Page 109 of Lucifer's Redemption

“Maybe it is your power that lets my walls down,” he muttered. Staring at the rippling water, his voice became stronger. “I remember it all—his throat opening, swallowing us all whole, the darkness, and the burning acid. I’m not sure if anyone else does. We stayed in his stomach for years, your father, Lucifer, getting the brunt of it. I watched him suffer, burning in the acid. I watched them all. When we were finally expelled from his stomach, no one seemed to remember the lot of it. That or they were just too thankful to be free. I held onto it all; I remember like it was yesterday.” His hand went to wipe his forehead of the dripping dew.

“So I stayed down here, in the ocean, away from life. Creating life forms made me happy. When I allowed it, I helped create the most amazing creatures with the other gods. I could handle them, one at a time, as they asked me to create creatures for them. I just didn’t know they were doing it to destroy the humans.”

Once upon a time, the gods wanted to create a species in their image without powers. They wanted to see if, without magic, they would work together, love one another, and not fight for power. It all proved wrong once they saw the evil that many humans held, killing one another for power the gods thought they would never crave. When humans were created, the gods’ own evil seeped into their souls.

This made the gods want to create new creatures to wipe out the humans—vampires, fae, and shifters of all kinds. They all hunted humans down, killing them mercilessly. Until Ares eventually created the werewolves—on his own—from a group of warriors fighting to save the humans.

“You mean you helped create all those creatures?” Uriel muttered, her hand not leaving his. Poseidon’s tears dripped down his face.

“That I did, and I had no idea what they were being used for.” Uriel’s hand dropped, and Poseidon pulled away, muttering to himself.

“Silas will show you to your rooms.” Poseidon pushed his hand, spreading shells away from the doorway, and glumly walked out of the room.

“These cakes are fantastic!” Loki yelled from across the room. Silas only chuckled, his tentacles reaching for a napkin to wipe Loki’s face.

“I congratulate you for opening Master up so well; that is the most he has spoken in a long while.” Silas hummed, gathering the empty plates. “When you are finished eating, I’ll show you to your rooms. You can go to any part of the place you like—exceptthrough that entryway.” Silas pointed to the entryway with the seashells covering it where Poseidon exited. They still made tinkling sounds until the sway of the shells finally stopped.

“Better hold on to Uriel,” Loki wiped his mouth with his arm, “because I bet money that she will go through those shells.” Uriel had indeed already looked at the shelled entryway longingly. I pulled her hip closer to me and whispered in her ear.

“Be a good girl and stay with me at all times.” Uriel hummed, still staring at the doorway. I knew Poseidon was telling the truth since Uriel didn’t squeeze my hand when he talked about his past, but the intentions he had, I was unsure of.

Now that he has become comfortable with us, especially Uriel, did that mean he wouldn’t want her to leave?I grunted, pulling my mate away.Monitoring him would be for the best.

Silas led us to our rooms, the extravagant hallway was a stark contrast from where Poseidon liked to live, much like his basement of creatures. Uriel continued to stare at everything in awe while creatures like Silas roamed the hallways. The half-fish/half-humanoid creatures continued to look at us as we did them, not understanding each other’s species completely.

“Are there any girls here?” Uriel piped up. “I’ve only seen males.” Silas let out a long sigh as he stood in front of the white double door.

“Master has only created males. He says that he does not feel comfortable with the female anatomy.”

“Hold the phone!” Loki yelled. “You mean to tell me that no females like you roam this place? Just a bunch of dicks walking aroundand nowhere to put them?” Uriel covered her ears while I smacked the shit out of Loki’s head.

Silas chuckled, opening the door, not bothering to answer his question. “This will be your room, Your Highness.” Loki walked into the room, seeing the large flat screen T.V. and various gaming consoles.

“Oh yeah! I’ll be in here if you need me.” Loki waved his hand for us to leave. Mother didn’t like gaming consoles,‘too much violence for Loki’s young mind,’ she says. I don't think she fully realized who she lived with.

“That’s so sad,” Uriel stood by Silas. “Do you have mates then? Of the same gender? That’s okay too.” Uriel smiled up at him, but Silas frowned.

“Mates?” He whispered. “What are mates?”

Chapter 46


Pushingtheshelledcurtainaway, the hushed whispers of my guests fell away lazily as I took heavy steps to my quarters.

This would be more difficult than I originally thought: having to speak and partake in regular conversations with gods that knew nothing about me.

I shouldn’t blame them; I should give them the proper chance to prove themselves. These were not the gods I dealt with before; they were in the past. I never spoke or heard from them again after I found out they were trying to rid the humans from Earth.

Humans were special. We took extra care creating them once upon a time. They were the first creature that all the gods had a hand in creating. Each god’s personality fanning out among the lot of the first human group.

Of course, some would have more evil nature than others, that was a given.Once the final ruling, that we would not destroy our creations, was declared, I hid back under the sea where I belonged.

One by one, sneaky gods that disagreed with the ruling came to ask me to help them create a new creature. They had enjoyed seeing my handiwork with the clay and dirt when we built the humans.That was something that I was proud of myself for: I could create life better than most gods, and I wanted to continue that work.

Vampires, fae, orcs, shifters, and many others—with my help, these new creatures came to life, only to be swept away to live on the land of Earth. They were taught to destroy the humans, and my heart burned when I discovered their betrayal. The seas were rough in the beginning, my emotions matching the Earth’s tides. Tsunamis and volcano eruptions occurred frequently as the water beneath the Earth’s crust stirred.

The waters were feared for a time, but once my body calmed from the hurt of betrayal, the seas settled too. Now only the occasional sea problems arose,but I still had to remain cautious.