“Bunny, if you can’t bend over properly, then you have to start wearing pants.” My face turned red as I pushed my skirt back down to help Loki get up.
“What happened?” Luci rubbed his face, crossing his arms at the large raven in front of us. Loki let out another ‘caw,’ his wings flapping violently as his talons continued to sink deeper into the moss.
“God of Mischief?” Poseidon walked towards us, eyeing Loki. Luci hummed in agreement as he stepped forward. Poseidon’s fingers went to Loki’s beak, tracing the dark, silken feathers until he reached his shoulders. Pulling out Loki’s wings gently, Poseidon inspected each one, walking around the enormous bird. He was in his element as he studied Loki’s form.
Luci held me close until he was finished.
“You did an excellent job transforming,” Poseidon spoke in barely a whisper. “If you wish to return to your god form, you will need to concentrate.”
Loki’s beady, red eyes blinked several times, closing only a moment until they flew back open. He flapped his wings frantically, screaming.
Poseidon chucked, waving his hand for Silas to return to the room. “My Lord?”
“Let’s take Master Loki to the creation room,” he mumbled. Silas took his tentacles, and one by one they helped to free Loki’s talons from the carpet.
Poseidon was already walking out of the room as Silas finished. “Please follow me, Lord Poseidon will help your friend.” Luci’s back straightened, the entire time he had been here, he acted like a stick was up his butt.
“What’s wrong?” I pulled on his arm as we walked down the hallways.
“He’s different alright,” Luci muttered. “It’s like he never talks to people.” My fingers laced with Luci’s as we walked into a large, dome area.
Large cages of animals and creatures that I had never seen before sat in each cell. Some were downright scary with large teeth and eyes that glowed in the dark. Dark colors donned their skin, and signs hung on the cages.
One cage held a large horse-like creature, but instead of four legs, it only had two, and a large tail replaced the hind legs. “Look, Luci! It's a merhorse!” I giggled as its nose came closer to the cage. I rubbed it gently and cooed at the bright-yellow animal.
“It’s ahippocampus,” Poseidon spoke loudly behind us, making me jump. Luci gripped me tightly.
Clearing his throat, Poseidon stepped away scratching his head. “Sorry, it’s a hippocampus. Half horse, with a siren’s tail. It couldn’t just be any fish,” he hurried his words. “It had to be strong to be able to push through its hooves because streamlining is nearly impossible for this animal.” Poseidon turned his back and hurried away.
“He likes to talk about his animals, maybe that is where we can connect with him?” I wondered aloud. Luci only hummed, keeping a firm hand on my waist. Luci continued to take in the room around us that was full of sea creatures. I could tell he didn’t feel comfortable as I felt his body shift from side to side.
Poseidon went to stand by a glass table, filled with papers, chemistry tubes, and beakers. Loki stood on the other side, his head twitching like a bird, tapping the glass as it sparkled on the conch shell desk lamp.
“Let’s see,” Poseidon muttered as his fingers traced a book. He scratched his chin, glancing from the book to Loki. Rounding the table, he grabbed Loki’s full attention by placing a hand on either side of his head.
“Imagine the bird,” he muttered. “Imagine what the bird wants to do.” Loki’s eyes closed, listening to Poseidon’s hypnotic words. “You are now part of this animal, you breathe, you sleep, and you fly with this animal. You are the raven and the raven is you.” Loki’s wings went slack, now trailing the floor.
“Accept the raven, Loki. Accept that it is a part of your being now.” Loki’s head went slack. “Once you accept it, imagine your body morphing back to your god form. Slowly, ever so slowly, think of your head, shoulders, torso, and so on.”
Loki’s head now faded back to his normal skin color, his hair stayed black while the feathers of his body absorbed into his body. Finally, his talons shorted, and his body returned to its full form, fully clothed. Taking a sigh of relief, Poseidon stepped back, releasing Loki’s face.
“Incredible,” he muttered, stepping away to write down a set of notes.
Loki opened his eyes, feeling his face, his body, and his legs. “Thank Fates,” he whispered, running towards me. I hugged him as the glow surrounded us, giving him comfort.
“Better?” I looked at him.
“Pardon my French, but that was some scary shit.” I narrowed my eyes at him playfully but didn’t reprimand him.
“What happened to me?” Loki directed to Luci. He shook his head, swiping his fingers through it.
“You are a god, Loki, I guess you have an animal. Ares can shift to a wolf, and you can shift into a raven. Ravens are notorious for causing trouble, so it seems fitting.” Loki snickered, turning to Poseidon who was still writing notes.
“Thank you,” Loki stepped forward to shake his hand. Poseidon looked to his hand and back to Loki.
“You’re welcome.”
Chapter 45