Page 114 of Lucifer's Redemption

They both walked down the previously golden carpet, now stained with black burn marks from the lightning strikes. Some pieces of the carpet were still aflame as they walked past. Rubble and pieces of the ceiling now covered the marbled floor around them. Servants tried to clean as quickly as they could only for more debris and dust to fall when the palace shook again.

Angels, wearing their helmets and body armor, held deadly-looking spears, standing to form several rows before Zeus’ throne. All were ready to attack anyone on a moment’s notice, even Hades.

Hades chuckled, thinking to himself,‘what could those useless angels do to him?’Hades was undoubtedly stronger, but the thought of his mate being helpless had him seething internally.

‘How dare Zeus have so many guards ready to attack him, of all people? He was here to help Zeus. Why would he do such a thing?’Holding tightly to his mate, they approached the bottom of the steps. Trying to uphold the peace, Hades and Ember bowed in reverence.

For the first time in millennia, Zeus sat upon his throne instead of greeting his guests when they first arrived. His mood was ever-brooding as he now wore dark, gray robes instead of his pristine, white ones. His white hair was disheveled, and his beard had grown. His once, blue eyes now burned deeply with embers of fury.

“What do you want?” Zeus’ voice was eerily calm for the atmosphere that surrounded the palace, while angels and servants appeared nervous before the High God.

Hades stepped forward, still not relinquishing his hold on his mate. “I’ve come to speak with you about the treason committed against the goddess, Uriel, by her mother and father.”

Zeus had a sparkle in his eye as he leaned forward, taking one elbow to prop his head up in amusement. “Right,” he hummed. “Pray tell me, whyyouwish to speak with me about it?”

Hades, taken aback by Zeus’ normally playful behavior, raised a brow. “I think we need to hold a meeting with the Twelve to see if we can come to some sort of an agreement. We both know why Hera did it—to save her daughter. She was scared and—” Hades was cut-off by a mighty, red lightning bolt that struck right behind his mate.

Lilith cried out, holding onto her mother as Ember buried her head into Hades’ arms.

“That is enough!” Hades growled. “I’m trying to be diplomatic about this, but you are being unreasonable!”

Zeus merely smirked, leaning back on his throne. His finger motioned for one of the celestial fairies to grace him with a platter of grapes and cheeses. Popping one purple grape into his mouth, he let the juice flow down his lips and onto his robe.

“Is that so?” He chuckled, now rising from his throne. Descending the stairs theatrically, he flared his robes in a prissy manner as he reached the bottom and stood nose-to-nose with Hades. Hades would not back down. His nose touched his younger brothers, and he let out a huff.

“If evenonegod deems it necessary to call upon the Twelve, then it should be granted. You know this. My reasoning should be heard. You are biased in all this because you still harbor contempt against Hera,” Hades growled.

Zeus squinted his eyes.

The loud roars of the thunder had Gabriel, who stood in the background, shudder. His weight shuffled from foot to foot as he waited to hear what the two powerful gods had to say. Gabriel thought of his mate Persephone, who was at home with their youngest child. He hoped that she was alright. Persephone was no stranger to thunder, lightning, and rain since she grew up with her mother in the Earth and Bergarian realms. However, it was the thoughts that may plague her mind as a result, reminding her of her mother’s absence, that worried him.

“Are you implying that I am unfit to rule judgement over this matter?” Zeus challenged, daring Hades to say another word.

Hades tutted, still not backing down. “That is exactly what I’m saying. Your close relationship with Hera will impede your judgment. You could pass judgement out of spite from losing her, from not having a mate of your own, and being jealous that Uriel is notyourdaughter.”

Zeus threw his head back and laughed. The roaring thunder ceased, and for but a moment, the skies parted and let what little light was present to shine on Ember.

Zeus’ finger pointed straight at Ember. “If anything, I should blame your mate, don’t you think? She is the one who paired Hera with Michael.”

Ember held her child to her chest, stepping back nervously.

“You keep my mate out of this!” Hades put his hand in front of his mate. “It isn’t simple to find your soulmate. You know this. Maybe the Fates don’t want you to have one yet, in hopes that you would redeem yourself for your foolishness of cheating on someone who dared to love you.”

Zeus rubbed his beard, smirking. Shaking his head, he stepped up to Hades, who still did not back away. Hades was ready for a fight, knowing this may be the time when he must overthrow the Sky God.

“I don’t give a flying fuck about Hera,” he sneered. “I am ready to seek judgement on the parents who dared to poison the Goddess of Innocence. Who is it to say that they are not the evil entity that threatens her and that’s why they tried to taint her?” Zeus turned, ascending the stairs back to his throne.

“They are not.” Ember defended Hera and Michael.

As much as she despised what they did, they only did it to protect their only daughter. If something ever came to pass where such a prophecy hung in the air for their own children, who is to say she wouldn’t do the same? Hades was powerful. Everyone knew that. She would not hesitate to hide her children from such a fate, especially if they did not know what evil sought them out. Hera had every right to fear Zeus.

“Zeus, what happened to you?” Ember pleaded. Putting Lilith in Hades arms, Ember walked halfway to the throne. “Uriel soothed you, just the other day. You seemed so happy once she relieved the burden you carried. I felt the warmth in your heart that one day, soon, you would have a mate and feel their love. Uriel gave you hope.” Ember’s lip wobbled.

The empathy power she held was so strong now she could feel the roaring waves of turmoil of every soul within a one-hundred-foot radius. With Athena’s help, she learned to block them out, but now, the walls were crumbling with a need to decipher what Zeus was feeling—there wassomethingdifferent.

Ember tried to break down his walls, like she could so easily do with all the other gods, to delve within their souls to feel their emotions. This time, she couldn’t. She couldn’t break the barrier that surrounded his heart.

“Something is wrong,”Ember mind-linked Hades.“Something, isverywrong.” Ember grasped her chest, walking backwards, her eyes fixed upon Zeus.