Bright, blue eyes looked down at me because I was obviously smaller than him. He jumped back, his seaweed-type wrapping scraping the moss carpet.
“Hello!” I chirped, holding out my hand. “I’m Uriel, what’s your name?”
The god before me looked into my eyes and back at my hand like there was some sort of disease on it, or maybe he thought I would bite him?
Loud noises came from the other side of the throne, but I paid them no mind. Poseidon, however, did, he looked behind him like he could see straight through his throne.
“Loki and Luci are on the other side. They fight sometimes, but they are nice.” I mused as I scooted my bum right next to him. “Whatcha reading?” He closed the book quickly, shoving it under the throne.
“N-nothing,” he sputtered.
“Do you want to come out now? We all want to meet you, you know? Sitting back here won’t do any good.” Poseidon cleared his throat, scratching his neck of the invisible collar he thought was too tight.
“I’m not normally around others,” he whispered. “Just my creations.” I hummed in thought.
“Like Silas?” Poseidon’s lip curled and nodded his head.
“Yes, like Silas and the others that serve me here.” I patted my lip with my finger, thinking of a way to coax him out.
He reminded me of a scared little kitten.
“I promise they are nice,” I cooed at him. “I’ll be with you the whole time!” The once blue eyes I saw now swirled with green, reminding me of the beautiful ocean outside the palace walls. His smile widened, and he finally took the hand that I held out for him.
My hand glowed, feeling the warmth that we both radiated. His eyes widened again and the heaviness of his body lifted substantially. “What goddess are you?” he mused, staring at our hands.
“Innocence and Grace,” I replied. “Why?” Poseidon put his other hand on the bottom of our joined hands and smiled brightly.
“Your grace takes my worry away,” he chuckled. “It’s rather interesting.” I stood, pulling him up with me, his body towered over mine like Luci, but this guy’s muscles were big.
Not as big as Ares, but still… he was big.
Pulling for him to follow he didn’t budge and with his size, I could not pull him out. “Come on,” I whined. “They are waiting and if we wait too much longer Loki and Luci might kill each other,” I giggled. Poseidon continued to look at my hand.
“You won’t let go right?” He muttered.
Oh flowers, he was so cute! I wanted to eat him up like yogurt and granola.
“Nope! Just come on, I promise everything is fine.” Leading him out I see an angry Luci staring at our joined hands. His wings burst from his body causing Poseidon to flinch.
Luci spouted off nonsense about ‘unhanding me,’ being the testosterone-driven, crazy god that he is. Maybe he did need to get‘laid,’as Ares put it the other night.
Poseidon quickly dropped my hand and ran back behind the chair. I huffed, telling Luci to be nice. By the time I brought Poseidon back from his hiding spot, Luci’s wings were in their normal, resting position.
“This is Poseidon!” I announced and did a wonderful hand dance in front of the fish god’s body for effect. He looked at me and then back at Luci before he gave a little wave.
He’s coming out of his shell!I internally screamed at my triumph, until Luci spat out a few choice words.
“Luci!” I hissed. “We don’t cuss in front of your uncle, now come here and say, ‘hello!’” Poseidon eyed Luci wearily as he approached.
I stared down my mate before finally jutting out my lip. Luci sighed and went to shake Poseidon’s hand. Poseidon let go of mine and was able to shake it.
Thank the Fates for that because his hand was sweaty and smelled like fish.
“Where’s Loki?” I chirped. A caw was heard on the moss-like carpet on the floor several steps down from the throne. A bird lay on its side with claws stuck in the threading.
“Loki?” I squealed, running down to help him. When I bent over, Luci cursed again and stood behind me.