UriellookedatPoseidonlike he was a magical, unicorn cat with fluffy, red hair. Which, I guess my unclewassome sort of weird species, considering the man hardly talked and preferred to hide away in the basement of his palace.
The room was littered with creatures big and small. They were creatures that shouldn’t even exist—like the half-spider beast with a torso similar to a muscular human and a face with a mix of human-like and spider-like features. Looking at it, I couldn’t tell if it could speak, or if it was even anything remotely intelligent as it stood on four hind legs eating the meat of another animal. Its four ‘arms’ gripped it tightly while munching on the shredded meat.
I shivered.That shit was too much, even for me. What the hell was that thing?
“This is anarachne,” Poseidon approached the cage. The bars were large enough for anyone’s hand to slip through. I pulled Uriel away, making sure the beast didn’t suck her into the cage and eat her as well. Poseidon flashed a smile as he approached it, handing the creature a smaller fish.
“They are quite gentle but can be hostile when provoked. He can speak just as well as you and I.” When Poseidon talked about his creations, he acted like they were the only ones in the room. His passion for teaching us about these strange creatures seemingly eased his discomfort in speaking with us.
Uriel was right. Maybe this was the way we could get him to open up for the duration of our stay.
“Would you like to feed him?” Poseidon willed another fish from his wrap and handed it to Uriel. Uriel only shook her head, clinging to me.Finally, the woman feared something.
“C-can I?” Loki stepped forward and reached out his hand. With Loki’s newfound raven, he felt more connected to nature now. Loki stepped forward cautiously, holding out his hand. The exoskeleton-type arm reached through the bars, leaning more heavily into it since Loki was too afraid to move closer.
“I don’t bite gods, child.” The spider’s voice was low, causing Uriel to jump. It chuckled, taking the fish from Loki’s hand and swallowing it whole. “The fish are getting old, Master,” the spider clicked its fangs together as Poseidon reached through the bars, patting its thorax.
“I’m sure they are. I will have Silas go to the breeding pins today to fetch some red meat.” Poseidon spoke to him like a child before he stepped away.
“I’m sure you are all hungry from your journey. Silas has prepared an early lunch for us. Come.” He waved his hand for us to follow.
How could the ruler of the sea be so docile? I’ve read stories of the raging seas and hurricanes that strike the land on Earth. They could be fierce and deadly, killing the humans in their path and destroying entire forests on the islands of the Caribbean. Yet this god before me looked like he could never commit such an act.
His hands were gentle as he petted his creatures. He did not order them, he simply requested, and they complied willingly.Was there some kind of genetic coding that he could implement to make them love him unconditionally?
Leading us up the stairs to a giant, dome-shaped room, he had us sit in a room full of pillows and small tables. Pillows littered the floor, and we had to gather them to make soft chairs as we sat on the floor by the table.
The table held assorted underwater delicacies but also had many foods from the Celestial Kingdom—ambrosia, nectar, bread, fruits, and an assortment of small finger sandwiches. Uriel immediately eyed the desserts on a three-tiered serving tray that Silas sat down gently.
Pulling my mate closer, I whispered in her ear. “Be a good girl and eat something of sustenance. I don’t need you all sugared up later.” I winked at her as her face reddened with embarrassment.
My dick was already straining my pants. I couldn’t wait to get her back to the room. It had been too many days.
“I am… glad you are here,” Poseidon cleared his throat as he loaded his plate full of raw fish.
“Lie,” Uriel whispered, popping a cucumber sandwich in her mouth. Poseidon cleared his voice again, his face turning red.
“I’m sorry?” he muttered.
“You lied. It’s okay, you didn’t know that was part of my powers.” Uriel continued to stuff her face, unphased that this god lied to her. “It's only because you are nervous. I would be nervous too after not having visitors for so long.”
Poseidon hummed, stuffing a fish into his mouth. “Yes,” he swallowed. “Hades was quite… persuasive when he requested that you all come for a visit and in having Loki stay for longer.” Uriel swallowed her sandwich.
“Lieeee,” she sang. I pinched her thigh to signal her to stop.
“Alright!” Poseidon threw the plate off his lap, the fish flying to the floor. We all sat wide-eyed, and I pulled my mate to my lap to protect her. “Hades is unreasonable!” he grunted, pacing the room.
Loki began coughing, feathers sputtering out of his mouth.
“I don’t enjoy being around people,” he muttered. “I don’t enjoy being around other gods—fight, fight, fight, that is all they do. Then when I have finally had enough, I blow up and throw an ‘El Niño’ or a ‘Nor’easter’ all over the Earth. The seas capsize boats or a tsunami decimates entire cities. I can’t deal!” Rubbing his hair with his fist, he almost pulled out knots of hair. Uriel tried to leave my lap, but I resisted, holding her close.
“He’s a ticking time bomb,” Loki nudged me, pulling a feather out of his hair. “When I get nervous, this bird inside me wants to fly off.”
Poseidon growled, now counting to ten and throwing scented water in his face from a nearby basin. “I enjoy the silence. I enjoy being away from it all,” he huffed. “I’ve always been different, ever since that day.” Uriel’s face softened, pulling at my suit jacket as she watched. “The other gods got over being swallowed…by their father. I did not.” He gritted his teeth. “Why am I even talking about this?”
Uriel tugged my jacket again, silently begging me to let her go. After Poseidon’s outburst, I didn’t want to. I held her hand, letting her slowly get up from my lap as I followed. Poseidon was now circling the floral-scented basin in the middle of the room, Uriel’s hand extended to touch him. He didn’t flinch when she touched his shoulder, instead, he sighed as he felt the glow from her fingers.