Page 105 of Lucifer's Redemption

“I may like shiny things, but you sure do like cupcakes,” he snickered, slapping his knee. He began laughing, but instead of his contagious laugh, which Mother liked so much, it sounded like cawing. Uriel crawled back around to stare at Loki.

Now her tits were falling out of her top.

I groaned, attempting to pick her up off the floor until she shook her head. “Let me count. I want to see if there are the same amount of diamonds on the throne as how long he has been the ruler of the sea. Each diamond represents fifty years, I believe.” She wiggled her nose as she turned around, showing me her ass again.

Sighing, Loki hiccupped from all his laughing, spitting out a long, black feather. “Did you eat a damn bird?” I questioned until he hiccupped again, and more feathers flew out of his mouth. “What is going on with you?” I growled, shaking him by the shoulders.

“I don’t know!” shaking his head, his eyes turned blood-red, his darkened hair and small horns lengthened turning into large feather-like materials. It didn’t stop at the back of his head, instead, the feathers grew across his arms and covered his hands.

“What is happening to me?” he screeched as his voice changed from normal-speaking to animalistic. I’ve seen my mother shift plenty of times in my life as she let her wolf, Elea, run through the gardens, but this was not wolf-like. His face lengthened, morphing into a hardened beak. His clothing faded away and there emerged a large raven with small horns upon his head.

“Kronos,” I whispered, stepping away. Loki, not realizing his transformation, tried to step forward, only for me to step back again. Looking down, his feet had grown enormous claws that entangled with the moss carpet. Loki’s beak snapped fervently, large clacking sounds echoed through the throne room. He shrieked as he tried to escape the carpet, only to fall over with his wings flapping wildly.

My attention was so captivated by Loki that I had almost forgotten about Uriel. I turned quickly to see if her ass was still near the throne, but she wasn’t there.

Instead, she was holding the hand of a burly man with bright, orange hair. It swayed along with the current while his shortened beard stayed stationary on his face. His chest was donned with nothing but a necklace made of puka shells and he wore a seaweed wrap for a skirt.

Uriel beamed up at me like she won the lottery, but this intruder continued to examine my mate with curiosity. She tugged his hand again until flames emerged from my back as my wings sprouted.

“Unhand her,” I growled, pulling her away. Uriel’s eyes widened as she tripped into my arms.

The intruder dropped her hand and ran back behind the throne so fast I barely saw it. “Oh, Luci,” Uriel whined as she pushed me away. “I said you would be nice, and now you went and scared him.” Trying to pull her away, I tightened my grip around her more.

“Scared him? Who the fuck is he?”

The aura he radiated was that of a god, a powerful one. The only god that could radiate that kind of power would be that of the original twelve, or me. I chuckled to myself at the thought.Was this THE Poseidon?

“It’s Poseidon,” she muttered. “He’s kinda scared. Can I go get him now?” My eyebrows knitted into confusion as I gently let her go behind the throne again. Her animated expression coaxing the god back around the throne had me rubbing my forehead in exasperation.

Mother said he was strange, but hell, this was a bit much.


Loki blinked his beady, little, red eyes up to me. His head ticked while he lay on his side.

Dumb fucker couldn’t get up.I chuckled, walking over to the enormous bird.

“Guess you hit puberty early,” I mused, leaning over my knees and staring at him. “I got my wings when I hit puberty, scared the shit out of me. Looks like you get to turn into a mischievous raven instead of having cool powers like me.” Loki snapped his beak angrily at my ankles, trying to piss me off, but I quickly dodged.

“Guess Mother will have to get an enormous cage for you and change your droppings paper.” I laughed loudly. This only angered Loki more, who tripped again on his enormous talons.

“Luci?” My sweet goddess before me sang to my ears, causing me to melt. “I would like you to meet someone.” The red-haired god walked out, his hair flowing backward as he approached. “This is Poseidon!” Uriel’s hand did a magical dance, and she bowed in his presence.

Poseidon stared at me questioningly before he gave a small wave.

The fuck?

Chapter 44


Ipriedmyhandaway from Luci so I could get a better look at the throne. It was so sparkly and colorful with all the different shades of coral. Around the bottom, large diamonds surrounded the edges of cemented shells. I noticed they were strategically placed, all the same width apart, as I kneeled and touched each one. Luci and Loki continued arguing. I rolled my eyes at those two. I couldn’t step in all the time and mediate, they have to figure out things themselves.

Loki coughed, cackled, and made weird bird noises, but I was too engrossed in counting the magical little diamonds until I reached the left side of the throne. I could hear mumbling just behind it.

Crawling around I poked my head behind the edge of the throne to discover a man with bright, red hair that swayed into the wind-like current that hovered around us. In his hand, he held a book,The Idiots Guide for Being Social.His eyes were scrunched, reading the fine print as his finger trailed down the page before he swiftly turned to another page. I snorted, which caused him to pause his reading and look straight ahead at the wall.

My hand covered my mouth to hush myself until his head turned to me. Just kneeling on the ground, I could see this man was large and muscular. His skin was lightly tanned while his trimmed beard held the baby-like face that must have sat underneath. His eyes held no warrior confidence like the statue outside, instead, he was completely opposite in demeanor.