“My fledgling,” Mother scolded again as we perched high on the cliff near the sea waters. “It has been three days since you saw her last, not even a message to tell her you are thinking about her. The bond is still new and needs to be tended.” My Dragon shook its head, still watching the land below. “You and father are out here. I checked on her while she slept,” I grumbled but secretly wanted to listen to her.
“I cannot go inside to rest, not while all the others are out here, searching and hunting to find Mortus,” I complained. Gripping my claws tighter on the cliff's edge, we notice several Vampires running to the east. They were extremely fast. Without my Dragon’s vision, I would have missed them entirely. One was wrestled to the ground. A net made of dogwood fibers helped keep him still until he was beaten unconscious.
“Creed,” my mother scolded again. Now my father was flying towards us, perching beside her. Her body stiffened, her Dragon’s forehead touching that of my father. “We are close enough to each other, so we do not feel the effects of pulling our bond too tight. You have been stretching your bond for far too long.” Father cooed at mother, his head curling under her neck, giving soft loving pecks.
After watching father’s movements, the past few days, he had shown me great lessons. He was the ultimate hunter, able to blend into the forest's darkness. He played in the ink-like shadows of the night and struck hard and quick with his beak and talons, leaving Vampires with missing legs and arms. His eyes glowed a bright blood red when he hunted. Even Alpha Kane’s Werewolf may be put to shame.
“Your father says there is news from the south.” Our heads perked up, looking at the Southern Forest. It could take a good half-day walk by foot, while our wings could get us there in hours. “They believe they have captured Duke Mortus.” I growled, hearing the name. He would suffer, and I was the one that would make it so.
King Osiris waved from the ground below. We all jumped from the cliff, leaving pebbles of rocks to roll down the side of the rocky structure. Osirus put away his sword as we landed, smiling ear to ear. “After three days, my special forces have found a hide-out that holds Duke Mortus. Alaneo was amongst them and said they have found him and are bringing him now. Once they gather their supplies, they will be back by midday morrow.”
My Dragon sighed; my father flapped his wings ferociously while my mother listened to his mind-link. “He wants to know if we should go assist.”
Osirus shook his head. “Won’t be necessary. They are bringing him back in pieces, and he will be reassembled in the dungeons so he can speak. Gaining more information about this dark magic laced with Dragon’s blood is of the utmost importance.” As much as Osirus’ logic made sense, I wanted to swallow the pieces of his lifeless body, not have his Vampire self come back together. Osirus looked up at my growling face, heaving deep breaths as my Dragon released the smoke through his nostrils.
“You will get your peace, Black Dragon.” Osirus went out to stroke my snout. “Once we have finished, you may have your way with him.” Vampires ran from the trees. I let out a roar, watching my father claw one and snap the head off another. The enormous bonfire they had created for the dead only grew higher, and the flames turned into an array of darkened colored smoke once it consumed the bodies.
It was concluded that each body had black magic, thus creating the colored smoke. Father’s beak was tainted with the black-like blood of the enemy. My Dragon automatically licked our lips, wanting to swallow another whole.
“Go to her.” Osirus nodded to me. “The Vampires are fleeing the area. The rest of your tribe has been handling them well.” I grunted, still not wanting to move.
“He’s a steadfast Dragon, isn’t he?” Osirus spoke to my mother, winking at her. I huffed, digging my claws into the blackened soil. “I said go. Her Dragon needs you, and you know it.” His eyes narrowed, now stepping away from me. If all was well and the tribe was safe and Vampires were fleeing the area, I would have time with my mate.
The light sources pulled up from the water, and the pink and purple sky lightened considerably in the next few minutes as I flew to the platform. This must have been a sign from the Gods, a new dawn of a day. It never looked brighter now, knowing Mortus was captured and in the hands of the Golden Light Kingdom.
I transformed midair, landing on the platform with my bare feet, running down the hallways and to our chambers. Fae guards laughed as I rushed by. If they only knew how a mate bond genuinely works, they would not laugh. My Dragon screeched in a fury for my legs to work faster, stopping at the door filled with guards. “You are relieved. Go be with your mates.” The three bowed, leaving me at the double doors of my chambers.
My heart hastened, feeling like it was the first time all over again to see her sleeping in the nest. How innocent she looked, how fragile. Now she was no longer innocent or fragile. She was my strong mate, and when her Dragon released its powers, she could be stronger than me. My chest purred. Opening the door, I saw her still at the window. This time she was not asleep.
My fawn’s knees held up her chin while her arms were around her legs. Her head perked up, glancing at me from the door. “Creed?” Her voice but a breath. It sounded hoarse, nothing like my fawn’s voice should sound like. “Creed?” I shut the door, running to her. She stepped off the window’s bench and took two steps, only to land in my arms.
“I’m mad at you,” she cried into my chest. “No messages or breaks, and you don’t talk to me! Don’t do that!” She slapped my chest. “Then I woke up in bed, smelled you all over the place, and you didn’t have the decency to…” I slammed my lips onto hers. Taken by surprise, she took no hesitation to wrap her arms around my neck. Breaking away, she spoke again. “You can’t just…!” Again, I silenced her, kissing her down her neck, her back arches pushing the thin nightgown into my chest, feeling the tiny pebbles beneath the fabric.
I didn't want to use words. I wanted her to read me like before my voice. My fawn was so good at that, almost reading me better than I read myself, and now she was submitting to me, forgetting the anger she was harboring. Odessa's body became limp, her arms no longer pushing me away. My shaft was hard and ready to bury itself in what lies beneath these clothes.
My lips nipped her neck. A satisfied sigh left her. Squeezing her roughly, I pushed her to the nest, hovering over her body. I was covered in sweat, dirt, and who knows what else, but she didn’t complain. Pushing her arms over her head, I gripped her wrists with one hand, putting them over her head, my other hand trailing up and down her hourglass shape. Her mouth hung open, silent hums leaving her mouth. Finally, she took my lips as I gave her the pleasure she well deserved.
Kissing her chest, I pulled her nightgown away, exposing the warmth of her body. She sighed, her fingers running up my chest and to my face. “Sorry, I’m so needy with you.” She chuckled. “I swear I was never such a needy person before, now, I’m always relying on someone. I missed you, and I worried about you.” Her chuckle turned into a tear. Kissing the saltiness of her eyes away, I whispered in her ear.
“The feeling is mutual, my fawn.” Pulling down my leathers, she rolled onto her stomach. Growling, she lifted her glorious behind, and I probed her cave with my fingers. I growled, palming her precious white globes while two fingers sunk inside. So wet. She was always wet for me. I am lucky to use my shaft so well and have her feel pleased with it alone because now, I need her painfully.
Using my other hand, I rubbed the upper part of her flower. My finger thrust into her while my thumb circled her nub. My shaft rubbed up and down her leg, my balls tightening at the heat of her inner thigh. “And I will always need you, fawn.” Lifting my fingers from her core, I licked them clean with my Dragon’s tongue, tasting the sweetness of her body. Lining my shaft, I slid the head in slowly. Odessa pushed back, causing the sweet sensation to explode in the back of my eyes. The stars that had been missing the past few nights were now found in my vision. The delightful moans of her voice lulled me into a hypnotic state, rocking my hips into her body.
“Creed,” Odessa’s sweet voice fluttered into my ear. Her body sucked me inside, trying to pull the seed from my body. The ongoing pressure of her pushing back into my body had me unraveling quicker than I wanted. "OH!"
The slaps of our skin echoed in the room until we finally slowed from each other’s waterfall of pleasure. Keeping myself buried to the hilt, I laid behind her, having her back to my chest. Kissing her back, our breaths slowed, and my arms wrapped tightly around her body.
"It's over, Fawn. The Duke is captured." Letting out a breath of relief, she gripped my forearms, kissing each scale that overturned in our mating. The wetness of her tears only reminded me that my job was not done; I still had the pleasure of ripping him to pieces, slowly, tasting the bitterness of blood on my tongue. Our tails wrapped around each other, spiraling our black and white scales around us.
For tonight, this was our nest. Come the next half-moon cycle; we will travel with our pet and go to our proper home, our cave, our real nest, and make a life for ourselves, living and loving each other.
Chapter Sixty-Three
Mymindwasmadeup when the day ended on day two. I was extremely mad. Was it completely childish of me? Of course, it was, but I didn’t care. I was going through the “whiny” teenager stage I never went through and wanted Creed with me.
Everyone was out hunting Vampires, Witches, and whatnot while the women sat in the library listening to a famous sorceress, Cyrene, which came from Earth to help us with our dilemma. She had been called on by Princess Clara and her parents, saying they direly needed help and that a large war would be upon us.