For the next three days, I wanted to keep Uriel hidden away from everyone. I wanted her to rest, to keep the outside world at bay so that her power could come in slowly rather than have her use it as soon as it appeared.
That was my hopeful thought, but it never happened.
I had more visitors in my damn room in three days than I had ever received before. Uriel had Blaze and Cerberus sitting at the end of the bed near her feet. Growling at them did nothing to get them to move, but Uriel sinking into my chest as she intertwined our legs together to watch movies was nice.
Mother and Mariah came by, dropping off chocolates and sweets. They urged me to let them come inside, but I denied them. Luckily, Uriel was sleeping, so she could not argue. I was proud I managed to keep them away. When Mother and Mariah got together, they got into giddy moods, and no one could take them seriously.
Loki came on day three. Before I could spout out some foul language to get him to leave, Uriel reprimanded me by pulling out her pouty lip.
Biting my cheek, I allowed them to play a card game or two, keeping her in my lap with my hand rubbing her stomach. I knew she hurt; she hurt all the time. When she blinked her eyes, small little wrinkles appeared, her breath hitched ever so slightly, and her heart skipped a beat.
Holding her closely and rubbing her stomach while she sat on my lap were the only things that helped soothe her. My lips descended on her shoulder, letting my hot breath fan her neck. I only wanted her to feel better, to take away whatever ailed her. I could give pain to those who deserved it, but I couldn’t take away the pain of those who didn’t.
Loki was speaking rubbish about other deities he goes to school with in the Celestial Kingdom. He was popular amongst his peers. My brother, who is just ten years old, used his looks to get what he wanted. Many times, I saw him come home on the weekends with a smug look after visiting Earth for a movie.
As long as he didn’t fuck the girls, I didn’t care. They needed to wait for their mates.
He was just ten. He probably couldn’t get it up anyway, but the way he was going with his bruised lips, he likely wasn’t very far off.
“Go fish!” Uriel quipped as she sat smugly on my lap. The bed was littered with card games, such as Go Fish and Uno. I rolled my eyes as Loki rubbed his chin before taking another card from the deck.
“Uriel needs a nap,” I growled at Loki. He took his sweet time, putting the card into the ever-growing pile in his hands.
“You can’t rush these things,” Loki snapped. “Besides, if you are going to hide your mate in your room all the time, I’m gonna come find her. She’s my best friend, you know?” Uriel beamed as she jumped in my lap.
Holding her by the hips, I calmed her cheerful movements, so I didn’t impale her sweet cupcake with my dick. “Did you hear that, Luci? I’m his best friend!” She was so proud of herself as she sat back down and called out another fish to pair.
“I thought I was your best friend?” I whispered in her ear. “The best friend that takes care of you.” Kissing her neck, she shivered as she leaned back.
“Bleh, stop that!” Loki threw a discarded card at my face. “We’re almost done, then I have to go pack, anyway.” Thank Fates he is going to leave.
“Mom and Dad are sending me off to visit my uncle until this whole evil mess has blown over. They say I get into too much trouble around here, so they want me to go bother someone else.”
Uriel’s shoulders sagged. I rubbed her arms up and down, kissing her cheek. “Oh, that’s so sad.” Uriel looked at me, pushing out her bottom lip.
Damn it, with the lip and this woman. I think I would rather she rip up the damn couch.
“Yeah, at least visiting Poseidon will be cool. I heard he has giant clamshells for beds and tons of half-naked women running around.” Uriel made a face at the reference to women running around with no clothes, but her curiosity didn’t waver.
“Can we go visit, too?” Uriel’s head turned to me.
Please don’t give me that damn pout.
“It’s like Atlantis, right? That’s where he lives? I can go visit my new siren friends!” Her fingers curled around my shirt, tugging on it excitedly. My hand went to her face to deny her what she wanted, but the damn lip popped out.
“Fates,” I cursed, running my hand through my hair.
“You got it bad.” Loki threw down the cards and hopped off the bed.
I did have it bad. I wanted to give her everything. This, though, the thought of trillions of gallons of water hanging over me that could come crashing down at any moment, had me squirming in my seat. I wasn’t afraid of water; I just didn’t like the pressure of water being above me, to come crashing down, trying to burn out my fire.
Fuck, I was scared.
“Pretty-please, Luci! Just for a couple of days?” Her golden eyes twinkled with excitement as I gripped her hips just a little tighter.
“Fine,” I whispered. “But you have to give me something in return when we finish our visit.” Biting her shoulder, my cock rolled under her ass. Her fingers pulled on my shirt tightly.
“When it’s done…” she whispered. Taking her fingers as she trailed up my neck, the sparks flew across my skin until they landed on my lips. “I want us together, forever.”