Page 102 of Lucifer's Redemption

Chapter 42


IbeamedatLuci,his lips gently parted as he gawked at me. Loki cleared his throat, sliding down the bed and hopping on the floor. “I’ll, uh, see you,” he awkwardly waved as I waved back cheerfully. Luci’s lips still hadn’t moved, his eyes never leaving my body.

“What is it, Luci?” I poked his cheek with my finger, giggling as non-coherent words left his lips.

I don’t know why he thought this was such a shocking statement. We were mates, and he cared for me as much as I cared for him. The past few days—just lying in bed, cuddling, him rubbing my tummy to make the pain go away—had been heaven.

We watched movies, ate chocolate, and got to kiss all the time.It was my favorite thing to do, and I really hoped we could do it some more. He was so addicting, with his s’more-tasting lips.I couldn’t help but shudder in delight when he pulled me flush against his body.

Don’t get me wrong, I was scared. He had a huge thingy, and the few brief times I saw it or felt it, I swear it spoke to me.‘I will destroy your pussy,’ I only used the words that Luci likes to say because I’m sure his thingy talked that way too.

It was so much fun being with Luci. He had become so playful since first meeting him. He no longer had that terrible line between his eyebrows that looked like you could stick a grain of rice between it and have it sit there and never fall out.

“You mean that?” Luci whispered, having me straddle his lap. “You really mean it: you want to be bonded?” I tilted my head in confusion, wetting my lips with my tongue.

“Of course, I do,” I whispered. “Why would I not? You are everything I would have ever wanted in a man.” I blushed. “You are so understanding of me,” I picked at my fingers, “even with all the challenges I have had, not being a ‘real woman,’ you still care.” Luci shook his head.

“I’m sorry, what? Not a real woman?” Luci’s eyebrows made the funny line again.


“Well, yeah,” I muttered. “I acted, and still act, all childish sometimes.” Luci pulled my head to his shoulder, rubbing my back up and down.

“I love you, Uriel. I love how you are. It brings out the laughter in me. I swear I hadn’t laughed or smiled until I met you.” Luci’s hands cupped my face, pecking at my lips. “You are like a little sunshine that I can keep in my pocket, and I would never change that. Even if I have to share the bed with…” he paused, staring at Mr. Rainbow Farts on the other side of the bed, “with that thing.”

I snorted until I fell into a full fit of giggles. I didn’t need my unicorn much anymore, Luci was my big stuffy. I only had him in there because I putDad’s feather in the stuffing. It was the perfect hiding spot, so if I needed him, I could call him whenever I wanted.

“Well, I love you too, Luci. And I want to have you.” Luci kissed my forehead. “I just worry if it will hurt. Will it hurt like mylady time?”Luci gripped my thighs, his head dipping into my neck.

“It will hurt, but a different hurt. It won’t last long, and I promise you, I will make you so wet that you’ll hardly feel my cock take the last piece of your innocence.” My breath stopped, feeling the heat of Luci’s breath on my neck.

“Now, let’s go talk to my parents and see what we can do about taking you to visit my uncle.”

Last night at dinner, Loki was given an extensive set of rules by his parents. Since the evil that dared to darken the skies of the Celestial Kingdom, because of the prophecy, gods and the other deities were preparing for a god-like war that hasn’t been seen since Kronos was removed from power.

All the portals had been closed, even the portal that stood outside the palace had been shut down, now it only looked like a stone archway. All comings and goings would have to be done using magical carriages with pretty horses. I was excited about the opportunity to sit in a carriage. I’ve never done that before.

Loki was prepped, poked, and prodded with questions about how he was expected to act around Poseidon. Poseidon doesn’t get out much. Loki liked to pull the joke:‘he’s a real hermit,’and laugh excessively about it. Luci sat still with me in his lap, feeding me steak,yuck. He was completely passive about visiting the Underwater Palace where his uncle lived.

“He’s… different,” Ember paused in thought. “He certainly isn’t like Zeus or Hades, you will have to see for yourself. Poseidon came here once for Lucifer’s baby announcement, but that was it. He stays to himself, but overall, he’s very nice.” Ember poked her plate, full of vegetables. Lilith sat in Hades’ arms while he rocked her.

Now knowing how Luci is, his father is very much the same. He is only calm when Ember is near, and she keeps all the dark stuff away. “I thank you both for being willing to take Loki. I feel that him being with Poseidon, until this whole mess blows over, will be for the best. You know how Loki likes to cause trouble.” Loki rolled his eyes, slamming his fork on the table.

Hades and Ember were heading to the Celestial Kingdom to put some feelers out on Zeus. Hermes said that Zeus wasn’t acting the same. His need for revenge over my mom had clouded his vision, and now he had angels sparing so frequently that they feared my parents’ wellbeing would be at stake. I shifted in my seat, not liking that my parents were in such big trouble.

“Mom, I make trouble, I’m not the one swimming in it.” Ares punched Loki as he slouched over his plate.

Ares looked much better today. Mariah even gleamed at him while they fed each other. They no longer had the guilty or burdened eyes. Ares was smiling gently at Mariah instead of trying to‘get in her pants,’as Loki would say.

“I’m excited!” I chirped. “I’m hoping to, at least, see Atlantis.” Luci hummed, pulling my hair away from my face.

“His kingdom is close to Atlantis. I’m sure we could make a day trip.”

The next morning, Luci woke me up early. I still had the sleepy gunk in my eyes as he led me out of the palace doors. Loki was already sitting inside the carriage, looking out the window and waving for us to hurry.

I thought the carriage would resemble the ambiance of the Underworld, dark with some red. Instead, it was something I was not expecting: light brown with a tan interior, gold trimmings, and light-colored horses—except for Absalom, Luci’s horse. His head turned to watch us step in. Giving him a little wave, his ears twitched back and forth until I sat on the soft cushion.