“Too much?” his voice was pained, pushing his thumb over my cheek. Shaking my head, I glanced into his big, beautiful, dark eyes.
“Bond with me. Make us one.” Luci froze, the lust from his dark eyes was washed away with the waves of the realization of my request .
“What?” He barely breathed, atypical for his normal demeanor.
“I mean it.” I licked my lips, staring at him adoringly.
This god was my mate. I didn't know anything about this new life, but he helped me every step of the way. He’s shown me things that I had only everdreamed of. Heshowed me the Underworld, took me to the beach, and even brought me to Poseidon’s Kingdom. He would do anything to make me happy. Flowers, he told me he loved me, and he has done so every night since as we fell asleep in each other’s arms. I can’t be separated from him, not ever.
The God of Destructionlowered his walls for me, just a little goddess who had the mind ofachild. Luci helped me grow. Why would I not want to be with him? He’s gentlewithme, he protects me, and there would be no other person I would rather be with.
Luci’s breath halted, his body still hovering over me. I wasn’t not sure if he was still breathing. “Lucifer?” I whispered his full name again.
It didn’t feel foreign like I thought it would. Luci was just so easy to say, but this was not the time for nicknames. No, this required aname that grasped his attention, taking in all of him—not just the loving side heshareswith me but all of him. In spite ofall the torment he can cause, I was there to help soothe his storms, and he was there to create them in me.
“Lucifer, make it official. Claim me. Claim this body because you have already claimed my heart.”
Luci cleared his throat. Watching his throat bob only made me squeeze my thighs together.
He was everything I ever could have wanted.Howdidn’t I fall at his feet the very first time I met him? I’ll never know.
“Uriel,” his voice went dry. “We can wait…” his voice trailed as the bright smile I had on my face faded. It didn’t take long before Luci saw my disappointment, and his lips grabbed hold of mine, kissing me with wild abandon.
It was hurried, forceful even, like an inner beast inside him had been unleashed. Parting my lips for a gasp I had to take, Luci’s warm tongue slipped into my mouth. His fingers, now sporting claws, dug into my hips as he rubbed on top of me.
His harsh kisses softened; my eyes opened to see the firm placement of his brows soften as his gentle pecks cooled my aching lips. Luci’s heavy lids opened to reveal the fire in his eyes. His face dropped below my jaw, and I felt the light feathery flutters of his lashes.
“Are you sure Uriel? This… this would bind us together,forever. I have my many flaws; you have to see that. I can lose my temper so easily. What if I become too rough?” Luci’s voice cracked, his hand wrapping around my neck, giving a gentle squeeze. “I just don’t want to hurt you. I don’t know how much control I have.” My nipples tightened, reacting to the warmth of his arm across my chest and the feeling of his calloused hand around my neck.
The grip he had on my neck was a warning. It was his way of letting me know he could really hurt me. The tightness of his grip should have frightened me. It was such a vulnerable spot for a hand to grip. He had the control. He had the upper hand. He was the dominant alpha in this pairing, and I was just the submissive omega who enjoyed getting the praise that I craved. His words could break me more than the hand that was around my neck.
It made me instantly wet.
“You would never hurt me,” I whispered. My fingers brushing the unruly hair from his forehead. “We were made for each other, remember?”
Chapter 48
Under the Moon
HadesgrabbedEmberaroundthe waist, his lips touching the top of her head as she held Lilith close to her chest. Taking the chariot ride up to the Celestial Heavens had been rather unpleasant. The once smooth ride through the dark void between worlds had become rough and uneasy. The carriage to tossed and turned while Hades’ hell horses screamed into the blackness. Hades tightened his grip around Ember, rocking his mate and daughter back and forth.
This was supposed to be a quick trip to speak with Zeus to understand the plans he had for Hera and Michael, who were indeed still missing. There were no signs the goddess and angel were willing to return to the Celestial Heavens to face trial. Their time was almost up, and soon, there would be no chance for redemption.
Hades hoped to talk some sense into his younger brother. This ruling for the trial was going by the laws of the High God. Zeus considered Hera to be the most trustworthy goddess—the one who he had loved for so long and lost. As such, Hades hoped a lesser punishment would suffice.
Once the carriage finally landed on the pearly streets, Ember pushed its door open, not bothering to wait for the footmen to help her down. Lilith grumbled, feeling her mother let out a harsh breath.
“Why was the ride so terrible?” she muttered as she looked up at the sky.
Hades put his arm around Ember, who was now stunned, before also examining the scene overhead. The skies were black with bolts of lightning weaving between the darkened clouds. Rain poured from the clouds but always evaporated before landing on the god and goddess’ heads.
“Let’s hurry inside,” Hades urged, trudging down the pearled stone path. The typical brightness of the Celestial Kingdom had receded, and now, all that remained were dark, grayed clouds that hovered over the lands.
Angels outside the palace doors were donned in their battle armor, busily sharpening their swords and daggers. Hades shook his head as they arrived at the once bright, white doors. Now they barely hung on the warped hinges, unable to shut properly to obstruct the weather. The servants opened the doors with a loud crack and whine as the hinges fought to support their weight.
Ember stayed quiet, gripping Lilith who had been lulled back to sleep by the rumbling thunder, her thumb slipping into her mouth, suckling as if it was her mother.
“Stay close to me,” Hades ordered. Ember dared not question her mate. She knew that was best for her and her child, given their current circumstances.