Page 100 of Lucifer's Redemption

She was my mate. He can get his own.

Walking down the family wing, I could smell the faint smell of blood. Examining my body, it was already clean before I returned to the palace, so it wasn’t me. Sniffing again, I noticed it was tangled with Uriel’s scent. My heart quickened, and I ran down the hall toward the smell, stopping by my door. Uriel’s heartbeat couldn’t be heard.

I could recognize her sound, the way it fluttered when I’m near and slowed when she was lonely, but it wasn’t there. Slamming my fist on the door frame, I followed my nose until I hit the opposite corner of the family wing, just before the guest wing began.

Taking large, heaving breaths, I approached Ares’ and Mariah’s door.Why would she be here?The door was open, and the room was dark. I peeked my head in the door only to find the, usually dark, room lit with the most glorious light.

Uriel’s hand glowed like Earth’s sun until she dropped it before laying on the bed at Ares’ feet. The urge to run in and save her was strong, but my curiosity held me back.What had she done?

Small whispers and tears from my uncle puzzled me. Not once had I ever seen the God of War cry, and Uriel continued to speak to him like it was nothing. My own body twisted in on itself, listening to the doubt he had in his abilities.

The cocky god, the unbeatable warrior, had a soft side, deep inside him. I could sense Uriel’s smile as she watched the two mates hold each other’s embrace. Their kisses became too heated for her to watch as she tried to slide down the bed.

Rushing to her before she fell, I picked her up and put her on my shoulder. Her normal dress attire was now replaced with black leggings and a large t-shirt. “Luci?” she whined, gripping the back of my shirt tightly.

“My tummy...” I pulled her from my shoulder, cradling her like a child as I walked out. My lips found her forehead, kissing her tenderly as I walked down the hall to the dining room.

I stopped, now realizing that the blood smell tangled with her scent was strong. “Uriel,” I clenched her, “you are hurt. Did you hurt yourself trying to help Ares?”

If her powers caused her to bleed, to hurt herself, I would never allow her to use them again. She was too precious and tender to allow her to do such things. Her power was growing by the day and watching her continue to use this power proved to be too much. She could stay how she is; I would work for the both of us.

“N-no,” she blushed, rubbing her tummy. “I am… it’s too embarrassing.” Uriel hid her face in the crook of my neck. My fingers gripped around her thighs, wondering why it would be such an embarrassing matter until the light dawned on my feeble mind.

“Uriel, are you?” She whimpered, squirming in my arms. She had graced herself into adulthood and with that, her powers have bloomed. Giving her a gentle smile, I pressed another chaste kiss to her forehead.

I turned around, no longer interested in taking her to the dining room, but she squirmed again. “But I’m hungry.”

“And weak,” I growled as I laid her on the bed. “I’ll have the servants bring breakfast to us. Now, what would you like?” I tucked her into bed.

Her eyes glowed, “I can have anything?” The innocent smile she flashed me gave away her intentions:sugar, and lots of it.

“Yes, bunny, anything,” I cooed at her. After watching my father take care of my mother on her monthly escapades, I knew to take excellent care of Uriel. Otherwise, when a goddess gets mad while she is menstruating, it could be disastrous. Mother once shifted into her wolf and ripped his leather couch to pieces when he didn’t give her his full attention.

Who knew what my sweet Uriel would do? She could deny me her body.

It won’t happen.

“French toast?” she questioned, fluttering her eyelashes.

“What else?” I encouraged.

“With syrup and whipped cream,” she pleaded.

Fuck, I loved when she begged. I couldn’t wait until she begged for my cock.

“Of course,” I kissed her forehead, leaving the bed.

“And apple juice,” she added, her smile brightening. I nodded and headed to the door. “Oh, and a cupcake!” she yelled. “Chocolate with sprinkles!”

“Don’t push it, Uriel,” I playfully warned. She sat back on the bed, rubbing her stomach while she pouted.


“I’ll get the cupcake too,” I had the door halfway shut until she yelled for me again.

“With sprinkles, pwetty pwease!”

I rolled my eyes, shutting the door before any other random food request escaped her.