“You know, your bean, butterbean, your button, the devil’s doorbell, happy button?” Melina began cackling violently.
“Oh, me next!” Melina hiccupped. “Your, uh, love bud, man in the boat, your pearl? Oh! Oh! The nub, the skittle, sugar plum, or wait… the panic button?!” We all laughed loudly, the servants laughing with us at their ridiculous names for my lady parts. I swear I was crying. I laughed so hard that I felt a sharp pain in my back.
“Ouchie.” I rubbed it. Melina looked behind me, checking for anything. Shaking her head, she rubbed it absently.
“Must have pulled a muscle from all that laughing.” She glanced at Daine, who only looked away.
I wasn’t left alone for the rest of the day. Melina and Daine kept me occupied the entire time, using the spa facilities of the castle to make me feel beautiful. I only felt beautiful when Creed was around, so that made it a hard act to follow, but they did their best.
Complete rubdown with sea salts, waxed off every part of body hair except a certain lady area. There was no way I was letting anyone get near that. We had facials, our nails, and massages, and I even had my hair done in a beautiful braided up-do.
“The stylist said this is how Dragon Shifters do their hair for a mating ceremony.” Melina pulled on the small side braids, now covered with beads. She had me put on an ivory-colored dress with blue flowers around the bodice. The capped sleeves made me look even smaller and tiny silver chains hung on the front of the dress that moved as I walked. Much simpler and more to my taste. “The way they braid their hair reminds me of Vikings from Earth and the stories.” The stylist continued to work on the other side of my head with more side braids.
“Do you miss it?”
“Miss what?” I chuckled, still a little drunk.
“I guess you don’t then.” Melina smiled. “No one really does.” Melina’s hair was perfectly curled into beautiful ringlets, her dress still the same beautiful pattern that Osirus had on earlier. I had noticed they did everything in-sync with each other.
Osirus was still patrolling. I could see from the window he would buzz by only to return with his men to the forest, hovering over, looking for someone or something out of the ordinary. Melina was doing the same, only watching over me.
I felt helpless again, unable to do anything, even with my Dragon. The day I came here, I was powerless, and I still was. I didn’t offer Creed much of anything, just the love I had in my heart.
“Nah, ah.” Melina lifted my chin with her finger. “Stop that thinking. I’ve done way too much of that in my beginning days with Osirus, always second-guessing. I’ll tell you right now. It gets you nowhere.”
“But I feel helpless. Wouldn’t you want to feel strong for your mate?” Melina put the brush down that was meticulously brushing the same spot of hair for the past two minutes.
“I feel that still.” Her wings fluttered closer. “In fact, I’ve gone on to start warrior training.”
“See!” I motioned to her. “You felt weak when you were still half-human and wanted to fight. I’m a whole Dragon, and I want to help too!”
“Yes, but you are scared, Odessa.” I bit back my tongue, wanting to argue. “I see it in your eyes you want to help, be some kick-ass strong woman for your mate,” she cooed, her hands pulling my face to hers. “And you will be, but you will fight in a way none of us women that have ended up here have fought before. I feel that. Osirus feels that.” I sighed heavily, slumping my shoulders.
“Your Dragon gets stronger by the minute. It does. Creed is trying to protect you right now, and I know I sound like a total hypocrite because I didn’t listen to my mate.” She winked at me, looking towards the window. Osirus continued to stare both of us down, then flew back to where he was stationed.
“You listen to your Dragon because if there is anything I have learned from my mistakes,” Melina turned her back to me, leaving me sitting in the stylist's chair, “it’s that a Dragon will protect what belongs to them, and will do so no matter what.” Melina shut the door, leaving me to my thoughts.
It then occurred to me quickly that Vampires do not fly.
Father’s strength was multiplied by eating the rest of the deer. He could not remember the last time he had eaten and had started the process of meeting the soil of the land. Father had washed his face, his tanned skin and dark hair now matching mine.
“Aye, let’s get this done then,” he wrapped the drape around his body, standing outside the overhead of the mountain. “The Elders and Adam, that’s it, aye?” Nodding to him, I put my hand on his shoulder. Explaining to him what had transpired, the Elders dragged my mother away, tricked her into mating with another, and produced a son that was her demise. All this made him livid. Not only that, his beast cried softly, hearing of my days as an outcast. He was angry and was rightly just. However, his long years of living had him controlling his body and beast, ready to right the wrongs done to our family.
Pain and sorrow filled his eyes. He missed my mother, just as I did. I had many more years with her, but having a bond that was so strong in just one month spoke much. He hung onto all that he remembered.
Father and I led the way, his wings flapping swiftly next to me. My body was the perfect combination between father and mother, never realizing it before. The tribe hated me for my differences which was the product of a rapist. Now that I was a mixture of two species, it would bring much confusion to many in the tribe with no way for us to explain why.
The tribe knew of our arrival; the roars of the leagues of Dragons came down to the middle of the valley. Adam stood tall, puffing out his chest. His mousy brown hair was flying in the wind, and the lack of beard in his human form made him less intimidating.
“What’s this? I told you he killed your mate,” Adam seethed, throwing his hands about. “Why don’t you kill him, rid the tribe of his torment!” We all shifted back to human form, Amora standing beside Nicholas with his hand interlaced with hers.
“Amora?” Adam’s eyes grew wide, looking at both of them. Amora spat on the ground, the ultimate insult you could give to your Alpha.
“If I had your jewels on my neck, I would pull them off and do the same!” The throngs of people gathered gasped, many taking their children away. “We grew up together. I thought our friendship meant something!”
“Friendship!” Adam scoffed. “We are mates, Amora…” Adam walked closer, his arms open for her to return to him. Nicholas growled, pushing her behind his thick body.