Page 92 of The Exiled Dragon

“You forgot the oil.” I laughed. Creed raised a brow, finding the small bottle and rubbing his hands together. I continued to stay straddled on his lap, the warmth of the oil had me lean to his touch. My chest hovered over him, my crotch slowly grinding against his member.

Gently laying me on the bed, he took his time, trading out his hands now for his lips and tongue. Kissing down my hip bone, he lifted the dress and threw it over my head. Nuzzling between my thighs, he licked the small bundle of nerves. My thighs were wrapped around his head, riding his face.

“I’ll never forget this,” he uttered inside me. Hands grabbing my rear, he sunk his tongue in deeper. “Never,” he growled. Back arching, I let go, leaving all my worry along with it. My Creed would come back to me; my mate would never forget.

Creed rolled me over, pulling my hips up and my knees neatly bent wide in front of him. He sunk deep into my core. His torso met my back, his hands cupping my breasts as he sunk in and out of my body. My Prince Charming couldn’t become one with me any more than he already was. He was inside me, on top of me, and most of all, his love penetrated my heart. Creed kissed my back, thrusting in and out of my body.

“I love you Odessa.” His movements went faster, his hot breath falling between my neck and shoulder. “I will never forget.” Crying out, we both fell down our waterfall and let the waves of pleasure cover our bodies.

Chapter Fifty-Four


“Youpromised,remember?”Odessa’shands rubbed my chest, parting my unshaven chest hair. My hands cupped her cheeks, kissing her forehead and then touching it with my own.

“I’ve never broken one, not to you.”

“Yeah, well, don’t do it anytime soon or you’ll be in big trouble!” she chastised.

“Oh? And what happens when I get in trouble?” My heart hurt to think she would be angry with me. Her worried face faded, and a smile appeared.

“You won’t find out as long as you keep your promise,” she whispered playfully.

We stood on a large platform that could have been meant as a landing pad for Dragons or Faes. Amora stood by Nicholas. They whispered amongst themselves. Amora’s Dragon had yet to fly long distances, so she would stay behind us and ride in our wind stream.

Amora was nervous. Her Dragon pranced in her body stronger than ever before. She wanted to see the light from Adam’s eyes leave this world, and Nicholas, and I would be the ones to grant it.

“Come now, Nessa. The quicker he leaves, the quicker he returns.” Daine pulled on one arm of my little fawn. Her hand reached out, touching every inch she could until our fingertips finally left each other.

“I love you,” she mouthed. “Don’t forget me.” She worried so much that I would forget her, but my Dragon never would. Whatever this powder, this dust that dares to break memories was, it would not waver what I knew. That I was Odessa’s mate, that I would seek revenge for Amora and that of my mother and stepfather, who also died unjustly.

“She will be safe.” King Osirus stepped up. “She’s stronger than you, I think,” he whispered, staring at the Faes gearing up for the flight. Osirus sent scouts to intercept the Werewolves that Clara had already ordered to be present for the altercation. They would need to know of my father’s possible arrival and keep a keen eye out for the situation with memory powder. Wolves would be no match for my father, let alone the Dragons in the tribe.

“Her Dragon is bringing back the magic,” he whispered. “She may never have the fight in her as you do, but her Dragon brings all that has been lost.” I nodded, understanding why he was looking at her so intently just the day before.

“She’s in safe hands. Return with honor.” Osirus slapped my back, having me look at him wide-eyed. Did he just slap me?

“Ready?” Odessa looked longingly at me once more as the three of us let our smoke engulf us. Black for me, navy for Nicholas, and light greens for Amora. Our Dragons reared back their heads, roaring a loud battle cry that could be heard for miles. If Adam was lucky, maybe he could prepare himself.

“Now, Nessa, you need to explain why your hot, smokin’ Dragon man can talk? Tangle wouldn’t let me open my mouth yesterday, and it’s killing me!” Daine pulled Odessa away from the platform, but her eyes didn’t leave my body until we took to the sky.

The skies were cloudy this day, not the usual for the Golden Light Kingdom. The Gods must sense the despair and the blood that will be shed amongst the tribes. Three Dragons alone to fight an entire tribe looked like madness, but two bonded male Dragons that were strong before their mating will prove just. There was a reason Adam kept us in the dark, why he did not kill us before our memories or bond-blocked magic returned, it was because he could not kill us. Our hides are thick and scales impenetrable. He would suffer. We would let the whole tribe watch as he crumbles at our claws. The Elders would not be far behind. Everyone, even those who had heard whispers of what was happening, would be destroyed for staying mute.

The winds picked up as we neared the mountain. The snows of the north had filtered down into the valley in which the tribe stayed. Thick flakes brushed along our scales; large gusts of wind blew by, causing Amora to hang back further. Nicholas, being a fit mate for her, stayed behind while I led the front.

With three large strokes of my wings, a burst of feathers hit my side, causing my Dragon to roll on our back, the rocky cliffs coming closer. Nipping at the large talons around the base of my neck, an eagle's cry left a black beak. Their eyes were red, thirsting for blood, his head as large as mine if not bigger. The beast was massive, its hind quarters already trying to latch on my hind legs.

Letting out a fire, burnt feathers wafted through the air. The black eagle’s screams had me wince at the severity. My teeth latched onto its neck, rolling the beast with me, hitting the jagged rocks of the cliff. The three talon claws held me by the neck. Shaking my head to rid it of the black spots in my vision, I gained my first look.

Its long furred tail swung behind him with a plume of wiry fur. Feathered wings continued to flap, pushing me deeper into the rocks while they rolled onto me. Gripping my neck with its talons, I growled.

“Let me go!” Shaking about, my Dragon grew in frustration. My belly, consumed by fire, rumbled inside my body to let it out. Never in my life had I been pinned, except for the day I lost my voice. Today would be different. I would not let this predator win.

I realized the feathers, the fur, and the eagle-like head, were the same description my mother had given me of my father. “You!” My Dragon let out a purr. The griffon’s eyes softened upon hearing my plea.

“Father?” I purred again. “Mate to Ondi, I am your son, Creed.” My body relaxed, thinking my father would let me go, but he didn’t. His grip tightens, his beak now trying to peck out my eyes.

“NO!” I growled, using all the strength in me. Silver dust exploded from my scales, causing my father’s beast to choke.