Page 102 of The Exiled Dragon

“My little fawn.” She cried as I pulled her to me. “There is nothing we can do.” I pet her head. A light hit my shoulder, and her eyes glowed just as the witch’s at the altar had. “Odessa?” I pulled her from me. Her eyes continued to glow. “Odessa?” I panicked until her bright light was snuffed out, and a light came to sit on the marble balcony, where a woman dressed in white robes with a wreath of laurel leaves in her hair had appeared.

Chapter Fifty-Nine


Abrightlightfilledthe wide terrace with the marble barricade, holding us in from falling. Apollo stepped back from the railing, pulling an awe-stricken Creed behind him. Clinging to Creed, my face continued to stare at the brightened spot of the terrace until, out of nowhere, a beautiful woman sat with her legs crossed, leaning back on her straightened arms. Her curled hair pinned back away from her face; she brushed some Whisps that dared to get close to her.

The light now faded. She stood up, ensuring her long robes didn’t inch above her ankle. “There’s my favorite couple.” Her soothing voice lured us closer, but Apollo didn’t dare let us move. Apollo went into a parental figure stance; he stood in front of us, his feathers already spreading down his back.

“Are ye a Siren? Comin’ to trick meh son? He has his mate, and their bond is too strong fer ya!” She chuckled lightly. My Dragon was at peace with this woman, but Creed and his father were certainly skeptical.

“No, my charming Griffon, I am Hecate, Goddess of Magic and Spells.”

In the few brief moments she let us have to contemplate the massive shock of information, allowing it to sink into our minds, I thought back to the Witch’s comments at the ceremony. ‘To listen to the words of Hecate.’ This woman was the actual goddess. She looked like one the very moment we saw her, but now it had become so much more real. A soft glow of gold wrapped around her body tightly; her fair skin, which had never seen a bit of sun, no wrinkles, not even a beauty mark. Her face looked painted by Michelangelo himself.

“I…I... I don’t understand. Why are you here? You will not put spells on any of us, will you?” I muttered. My voice felt so small, but how could it ring with confidence when this goddess could throw any of us off the balcony, put a spell of forgetfulness or even wipe us away from this world entirely? Why else would she be here? I’ve read about the wrath most gods would put on humans just for the mere jealousy of someone’s looks. I mean, hello Medusa. My hands gripped onto Creed and Apollo, worried she would take them away from me.

Hecate chuckled, waving her hand in her face. “Fates child, no! I’m here to help you use your powers. You are pretty powerful, you know, and you don’t even realize it.”

“I am?” Hecate nodded, walking towards us.

“Both of you.” Hecate pulled at my curls, observing my hair. “Despite Creed having a spell cast on him, he could still find his mate. You both courted each other without a bond pulling you together, creating your own bond. The bond you had created before Creed’s curse was broken is now doubly strong, making you both very powerful. The magic inside you, Odessa,” she pointed to my heart, “is that of a Dragon and a Griffon. You were once an empty shell as a human. This gave the magic that Creed carried from his parents’ Alpha lines that could now be placed inside your body. Only females can carry such power since males are a bit more vicious.” She winked at Creed. “The magic of the Dragons will return, but with a catch.” Hecate smiled, her finger dropping, looking at Apollo.

“The Griffons, your people, died out because they could not find their mates. They are very emotional creatures. They also liked to live alone. The secretive creatures they were, made them die out. No other supernaturals would help because they had no clue what you were. Your kind wasn’t the friendliest to newcomers.” Apollo nodded. “You came from an ancient race. Once more and more supernaturals arrived from Earth, running from the persecution of humans, Griffons hid. It isn’t anyone’s fault. Your forefathers were doing what was best for their mates.” Hecate brushed the side of his beard.

“Now, Dragons have come to a problem. No more female Dragons are being born, causing the lack of magic. Well, then along comes Odessa. The Fates had an interesting path for you. Now having that magic flow in you, Odessa. Taking Ondi’s and Apollo’s power, creating a hybrid creature. Combining both species will save both the Griffon line and the Dragon, keeping the magic strong together.”

“But why does Creed have feathers? He looks like Apollo too,” I asked.

“Ah yes, the hybrid part. You are all wondering about that, I’m sure.” She laughed. “As you all know, even if you are mated with a different species of supernatural, your offspring will take the form of one or the other.” Creed and Apollo grunted in reply. I stood silent, not understanding everything fully. “Hybrids are extremely rare, but desperate times cause desperate measures. The gods allowed Apollo and Ondi’s DNA to mix, creating Creed and saving both lines of creatures and their magic. To keep the magic still flowing, it was important for this to occur because the future is dark.” I frowned, watching a wave of concern sweep over her face.

“Your powers are great for one little Dragon, Odessa. They will continue to grow until more fledglings are born, and, with that, we need to have more hybrid babies.” She winked to Creed, who shifted uncomfortably. Slapping my hand over my mouth, I tried to contain my laughter about a goddess wanting us to hurry and have kids.

I had hoped we would have more time together, but alas, it was for the better of the species. Apollo stood uncomfortably, backing away slowly from the group.

“I’m not finished, dear Apollo, who was named after a dear friend of mine.” She laughed. “You were named after Apollo in contrast to how dark your skin was when you were born. Your parents called you Apollo because you were the sun in their lives.” Apollo stood still, his head bowed.

“They were beautiful Griffons, and they taught you well.” Her hand pulled his face to look at hers. “And tonight, after being cursed for so long and staying true to the promise of a mate for many years, I want to offer you a choice.”

Creed held my hand to his chest as we waited for the dramatic pause to end. Pray that she doesn’t take him to the other side! Creed had just found his father!

“I can have Selene find you a second chance. She will be brought here to the palace this night, and you will not have to look for her. You will have your mate and help continue the new line of hybrid Dragons with your seed.” Apollo’s worried eyes softened, shaking his head.

“Ondi is ma only mate,” he sniffed. “I will die to find 'er in the aft’r life.” Hecate smiled, pulling her hand away from his cheek.

“Something about this bloodline gives me chills. I pray the offspring from this line continues to produce such a rare breed amongst men.” Hecate brushed her hands together, coming back to me.

“Let’s get this started, then.” Hecate pulled me from Creed’s arms, and another woman walked up in a pale pink robe.

“Gah, you are so dramatic, Hecate.” The woman had long, flowing blonde hair pinned up to the side to show her flawless face. “I mean, geez, you knew he was going to say no to a second chance.”

“I had to be sure.” Hecate paid no mind, pulling me in front of her. I brushed the hair from my forehead and glanced at the woman beside me. Aphrodite?!... she had to be.

“Yeah, I’m a big fan.” She smiled. “Creed and Odessa power couple, woohoo!” She twirled her finger in the air in a mocking tone. “Nah, girl, seriously, you both did well. The super-strong bond you share will help this be quick. You have no idea how often I wanted to strangle Daine for interrupting you both, so many damn times, though.” She rolled her eyes.

“Quick? Quick for what?” I panicked.

“Shh, shh, it’s fine.” Hecate cooed at me like I was about to get a shot at the doctor.