angels had already begun cleaning out the throne room, and celestial fairies used their magic to repair the small cracks in the floors. The one thing in the room left untouched was the body of Zeus. We had all been too worried about Uriel, worried she would perish, and that I would follow. So, we just left the body lying in the middle of the floor.
Zeus’ hand flopped on the floor. He was still covered in the tar-like substance that held him to the floor with the sword embedded into his head. “I have a splitting headache,” he groaned, trying to move his head. “Is there a fucking sword in my head? Get it out!” His arms waved around dramatically.
Hades chuckled, walking barefoot across the floor before pulling it out with one swipe.
“Damn, you could have warned me,” Zeus complained, rubbing his forehead. The wound began to close, along with the one in his chest. The once gray beard that Kronos donned while in his body was back to the usual white blonde. His bright blue eyes surveyed the surrounding room.
“What the fuck happened? Did I miss a party?” His shoulders slumped. “Sheesh, I know I’ve been a terrible god all these years, but I swear, I’m trying. Not getting invited hurts, ya know?” His head slumped while his elbows rested on his knees.
Hera, gracefully went to Zeus and pulled on his hand to help him stand. Michael’s dislike for his mate touching a former partner didn’t go unnoticed, and Zeus backed away respectfully.
“Your body was possessed by Kronos,” Hera said softly.
Zeus coughed, rubbing his chest as the rest of his body healed. “Fates,” he cursed. “I—I did not know. The last thing I remember was Uriel helping me in the Underworld.” Zeus smiled at Uriel, who waved shyly. “Then I went through the portal, and then… nothing. That is the last I remember until I woke up with the sword in my head.”
“Kronos’ spirit entangled into your soul,” Athena explained, “and I am afraid we are not done with him just yet. Lucifer may have destroyed the connection, but you need his body and soul to fully exterminate him.”
Uriel grabbed onto my wings, pulling them around her body. I shook, feeling the sensation her fingers elicited on my feathers. Now that I got her back, I needed her more than ever. Her heart raced rapidly in her chest. The flutters of her fear had my anger swell within me again.
Hades pulled Zeus to the throne, both side-by-side for the first time in centuries. “With your permission, brother, I say we take a trip to Tartarus and end this once and for all.”
Zeus’ face passed over the crowd. They all watched the High God in a different light as Father gave his blessing for Zeus to rule, yet again.
Zeus gritted his teeth, nodding his head in agreement. “To Tartarus, to destroy the threat of the gods.”
Chapter 60
Lucigrippedmetightly,keeping me sitting in his arms. Hushed whispers from the other gods filled my ears as they gathered around Zeus. They were most likely discussing the next plan of action. My mom had settled back at my feet, rubbing them as her tears dropped onto my ankles.
She raised her head, tears still streaming down her cheeks. “All along, I should have asked for help.” She gripped the blanket covering her body tighter around her neck. “I had no clue the paranoia and those deep, terrible insecurities were from,him.”
“Mom,” I whispered again. Luci let the tight hold around my waist loosen, although his eyes were still red from his own tears. My arms wrapped around my mom, who muttered, ‘thank you’ to Luci.
Dad kept his wings wrapped around our family. The small family that I had known all of my life now included Luci and Vulcan, who hovered outside Dad’s wings over us. My head glanced upward to see the large, bearded god in his battle attire. Stretching my arm out, I beckoned him to join us. Dad let him in gladly as Vulcan moved to hug me tightly.
“You’ve got a lot to explain, Mom,” Vulcan joked. “I understand why, but damn. My therapist will not believe this.”
Mom let out a sob gripping the both of us. “How about a big family vacation, with mates and all,” Mom muttered. Luci growled behind me, pulling my waist to seat me back in his arms. “As soon as Lucifer and Uriel have their alone time, of course.” She winked at my brooding mate.
He didn’t smile, instead he unfurled his wings, encasing us into our own, private cocoon. Away from prying eyes, Luci’s forehead rubbed against my cheek. His fingers became impossibly tight around my neck. The control he craved was back in full force as the tickling of his claws sparked my desire to listen and be his good girl immediately.
“Are you okay?” I sniffed, huffing a laugh.
Luci shook his head, unable to speak for the longest time. His wings shuffled until they shuttered completely around us. “You’re asking if I am okay?” Luci scoffed. “You were the one dying in my arms just moments ago.”