“Make it stop!” She cried out, her ears bleeding from the innocent screams. “You cannot do this to them! They did nothing!”
Zeus rolled his head back in laughter. “Oh, but I can, and I will!” he growled. “I am time. I control the patterns of life. I dictate the life and death of people that my sons and daughters have created. I am the true ruler of all the cosmos.”
Uriel took her hand from her ear; blood stained her fingers as the screams finally ceased. “Father of time?” Uriel muttered quietly.
Remembering her studies, she knew of the Titan that was said to be the Father of all the Cosmos. Her research ran deeper when her mother was gone, uncovering a name that had been wiped away from all the history books of the Celestial Kingdom. Only the humans still had such history written.
“Kronos,” she muttered. Zeus stood back from the table, rounding it to come closer. “You are Kronos,” she said, louder for all to hear. Shouts escaped from the gods who had broken free from the angels’ grips but were quickly silenced again by darkened hands over their mouths.
“You are smarter than you look.” Kronos smiled wickedly with black tar falling from his mouth.
Uriel pursed her lips, not liking the undertone of his voice. “That is impossible,” she added.
Ares broke free from the angel’s hold on him, stumbling to the ground. “I felt you in that damn box!” He hissed. “There is no way—” Kronos used Zeus’ power to wrap red lightning around Ares’ mouth.
Uriel’s eyes widened looking at Mariah. She was held against the wall by three angels, hands bound above her head, but a certain glow to Mariah’s stomach didn’t go unnoticed. Bright light radiated from the depths of Mariah’s womb in a rhythmic beat.
“Flowers,” Uriel breathed. This had to end quickly, for the sake of everyone, especially the new innocent heart that fluttered in Mariah’s belly.
“Oh, I assure you, it is quite possible.” Kronos touched the face that he had disguised himself with. “I am the father of the God of the Sky. I am within all of you.” His hand waved around the room. “I am the Father of the Cosmos, and the things that live within. I am the Titan of Time; ruler of when things should be and when they should not.”
Uriel looked to Lucifer. His face was red with fury, trying to fight the bonds that strapped him down. His black wings convulsed while he struggled to get to his knees. Lucifer looked at Uriel pleadingly. “Leave,” he mouthed. “Don’t.” He shook his head.
Uriel wanted to listen to her mate, but this was her battle to bear, even if she was scared to death. She was not the Goddess of Bravery, Fighting, or Courage. She was just the Goddess of Innocence and Grace; the one that wanted to protect the lives of those who had done nothing wrong and did not deserve this sort of death.
“It took time,” Kronos continued. “but I figured out a way to connect with my children. All magic grows over time, and no one even saw me coming.” Kronos walked to Hera, picking her up by the back of her hair. “Especially this one.” Kronos’ drooled tar ran down Hera’s cheek.
“I planned this from the very beginning. I planted the seed for you to keep Uriel hidden so her powers wouldn’t develop,” he whispered. “She is now too weak to defend those she holds so dear.” Hera sobbed as Kronos dropped her to the floor.
“Taking Zeus’ body was no problem. My spirit can mingle between any of my children, but since Zeus was the one that ultimately destroyed me so long ago, I felt some revenge was in order.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I can freely move my spirit between both of our bodies.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t eat your children, then they wouldn’t have to rise against you,” Uriel spat. The fire she felt in her mark had her snapping in ways she never thought she could. She wanted nothing more than to end the arrogant Titan, but how was she to do that?
“Listen here, granddaughter,” Kronos sauntered his way to Uriel. His robes danced across the floor until they stood chest to chest. “I am the King of the Cosmos. I will wipe everything that my sons and daughters have created, and then I will create a new era, a new world that lives bymyrules.” Kronos gritted his teeth.
Uriel felt a surge in her body. Her proximity to the Titan had her seething at the maliciousness of his darkened soul. He was teeming with sin, fraught with an evil that repulsed her little body and compelled her to extend her hand to utilize what little power she thought she had.
“NO!” Lucifer screamed from the sidelines. Uriel grabbed Kronos’ hand, her golden eyes looking into the depths of Kronos’ soul.
Kronos only smirked, watching the glow of his hands. “What are you going to do, little goddess?” Kronos watched with a smile on his face.
Uriel’s mouth set into a firm, thin line as the warmth grew hotter. Her other hand cupped the same large hand of Kronos until Uriel’s hands turn black. The mocking smirk on Krono’s face vanished upon seeing the change in Uriel.
Loki, who had been working at the throne pecking away the chains restraining his father, finally released the last one. Hades completed the shift into his monstrous hellhound, but was still weak from his powers being drained. Loki shook the vile necklace off his neck, pushing it towards Hades. He picked up the vial, swallowing it whole. The thick fur sprouted on his back stood on end as the healing power surged through his body rejuvenating him.
Hades lunged forward, knocking over the angels who were immobilizing Lucifer. His fangs sliced into wings, causing feathers to fly around him. Angels scattered away upon noticing the fury Hades unleashed now that he regained his full strength. Hades’ razor-sharp teeth ripped into the electric chains, dropping them to the floor in shambles.
As soon as Lucifer felt the chains extricated from his body, he burst forth using his wings at full speed, covering half the length of the room in a flash. His hands charred black, dripping molten plasma to the floor. Lucifer was going to end Kronos. He would eviscerate the Titan once and for all. The rage built inside him once he darted his eyes to Uriel. Half her body had been encrusted with soot, and black smoke was being sucked into her lungs as her hands held steadfast to Kronos.
Black tar no longer ran down Zeus’ face. The gray hair of his beard brightened back to the typical white. Kronos fought against Uriel’s hands to free himself, but Uriel stood firm, staring at him with her golden eyes.
“It’s finished, Kronos.” her whisper echoed through the walls.
More black ash worked up Uriel’s arms and her neck. Lucifer growled, seeing his mate’s white skin soiled. It cracked, leaving hints of red underneath her. Lucifer grabbed the mark on his chest, feeling the lamb on his chest burn bright.
The evil power was fading in the room. Angels knocked out of the stupor with their wings turning back to the glorious white and their eyes returned to their normal lustrous color. Confusion ensued in the room as Ember burst from the cage after her mate set her free.
“Kill him now!” She directed her cry to Lucifer.