She thinks she could be mine?My soul lightened, my Dragon letting out an involuntary grunt of praise.
“I can feel the love in her heart for you, even being a human with limited abilities to feel a bond. It is strong enough, and it is there, but I must be sure before you mark her.”
I had already marked her. My lips touched her porcelain skin.
Sensing my confusion, Glinda stood back, covering her head with her cloak. “It is best I wait to tell you how to complete the bond until we’re certain. Did your parents not tell you how to complete a bond?” Shaking my head, she tightened her cloak, crossing her arms.
“Tonight, at dinner, I will have the potion ready. If it proves what I’m thinking, then we will take the next steps to make her yours. If not, then you need to think about what is best for Odessa, even if it breaks both of your hearts. You, of all people, know how precious bonds are, especially with your parents.” Now filled with pity, her softening eyes had me lower my head. The small sliver of hope, the candle that barely lit in my heart, for the hope that Odessa was to be mine was dwindling.
I’ve been told over and over by my mother and the elders that I would remain mateless. How could I not think of anything else? Odessa deserved a proper bond, a soul-bonding that would forever make her happy. I could love her from afar, making sure her mate took care of her, but my heart would break into a thousand pieces, only to try to put themselves back together, hoping she would think of me every time she saw the snow in the mountains.
“Creed!” The squeal of excitement filled the air. My now solemn face lightened as I heard her bare feet prance across the thick grasses. “Creed, are you in there? I’m not going in alone!” She sang, holding a satchel across her chest. My lips curled, smiling at how beautiful she looked. Her braided hair had a few pieces trailing down her face, her pink cheeks, and purple neck adorned with my bites.
Running out of the forest, I picked her up while she squealed in hysteria. “What are you doing!?” she howled, “Are you going to carry me the entire way?” My Dragon growled merrily, the tremors tickling her legs that were firmly pressed against my chest. Her nails dug into my back, scratching the perfect spot. I felt like a wolf, groaning how good it felt.
“Do you like that, my little lizard?” Odessa snorted.
Hades, I certainly do.
We traveled southward, still in Elven territory. We didn’t have to worry about the dangers of my own kind finding her, and even less so with Vampires and Witches. The Elves’ naturalistic ways of speaking to the trees kept their land constantly monitored, even without the warriors scouting the land. The only one able to penetrate the forest was me. My black scales could reflect the trees and bushes of the forest, barely noticeable even to nature.
“Do you think it’s far?” Odessa jumped on the balls of her feet. She stepped on every purple moss we came across, watching the white lights fly. I would miss days like this, watching how she was fascinated with the simplest things of nature. How she came to not fear me, I’ll never really know.
Shaking my head, the humidity already floating around us, my tongue tasted the air of fresh spring water. The clean waters were being churned, most likely from a small waterfall. Once passing the thick brush that had not been cut back to preserve the wildlife and vegetation, I helped Odessa step into the clearing, a small beach-like area, with Water Sprites and Nymphs skating across the water. The Nymphs, sensing my presence, immediately ducked down into the water while the Water Sprites came closer. Pixies were curious and better understood danger, and they saw me as no threat.
Odessa gently walked on the smooth sand, touching her naked toe in the water. The Sprites came closer, touching her, not understanding what species she was. The light glow of blue and green brightened more once they realized what she could be. “They are so pretty.” Odessa knelt in the sand. The small Fairy-like creatures’ voices rang like bells, only the Fae King and Queen could understand what they could say.
The ringing became louder, almost laughter, as they climbed up her arms and head. They were as large as Odessa’s tiniest finger. “Let me go change!” She laughed and stood up abruptly. “Do you want to swim?” My fawn fluttered her eyelashes at me. I’d never deny her such a thing. I’ll always tell her yes.
Clapping her hands excitedly, she went behind a bush for decency. I still did not understand why she would do such a thing, even when I’d seen her teats and slit. Coming out, she wore just a top covering her chest and bottom, the equivalent of the purple undergarments she wore the first morning we met.
Her almost naked body, out in the sunlight, made my member stiffen. I wanted to bury my face in her flower like the night before. Low grumbling came from my chest, watching her silky legs walk towards me.
“Ready?” She grabbed my hand. I pulled all my clothes off in one go, her face flushing brightly. “Oh my gosh, Creed. Those poor little people are going to freak out!” The Sprites took no mind but stayed away as Odessa, and I gathered in the water.
“Is it deep?” she whispered as we waded further. Her arm clasped to mine as we traveled too far for her to reach the bottom. “I can’t swim well…” Her voice trailed; my arm wrapped around her. I wanted her to rely on me and come to me when she was scared. How long would I have her until she wouldn’t need me anymore? Until someone else took hold of her and tried to love her like I do?
Her arms wrapped around my neck, her legs doing the same to my torso. My Dragon vibrated, purring at her touch. My Dragon continued to chant in my head that she was ours, words he had never spoken to me in my life, now sung in a repeated song in my head.
“Creed, I wanted to talk to you.” Her now wet hair stuck to her slightly freckled face. “I know you have nothing to write with right now, but I can’t take it anymore. You can just nod yes or no. Is that all right?” My forehead touched hers, craving more contact with her perfect body.
“All those rumors about you were untrue, but there is one rumor specifically I wanted to ask. I know what mates are, a little. That they are soulmates in this world. On Earth, they talk about it, but here, it sounds so much more…” Odessa paused, biting her cheek. “Glinda thinks I have one.” Her bottom lip wobbled, my lips instantly ceasing her. I would not have her cry, not now. Her lips returned to mine. We were both wet from the spring, and our faces slid against each other. Rubbing our cheeks together, feeling each other’s heat.
Breaking away, she took a breath. “Is it true? That you were born to be mateless?” Her eyes pooled with tears. Gripping her tightly, I didn’t have a direct answer for her. The Witch, just this morning, believed something was amiss, but I could not lie to my fawn because I did not know. My hands trailed the back of her bare back, her grip tightening around me so she did not fall into the darkened pool, a pool matching my depression that she may not be mine.
I nodded my head reluctantly. My head hung before her, ashamed.
“Then I want to be your mate,” she blurted. Head springing up at her words, my head immediately shook in return. If I were not her mate, I would not deny her the gift of having a soul mate, even if it wasn’t me.
“I love you, Creed, the Black Dragon. And I don’t care if I have some soul mate out there. You are the one I want, and, for once in my life, I’m going to be selfish. You can’t get rid of me. If my mate shows up, I’ll deny him, apologize, and tell him my heart belongs to someone else. My soul should have been paired with Creed all along. The Goddess made a mistake. Goddess or not, she made one! And now I’m correcting it!” As my fawn spilled her words, my Dragon’s heart filled with love. His pride overwhelmed my body at the declaration of her devotion to us. My fawn loved us. My Odessa loved who I was. Despite my flaws, and my burdens, she loved all of me. Sacrificing her mate to be mine.
But could I deny her true happiness? She could be mated to a high-ranking Shifter, Elf, Fae… all I had was a cave, no coin to my name. Turning my head, my eyebrows turned hard. Glinda said I would have to be strong and give her up if she was not to be mine.
Odessa’s hands met with my face, cupping my cheeks. “Creed, I’m yours. Your Dragon thinks the same. Listen to your beast. My heart only beats for you,” she pleaded.
Chapter Thirty-Three