Page 115 of Lucifer's Redemption

The skepticism in Zeus’ raised eyebrow had Hades stewing in his stance. Handing his daughter back to Ember, he stood in front of her, shielding them.

“Hold a trial, Zeus. You still have the final say.” Hades taunted, “You are the High God, correct?”

Zeus’ head ticked higher, liking the sound of that. “Yes, I am. Glad you didn’t forget.” Zeus sat back down in his seat, thrumming his fingers against the arms of his throne. Suddenly, an hourglass appeared beside him, the sand almost running out completely.

“I’m afraid, their time is up,” he muttered. “But… I will grant you your request. I ammostmerciful in that regard.” he sneered.

Hades gritted his teeth, his sinuous smoke tendrils slithering from his body.

“I do, however, have a request of my own,” he taunted. “Urielmustbe here for the gathering of the Twelve and remain for the duration of the trial.” The weight of Zeus’ ‘request’ filled the room, ensuing silence between the gods. Ember shook her head in deprecation.

“Is that really such an abhorrent request? To have the victim present for the proceedings?” Zeus’ voice was still eerily calm, not unlike the calm right before the biggest of storms.

“Her mate won’t like that,” Ember whispered to herself. Covering her mouth at her blunder.

Zeus stood abruptly with his fist clenched. “A mate?” Zeus growled lowly. “Since when did the Goddess of Innocence get a mate, and why was I not informed?” Zeus resumed tapping his fingers on the arms of the throne, the wind picking up to blow his beard.

“It just happened recently; don’t you remember? With Uriel being so sheltered, we have taken it slow with her. She just found out what mates are—” Ember was interrupted by a bolt of lightning gathering and striking at her feet.

The sudden shock of realization flashed before Hades’ eyes. This was not his brother, it was clearly another entity that was inhabiting Zeus’ body.

Ember screamed in fright, holding onto Hades, who had now lost his temper. Smoke engulfed them. His mate was completely covered in the black haze until the smoke lifted her and his daughter from his presence and carried them to the far side of the room.

Hades sprouted fur, using the ability he gained from his mate’s genetics to shift into the most ferocious wolf. He had only shifted a handful of times, but when he did, he was unstoppable.

Zeus stared at him in disbelief, watching the acidic saliva drip and burn the once perfect carpet. His claws crushed the steps as he stalked toward the High God. Giant padded feet ignited the entire area as Hades, the hell hound, snarled murderously in Zeus’ face.

“You forget who is more powerful.” The sulfuric breath of the monstrous hellhound forced Zeus to lean back in his throne.

Lightning struck beside the throne, but Hades did not flinch.

“You forget how powerful a mated pair can be, now you listen here, brother.” Hades licked his maw, the left-over spit dripping and burning holes in Zeus’s robes. “You straighten up your act or I will take back what is rightfully mine. Your days of bullshitting are over, Zeus.”

Zeus nodded his head, zipping his lips while Hades backed away, his eyes never leaving Zeus. “Prepare a room for the pair.” Zeus waved his hand, wiping his forehead.

Hades continued to glare at Zeus while he gathered his mate and daughter from the protective smoke.

“And send invitations to the Twelve,” Zeus commanded again. as Hades—the hellhound—and Ember left the room.

The doors slammed behind the departing couple, and the servants fled the room to attend to Zeus’ commands. The light dimmed, and thunder rolled above Zeus’ head. He chuckled, planting his fingertips against one another as he strummed them. His chuckle turned into sinister laughter, his teeth turned into sharp fangs and his eyes glowed red.

“This will be most interesting.” Black sludge encrusted the corner of his lips. Wiping it away gleefully, he sat back on his throne, waiting for the fun to begin.

Chapter 49

Under the Moon

Hadesmaintainedhiswolf-likeform with his head hung low, growling at the celestial fairies. He wasn’t sure if they were working for Zeus out of loyalty or fear. Their wings shuddered as they opened the guest room doors. The brightly lit guestroom was surprisingly immaculate, unlike the rest of the palace which was crumbling to pieces. Within a day’s time, Hades worried the entire palace would crumble.

Ember graciously thanked the fairies and sat down on the bed with a sleeping Lilith. “I can’t reach—” Hades’ maw snapped, silencing Ember, who glared at the overly large hellhound.

“We shouldn’t speak aloud,” he mumbled through the link. “I’m sorry I snapped at you.”

Ember hummed, looking over her shoulder at the hellhound who looked across the Celestial Kingdom. Clouds were darkening by the minute, the sunshine was completely gone, and pellets of ice jumped playfully on the ground.

“I can’t get a read on his feelings,” Ember spoke, still upset her mate would snap at her. She didn’t reprimand him, knowing a lot was on his mind. “It’s like a steel wall is there, blocking his emotions from me. Hades, I think he really is the evil that is after Uriel.”

Hades growled, baring his teeth while he rounded the bed. He laid his head on Ember’s lap, nuzzling into her. Lilith woke from the movement, staring down at the beast that should scare any child. She only giggled, pulling on the fur atop Hades’ head.