Father’s jaw ticked, nodding his head. “I think he’s out. I’m almost sure of it. This power—this evil someone is using, it is stifling.”
Stepping back to the bed, I pushed Uriel’s hair away from her face.
I can’t let her get caught. I can’t go up there.
“She can’t leave here,” I muttered. “I won’t let anyone take her.”
My back stiffened at Father’s careful steps to the bed. “And we won’t either. She is family. She will be protected once the Twelve arrive to overpower this evil being. However, if you don’t willingly take her to the Celestial Kingdom, I’m worried about what Zeus will do to get her there.” Father sat at the end of the bed, disregarding my glare. “It isn’t just us; the humans and supernaturals could be at risk too.”
“Zeus is doing this?”
Father shook his head, rubbing his mating mark. “It is the body of Zeus… at least I think it is. Either that or it is Kronos impersonating him.” I sighed heavily, looking at Uriel.
“Get the message to Ares,” Father spoke firmly. I hummed in agreement as he left the bed.
Before I knew what was happening, I was laying in the tub again with Uriel on my chest. My eyes blinked, adjusting to the dimming torches in the bathroom. Night must have fallen, and we had spent the entire afternoon in the tub with my body heat keeping the water warm.
I sat up with Uriel who continued to sleep soundly. Drying her and putting her in the bed, I tucked her in and planted a chaste kiss on her forehead. Her body leaned into me, ready for me to slip beside her, but I had work to do. Arranging one of my shirts over a pillow and sliding it towards her, she grabbed it instantly and hugged it close. Chuckling, I left the room, locking it and casting a magical ward to keep her safe.
I’ll know if anyone comes in or out of that room.
Crossing the hallway, I found Loki, with the door still open, wearing a headset and playing a video game. His yelling and cursing were loud enough for the entire hallway to hear. I yanked the head set off his head; he growled as his horns and feathers sprouted from his head.
“Come on featherbrain. Father has given us an assignment.”
Loki groaned in annoyance, but he knew never to mess with Father and the duties he delegated to us. As we walked down the hall, feathers spilled to the floor as he shook out his arms. “Dumb, stupid feather shit,” he grumbled as we went to find Silas.
We heard Silas’ tentacles popping through the main entryway. He busily prepared a floral arrangement filled with bright flowers and sponges. His hands moved smoothly and slowly like he was actually underwater. As we approached, Silas turned and gave us a fanged smile which then faded upon registering our determined faces.
“Silas, we need your help.”
I hugged the source of Luci’s smell again, only to find it super squishy. I mean, really squishy, and my Luci was not squishy. I opened my eyes, looking at the black pillow covered with Luci’s shirt. I huffed, throwing it to the ground.
He left me here after we just ‘did it.’
The sheets flew over the bed. I was clean, and my hair was slightly damp. I realized I was clean from the evidence of our ‘activities.’ I giggled, running to the closet bum naked to change into a long yellow dress. It had capped sleeves and fell just above my knee.
I really love the dresses that Ember picked out for me.
Prancing to the door, I pulled to open it, only to find it extremely heavy. Grunting and straining, I managed to pull it open just enough to slip through, and it slammed shut as soon as I squeezed through it.
That was super heavy.
Dusting off my hands, I went exploring since Luci wasn’t around.
I mean, seriously: he left me in that room and didn’t cuddle me at all.
I should have been super mad, but the enormous light-blue halls and deep-green, squishy carpet were something to behold. My toes squished into the sea sponge material so much that I could almost bounce around the hallway. Following the hallway in the opposite direction from which we came, I stumbled upon a hallway full of doors with chatter and laughter billowing behind one of them.
Being one for laughter, I cracked the door open to see a ton of creatures just like Silas and that crazy spider guy. This time, there were also some centaurs, a minotaur, and a satyr! I thought they were all made-up fairytales, but here they were, right in front of me!
My wide eyes caught sight of the big minotaur who was drinking from a large bucket because his hands were too large to hold on to a regular-sized glass. His body was that of a hairy beast, taunt with large thighs and hooved feet. A tanned leather skirt covered his man parts and his slightly hairy six-pack crept up to a normal human face. Horns sprouted from his head and he had a ring in his nose.
“Well, there she is—the woman we have been talking about!”
I squeaked, shutting the door hastily, turning, and running back to my room. As I pulled on the door handle to my room, the pounding of feet and hooves on the carpet neared. I panicked as I tried to pull the door open again.