Page 138 of Lucifer's Redemption

Vulcan, holding the sword he forged for Lucifer, pushed it into Lucifer’s hand. Vulcan studied Kronos, whose borrowed form had become weak. It no longer looked like the evil still saturated Zeus’ body, but one could not be sure.

“It will destroy what is intended!” Vulcan hurried his words.

In the seconds that transpired, Lucifer had already flapped his wings, pushing Kronos’ hands away from Uriel with a mighty gust of wind. Kronos laid on his back with Lucifer straddling him. His dark navy eyes were disturbed as Lucifer raised up his sword.

“I am the God of Destruction,” Lucifer hissed, “and it is this day that I end you.” Pushing the blade deep within Kronos’ chest, black tar oozed from the wound and covered the sword. Lucifer wasn’t satisfied, so he raised his sword again to plummet it into Kronos’ head. The crack of bone had Ember whine from afar, Hades holding his mate tightly.

Lucifer pushed Kronos away from Uriel; her body sucked enough evil from his body which caused her to sway. Vulcan, seeing Uriel begin to fall raced to her side, holding her with his arms. Gently he sat on the floor holding her. Vulcan pushed his long beard away to look upon her face. Both were Hera’s children, but with different fathers. His half-sister stared at him with heavy eyes.

“Is he gone?” Uriel choked. The blackness continued to rise above her neck and to her cheeks.

“Yes, he’s gone, you did it.” Vulcan wiped away a tear. “You did a great job.”

Uriel chuckled, trying to raise her hand to touch Vulcan’s bearded face. “Your eyes”—Uriel paused—“look like my mom’s.” Uriel choked on her words. Her head rolled back, unable to hold the weight of her head.

“Uriel?” Vulcan took his other large hand, cradling her head to his chest. “That’s because I’m your half-brother,” Vulcan’s voice cracked.

Uriel’s faint, forced smile had her dimming eyes brighten for a moment. “I’ve always wanted a brother.” Her eyes fluttered closed as Lucifer rushed to her side. Still covered in the black tar-like blood.

“Uriel, you wake up, damnit!” Lucifer took Uriel from Vulcan’s hands. Vulcan’s eyes never left his sisters. “You can’t go to sleep.” Lucifer’s frustration came out as tears. Gods and goddess surrounded the recently mated couple, feeling the goddess’ soul fading deep in their hearts.

“You wake up right now,” Lucifer gently shook her.

“Are you okay, Luci?” She coughed. “Are you hurt?” Her eyes closed prompting Lucifer to shake her gently.

“I won’t be if you don’t stay awake!” His tears turned to sobs. The pain in his chest growing so intense, he thought he would die.

Hewoulddie. He would die without her if she left him here alone. He would go on a rampage, begging the gods to take his life, to help him leave this world to meet his mate amongst the stars.

“I’m just so tired.” Her hand reached for Lucifer’s cheek, but fell short, dropping back into her lap. The black sludge coating her body crusted over. Her dried skin began flaking in the gentle breeze. “My parents?” she whispered, closing her eyes.

“They are fine,” Lucifer sobbed into her chest. “Fates don’t let her leave me damnit! Please, Uriel, stay with me.”

Chapter 59


“Forfuckssake!”Igently shook Uriel, jostling the black ash so that it began falling out of her shining hair. Her body was covered with filth; all the dirt and sin she pulled from Kronos consumed her body.

“Someone do something?” I had never felt more helpless in my life, holding my mate in my arms, watching the light in her soul fade. Her breathing was slow, barely detectable, the rise in her chest became shallower with each breath.

“Hecate!” I screamed for her to come near. The gods parted, looking down at us both with tears in her eyes.

“I—” she began but I quickly yelled at her.

“Don’t you say you can’t help!” Boiling tears ran down my cheeks, dripping onto Uriel’s skin. “Don’t you dare!”

Hecate walked backwards; her hands folded over her lap backing away. My eyes searched the crowd.

“Athena!” My voice cracked.

Many gods and goddesses looked away in pain. They couldn’t even look upon my mate; the pitiful sniffles leaving their weeping faces did not compare to what I felt. My soul was breaking; my Uriel was fading fast preparing for her soul to join the stars.

Athena walked forward, daring to kneel beside me. Putting her hand on my shoulder, the sympathy in her eyes only told me one thing: she could do nothing.

“NO!” I roared, bringing Uriel’s body closer to me. Her neck lacked any support; I held it to my chest, grabbing her face to look into my eyes. “Come on bunny,” I whispered in her ear. “You can’t leave me, not now.”

Burying my nose into her neck, it smelled of nothing but sulfur and sin. I kissed her neck, anyway, trailing it until I reached her beautiful, chapped lips. It was the only part of her body not charred with black.